166 research outputs found

    A Mouth Full of Words: Visually Consistent Acoustic Redubbing

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    This paper introduces a method for automatic redubbing of video that exploits the many-to-many mapping of phoneme sequences to lip movements modelled as dynamic visemes [1]. For a given utterance, the corresponding dynamic viseme sequence is sampled to construct a graph of possible phoneme sequences that synchronize with the video. When composed with a pronunciation dictionary and language model, this produces a vast number of word sequences that are in sync with the original video, literally putting plausible words into the mouth of the speaker. We demonstrate that traditional, one-to-many, static visemes lack flexibility for this application as they produce significantly fewer word sequences. This work explores the natural ambiguity in visual speech and offers insight for automatic speech recognition and the importance of language modeling

    You said that?

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    We present a method for generating a video of a talking face. The method takes as inputs: (i) still images of the target face, and (ii) an audio speech segment; and outputs a video of the target face lip synched with the audio. The method runs in real time and is applicable to faces and audio not seen at training time. To achieve this we propose an encoder-decoder CNN model that uses a joint embedding of the face and audio to generate synthesised talking face video frames. The model is trained on tens of hours of unlabelled videos. We also show results of re-dubbing videos using speech from a different person.Comment: https://youtu.be/LeufDSb15Kc British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 201


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    Studies have shown that visual features extracted from the lips of a speaker (visemes) can be used to automatically classify the visual representation of phonemes. Different visual features were extracted from the audio-visual recordings of a set of phonemes and used to define Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) functions to classify the phonemes. . Audio-visual recordings from 18 speakers of Native American English for 12 Vowel-Consonant-Vowel (VCV) sounds were obtained using the consonants /b,v,w,ð,d,z/ and the vowels /ɑ,i/. The visual features used in this study were related to the lip height, lip width, motion in upper lips and the rate at which lips move while producing the VCV sequences. Features extracted from half of the speakers were used to design the classifier and features extracted from the other half were used in testing the classifiers.When each VCV sound was treated as an independent class, resulting in 12 classes, the percentage of correct recognition was 55.3% in the training set and 43.1% in the testing set. This percentage increased as classes were merged based on the level of confusion appearing between them in the results. When the same consonants with different vowels were treated as one class, resulting in 6 classes, the percentage of correct classification was 65.2% in the training set and 61.6% in the testing set. This is consistent with psycho-visual experiments in which subjects were unable to distinguish between visemes associated with VCV words with the same consonant but different vowels. When the VCV sounds were grouped into 3 classes, the percentage of correct classification in the training set was 84.4% and 81.1% in the testing set.In the second part of the study, linear discriminant functions were developed for every speaker resulting in 18 different sets of LDA functions. For every speaker, five VCV utterances were used to design the LDA functions, and 3 different VCV utterances were used to test these functions. For the training data, the range of correct classification for the 18 speakers was 90-100% with an average of 96.2%. For the testing data, the range of correct classification was 50-86% with an average of 68%.A step-wise linear discriminant analysis evaluated the contribution of different features towards the dissemination problem. The analysis indicated that classifiers using only the top 7 features in the analysis had a performance drop of 2-5%. The top 7 features were related to the shape of the mouth and the rate of motion of lips when the consonant in the VCV sequence was being produced. Results of this work showed that visual features extracted from the lips can separate the visual representation of phonemes into different classes

    End-to-End Deep Lip-reading: A Preliminary Study

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    Deep lip-reading is the use of deep neural networks to extract speech from silent videos. Most works in lip-reading use a multi staged training approach due to the complex nature of the task. A single stage, end-to-end, unified training approach, which is an ideal of machine learning, is also the goal in lip-reading. However, pure end-to-end systems have so far failed to perform as good as non-end-to-end systems. Some exceptions to this are the very recent Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) based architectures (Martinez et al., 2020; Martinez et al., 2021). This work lays out preliminary study of deep lip-reading, with a special focus on various end-to-end approaches. The research aims to test whether a purely end-to-end approach is justifiable for a task as complex as deep lip-reading. To achieve this, the meaning of pure end-to-end is first defined and several lip-reading systems that follow the definition are analysed. The system that most closely matches the definition is then adapted for pure end-to-end experiments. We make four main contributions: i) An analysis of 9 different end-to-end deep lip-reading systems, ii) Creation and public release of a pipeline to adapt sentence level Lipreading Sentences in the Wild 3 (LRS3) dataset into word level, iii) Pure end-to-end training of a TCN based network and evaluation on LRS3 word-level dataset as a proof of concept, iv) a public online portal to analyse visemes and experiment live end-to-end lip-reading inference. The study is able to verify that pure end-to-end is a sensible approach and an achievable goal for deep machine lip-reading

