12 research outputs found

    Flexible manufacturing for photonics device assembly

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    The assembly of photonics devices such as laser diodes, optical modulators, and opto-electronics multi-chip modules (OEMCM), usually requires the placement of micron size devices such as laser diodes, and sub-micron precision attachment between optical fibers and diodes or waveguide modulators (usually referred to as pigtailing). This is a very labor intensive process. Studies done by the opto-electronics (OE) industry have shown that 95 percent of the cost of a pigtailed photonic device is due to the use of manual alignment and bonding techniques, which is the current practice in industry. At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, we are working to reduce the cost of packaging OE devices through the use of automation. Our efforts are concentrated on several areas that are directly related to an automated process. This paper will focus on our progress in two of those areas, in particular, an automated fiber pigtailing machine and silicon micro-technology compatible with an automated process

    Innovative mechanism to identify robot alignment in an automation system

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    Robotic applications are commonly used in industrial automation systems. Such systems are often comprised of a series of equipment, including robotic arms, conveyors, a workspace, and fixtures. While each piece of equipment may be calibrated with the highest precision, their alignment in relation to each other is an important issue in defining the accuracy of the system. Currently, a variety of complex automated and manual methods are used to align a robotic arm to a workspace. These methods often use either expensive equipment or are slow and skill-dependent. This paper presents a novel low-cost method for aligning an industrial robot to its workcell at 6 degrees of freedom (DoF). The solution is new, simple and easy to use and intended for the SMEs dealing with low volume, high complexity automated systems. The proposed method uses three dial indicators mounted to a robot end effector and a fixed measurement cube, positioned on a workcell. The robot is pre-programmed for a procedure around the cube. The changes on the dial indicators are used to calculate the misalignment between the robot and the workcell. Despite simplicity of the design, the solution is supported with complex real-time mathematical calculations and proven to identify and eliminate misalignment up to 3mm and 5 degrees to an accuracy of 0.003mm and 0.002 degrees: much higher than the precision required for a conventional industrial robot. In this article, the authors describe a proposed solution, validate the computation both theoretically and through a laboratory test rig and simulation

    Simplified theodolite calibration for robot metrology

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    Theodolites represent a well-established three-dimensional-point-measuring technology. However, when used for robot applications they have to be properly calibrated to fulfil the necessary accuracy requirements. The theodolite calibration methods reported in the literature involve the use of costly sophisticated equipment not easily available to most users. Therefore, a new simplified calibration technique is presented based on the use of a graduated precision bar suspended freely to align with the vertical direction. To develop efficient mathematical models, the theodolites will be regarded as 2R open-ended mechanisms with the end-effector axis directed along the line of sight. The proposed models are then coded in a computer program designed to verify the validity of the technique presented. The simulation results will be presented at the end of the paper

    A technique for the independent-axis calibration of robot manipulators with experimental verification

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    Accurate use of robots in an off-line programming mode is only possible through a proper calibration procedure. In this procedure, the end-effector is made to move along a set of known spatial poses where the positional errors are to be measured and employed in mathematical models. The models are subsequently solved for the manipulator dimensions (geometric parameters) using suitable regression techniques. Calibration is usually performed using either aggregate or independent-axis models. While the aggregate models result in all the system parameters being worked out simultaneously, the independent-axis models are meant to work out the geometric particulars of each joint-axis individually. In the present work, the independent-axis technique is used for the analysis with new mathematical models proposed to overcome the drawbacks of the existing methods. Moreover, the techniques employed here result in the prediction of transmission error functions and the modelling of the joint motion dependencies. This is a new concept in the field of robot calibration. Finally, the models proposed have been used to calibrate an ASEA IRB/L6 robot and the results are reported at the end of the paper