7 research outputs found

    An efficient pattern-less background modeling based on scale invariant local states

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    A robust and efficient background modeling algorithm is crucial to the success of most of the intelligent video surveillance systems. Compared with intensity-based approaches, texture-based background modeling approaches have shown to be more robust against dynamic backgrounds and illumination changes, which are common in real life videos. However, many of the existing texture-based methods are too computationally expensive, which renders them useless in real-time applications. In this paper, a novel efficient texture-based background modeling algorithm is presented. Scale invariant local states (SILS) are introduced as pixel features for modeling a background pixel, and a pattern-less probabilistic measurement (PLPM) is derived to estimate the probability of a pixel being background from its SILS. An adaptive background modeling framework is also introduced for learning and representing a multi-modal background model. Experimental results show that the proposed method can run nearly 3 times faster than existing state-of-the-art texture-based method, without sacrificing the output quality. This allows more time for a real-time surveillance system to carry out other computationally intensive analysis on the detected foreground objects. 漏 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS 2011), Klagenfurt, Austria, 30 Auguist-2 September 2011. In Proceedings of 8th AVSS, 2011, p. 285-29

    Tracking by Prediction: A Deep Generative Model for Mutli-Person localisation and Tracking

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    Current multi-person localisation and tracking systems have an over reliance on the use of appearance models for target re-identification and almost no approaches employ a complete deep learning solution for both objectives. We present a novel, complete deep learning framework for multi-person localisation and tracking. In this context we first introduce a light weight sequential Generative Adversarial Network architecture for person localisation, which overcomes issues related to occlusions and noisy detections, typically found in a multi person environment. In the proposed tracking framework we build upon recent advances in pedestrian trajectory prediction approaches and propose a novel data association scheme based on predicted trajectories. This removes the need for computationally expensive person re-identification systems based on appearance features and generates human like trajectories with minimal fragmentation. The proposed method is evaluated on multiple public benchmarks including both static and dynamic cameras and is capable of generating outstanding performance, especially among other recently proposed deep neural network based approaches.Comment: To appear in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    Identity Retention of Multiple Objects under Extreme Occlusion Scenarios using Feature Descriptors

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    Identity assignment and retention needs multiple object detection and tracking. It plays a vital role in behavior analysis and gait recognition. The objective of Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is to detect, track and retain identities from an image sequence. An occlusion is a major resistance in identity retention. It is a challenging task to handle occlusion while tracking varying number of person in the complex scene using a monocular camera. In MOT, occlusion remains a challenging task in real world applications. This paper uses Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hungarian Assignment (HA) for person detection and tracking. We propose an identity retention algorithm using Rotation Scale and Translation (RST) invariant feature descriptors. In addition, a segmentation based optimum demerge handling algorithm is proposed to retain proper identities under occlusion. The proposed approach is evaluated on a standard surveillance dataset sequences and it achieves 97 % object detection accuracy and 85% tracking accuracy for PETS-S2.L1 sequence and 69.7% accuracy as well as 72.3% precision for Town Centre Sequence

    Multi-object Tracking from the Classics to the Modern

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    Visual object tracking is one of the computer vision problems that has been researched extensively over the past several decades. Many computer vision applications, such as robotics, autonomous driving, and video surveillance, require the capability to track multiple objects in videos. The most popular solution approach to tracking multiple objects follows the tracking-by-detection paradigm in which the problem of tracking is divided into object detection and data association. In data association, track proposals are often generated by extending the object tracks from the previous frame with new detections in the current frame. The association algorithm then utilizes a track scorer or classifier in evaluating track proposals in order to estimate the correspondence between the object detections and object tracks. The goal of this dissertation is to design a track scorer and classifier that accurately evaluates track proposals that are generated during the association step. In this dissertation, I present novel track scorers and track classifiers that make a prediction based on long-term object motion and appearance cues and demonstrate its effectiveness in tracking by utilizing them within existing data association frameworks. First, I present an online learning algorithm that can efficiently train a track scorer based on a long-term appearance model for the classical Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) framework. I show that the classical MHT framework achieves competitive tracking performance even in modern tracking settings in which strong object detector and strong appearance models are available. Second, I present a novel Bilinear LSTM model as a deep, long-term appearance model which is a basis for an end-to-end learned track classifier. The architectural design of Bilinear LSTM is inspired by insights drawn from the classical recursive least squares framework. I incorporate this track classifier into the classical MHT framework in order to demonstrate its effectiveness in object tracking. Third, I present a novel multi-track pooling module that enables the Bilinear LSTM-based track classifier to simultaneously consider all the objects in the scene in order to better handle appearance ambiguities between different objects. I utilize this track classifier in a simple, greedy data association algorithm and achieve real-time, state-of-the-art tracking performance. I evaluate the proposed methods in this dissertation on public multi-object tracking datasets that capture challenging object tracking scenarios in urban areas.Ph.D