    End-to-end Lip-reading: A Preliminary Study

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    Deep lip-reading is the combination of the domains of computer vision and natural language processing. It uses deep neural networks to extract speech from silent videos. Most works in lip-reading use a multi staged training approach due to the complex nature of the task. A single stage, end-to-end, unified training approach, which is an ideal of machine learning, is also the goal in lip-reading. However, pure end-to-end systems have not yet been able to perform as good as non-end-to-end systems. Some exceptions to this are the very recent Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) based architectures. This work lays out preliminary study of deep lip-reading, with a special focus on various end-to-end approaches. The research aims to test whether a purely end-to-end approach is justifiable for a task as complex as deep lip-reading. To achieve this, the meaning of pure end-to-end is first defined and several lip-reading systems that follow the definition are analysed. The system that most closely matches the definition is then adapted for pure end-to-end experiments. Four main contributions have been made: i) An analysis of 9 different end-to-end deep lip-reading systems, ii) Creation and public release of a pipeline1 to adapt sentence level Lipreading Sentences in the Wild 3 (LRS3) dataset into word level, iii) Pure end-to-end training of a TCN based network and evaluation on LRS3 word-level dataset as a proof of concept, iv) a public online portal2 to analyse visemes and experiment live end-to-end lip-reading inference. The study is able to verify that pure end-to-end is a sensible approach and an achievable goal for deep machine lip-reading

    Hidden Markov Models for Visual Speech Synthesis in Limited Data

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    This work presents a new approach for estimating control points (facial locations that control movement) to allow the artificial generation of video with apparent mouth movement (visual speech) time-synced with recorded audio. First, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are estimated for each visual speech category (viseme) present in stored video data, where a category is defined as the mouth movement corresponding to a given sound and where the visemes are further categorized as trisemes (a viseme in the context of previous and following visemes). Next, a decision tree is used to cluster and relate states in the HMMs that are similar in a contextual and statistical sense. The tree is also used to estimate HMMs that generate sequences of visual speech control points for trisemes not occurring in the stored data. An experiment is described that evaluates the effect of several algorithm variables, and a statistical analysis is presented that establishes appropriate levels for each variable by minimizing the error between the desired and estimated control points. The analysis indicates that the error is lowest when the process is conducted with three-state left-to right no skip HMMs trained using short-duration dynamic features, a high log-likelihood threshold, and a low outlier threshold. Also, comparisons of mouth shapes generated from the artificial control points and the true control points (estimated from video not used to train the HMMs) indicate that the process provides accurate estimates for most trisemes tested in this work. The research presented here thus establishes a useful method for synthesizing realistic audio-synchronized video facial features

    Decoding visemes: improving machine lip-reading

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    Abstract This thesis is about improving machine lip-reading, that is, the classi�cation of speech from only visual cues of a speaker. Machine lip-reading is a niche research problem in both areas of speech processing and computer vision. Current challenges for machine lip-reading fall into two groups: the content of the video, such as the rate at which a person is speaking or; the parameters of the video recording for example, the video resolution. We begin our work with a literature review to understand the restrictions current technology limits machine lip-reading recognition and conduct an experiment into resolution a�ects. We show that high de�nition video is not needed to successfully lip-read with a computer. The term \viseme" is used in machine lip-reading to represent a visual cue or gesture which corresponds to a subgroup of phonemes where the phonemes are indistinguishable in the visual speech signal. Whilst a viseme is yet to be formally de�ned, we use the common working de�nition `a viseme is a group of phonemes with identical appearance on the lips'. A phoneme is the smallest acoustic unit a human can utter. Because there are more phonemes per viseme, mapping between the units creates a many-to-one relationship. Many mappings have been presented, and we conduct an experiment to determine which mapping produces the most accurate classi�cation. Our results show Lee's [82] is best. Lee's classi�cation also outperforms machine lip-reading systems which use the popular Fisher [48] phonemeto- viseme map. Further to this, we propose three methods of deriving speaker-dependent phonemeto- viseme maps and compare our new approaches to Lee's. Our results show the ii iii sensitivity of phoneme clustering and we use our new knowledge for our �rst suggested augmentation to the conventional lip-reading system. Speaker independence in machine lip-reading classi�cation is another unsolved obstacle. It has been observed, in the visual domain, that classi�ers need training on the test subject to achieve the best classi�cation. Thus machine lip-reading is highly dependent upon the speaker. Speaker independence is the opposite of this, or in other words, is the classi�cation of a speaker not present in the classi�er's training data. We investigate the dependence of phoneme-to-viseme maps between speakers. Our results show there is not a high variability of visual cues, but there is high variability in trajectory between visual cues of an individual speaker with the same ground truth. This implies a dependency upon the number of visemes within each set for each individual. Finally, we investigate how many visemes is the optimum number within a set. We show the phoneme-to-viseme maps in literature rarely have enough visemes and the optimal number, which varies by speaker, ranges from 11 to 35. The last di�culty we address is decoding from visemes back to phonemes and into words. Traditionally this is completed using a language model. The language model unit is either: the same as the classi�er, e.g. visemes or phonemes; or the language model unit is words. In a novel approach we use these optimum range viseme sets within hierarchical training of phoneme labelled classi�ers. This new method of classi�er training demonstrates signi�cant increase in classi�cation with a word language network