    Multi-object tracking in video using labeled random finite sets

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    The safety of industrial mobile platforms (such as fork lifts and boom lifts) is of major concern in the world today as industry embraces the concepts of Industry 4.0. The existing safety methods are predominantly based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and therefore can only determine the distance at which a pedestrian who is wearing an RFID tag is standing. Other methods use expensive laser scanners to map the surrounding and warn the driver accordingly. The aim of this research project is to improve the safety of industrial mobile platforms, by detecting and tracking pedestrians in the path of the mobile platform, using readily available cheap camera modules. In order to achieve this aim, this research focuses on multi-object tracking which is one of the most ubiquitously addressed problems in the field of \textit{Computer Vision}. Algorithms that can track targets under severe conditions, such as varying number of objects, occlusion, illumination changes and abrupt movements of the objects are investigated in this research project. Furthermore, a substantial focus is given to improving the accuracy and, performance and to handling misdetections and false alarms. In order to formulate these algorithms, the recently introduced concept of Random Finite Sets (RFS) is used as the underlying mathematical framework. The algorithms formulated to meet the above criteria were tested on standard visual tracking datasets as well as on a dataset which was created by our research group, for performance and accuracy using standard performance and accuracy metrics that are widely used in the computer vision literature. These results were compared with numerous state-of-the-art methods and are shown to outperform or perform favourably in terms of the metrics mentioned above

    Seguimiento de personas en v铆deo basado en detecci贸n

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es crear un sistema de seguimiento de m煤ltiples personas basado en la combinaci贸n de la informaci贸n proporcionada por un detector de personas y un tracker. Se trata, en primer lugar, de tener un sistema base sobre el que aplicar mejoras en su m贸dulo de asociaci贸n de identidades. Despu茅s de analizar en detalle el estado del arte, se desarrolla un protocolo de evaluaci贸n para determinar el rendimiento del algoritmo a implementar. Para ello, se propone un dataset con diferentes niveles de complejidad y se seleccionan algunas de las m茅tricas m谩s utilizadas por la comunidad investigadora para medir el rendimiento del sistema de seguimiento. Seguidamente, se seleccionan algoritmos de detecci贸n de personas y de seguimiento de objetos, se genera un sistema base de seguimiento de m煤ltiples personas que utiliza un proceso de asociaci贸n de detecciones entre frames consecutivos y se eval煤a el algoritmo implementado utilizando las m茅tricas seleccionadas. Una vez implementado el sistema b谩sico, se a帽aden mejoras al sistema base en su m贸dulo de asociaci贸n de identidades, se eval煤a el nuevo algoritmo y se comparan los nuevos resultados con los resultados obtenidos para el algoritmo anterior para cada una de las combinaciones de detectores de personas y algoritmos de seguimiento seleccionados.Main objective of this project is to create a multiple-person tracking system based on a combination of information provided by a person detector and a tracker. The first goal is to develop a system which can be used as a base where you can implement improvements in its identities association module. After analysing in detail the state of the art, an assessment protocol is developed to evaluate the implemented algorithm鈥檚 performance. In this way, a dataset with different levels of complexity is proposed, and the most frequent state of the art metrics are chosen to measure the performance of the tracking system. Then, people detection and object tracking algorithms are chosen. A base system of multiple-person tracking is generated. It uses a matching process to make the association of detections between consecutive frames. The implemented algorithm is assessed using previously selected metrics. Identities association module is improved after the basic system implementation has been finished. The new algorithm is assessed and the new results are compared with the results obtained for the previous algorithm. It is done for every combination of people detectors and tracking algorithms chosen