70,024 research outputs found

    Virus interactions with human signal transduction pathways

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    Abstract: Viruses depend on their hosts at every stage of their life cycles and must therefore communicate with them via Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs). To investigate the mechanisms of communication by different viruses, we overlay reported pairwise human-virus PPIs on human signalling pathways. Of 671 pathways obtained from NCI and Reactome databases, 355 are potentially targeted by at least one virus. The majority of pathways are linked to more than one virus. We find evidence supporting the hypothesis that viruses often interact with different proteins depending on the targeted pathway. Pathway analysis indicates overrepresentation of some pathways targeted by viruses. The merged network of the most statistically significant pathways shows several centrally located proteins, which are also hub proteins. Generally, hub proteins are targeted more frequently by viruses. Numerous proteins in virus-targeted pathways are known drug targets, suggesting that these might be exploited as potential new approaches to treatments against multiple viruses. Keywords: systems biology; protein-protein interaction networks; host-pathogen interactions; protein function; signal transduction; human immunodeficiency virus-1; human papillomavirus; bovine papillomavirus; Epstein-Barr virus; human herpesvirus. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Zhao, Z., Xia, J., Tastan, O., Singh, I., Kshirsagar, M., Carbonell, J. and Klein-Seetharaman, J

    A Systemic Receptor Network Triggered by Human cytomegalovirus Entry

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    Virus entry is a multistep process that triggers a variety of cellular pathways interconnecting into a complex network, yet the molecular complexity of this network remains largely unsolved. Here, by employing systems biology approach, we reveal a systemic virus-entry network initiated by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a widespread opportunistic pathogen. This network contains all known interactions and functional modules (i.e. groups of proteins) coordinately responding to HCMV entry. The number of both genes and functional modules activated in this network dramatically declines shortly, within 25 min post-infection. While modules annotated as receptor system, ion transport, and immune response are continuously activated during the entire process of HCMV entry, those for cell adhesion and skeletal movement are specifically activated during viral early attachment, and those for immune response during virus entry. HCMV entry requires a complex receptor network involving different cellular components, comprising not only cell surface receptors, but also pathway components in signal transduction, skeletal development, immune response, endocytosis, ion transport, macromolecule metabolism and chromatin remodeling. Interestingly, genes that function in chromatin remodeling are the most abundant in this receptor system, suggesting that global modulation of transcriptions is one of the most important events in HCMV entry. Results of in silico knock out further reveal that this entire receptor network is primarily controlled by multiple elements, such as EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor) and SLC10A1 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter family, member 1). Thus, our results demonstrate that a complex systemic network, in which components coordinating efficiently in time and space contributes to virus entry.Comment: 26 page

    Identification of novel small molecule inhibitors of adenovirus gene transfer using a high throughput screening approach

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    Due to many favourable attributes adenoviruses (Ads) are the most extensively used vectors for clinical gene therapy applications. However, following intravascular administration, the safety and efficacy of Ad vectors are hampered by the strong hepatic tropism and induction of a potent immune response. Such effects are determined by a range of complex interactions including those with neutralising antibodies, blood cells and factors, as well as binding to native cellular receptors (coxsackie adenovirus receptor (CAR), integrins). Once in the bloodstream, coagulation factor X (FX) has a pivotal role in determining Ad liver transduction and viral immune recognition. Due to difficulties in generating a vector devoid of multiple receptor binding motifs, we hypothesised that a small molecule inhibitor would be of value. Here, a pharmacological approach was implemented to block adenovirus transduction pathways. We developed a high throughput screening (HTS) platform to identify the small molecule inhibitors of FX-mediated Ad5 gene transfer. Using an in vitro fluorescence and cell-based HTS, we evaluated 10,240 small molecules. Following sequential rounds of screening, three compounds, T5424837, T5550585 and T5660138 were identified that ablated FX-mediated Ad5 transduction with low micromolar potency. The candidate molecules possessed common structural features and formed part of the one pharmacophore model. Focused, mini-libraries were generated with structurally related molecules and in vitro screening revealed novel hits with similar or improved efficacy. The compounds did not interfere with Ad5:FX engagement but acted at a subsequent step by blocking efficient intracellular transport of the virus. In vivo, T5660138 and its closely related analogue T5660136 significantly reduced Ad5 liver transgene expression at 48 h post-intravenous administration of a high viral dose (1 × 10<sup>11</sup> vp/mouse). Therefore, this study identifies novel and potent small molecule inhibitors of the Ad5 transduction which may have applications in the Ad gene therapy setting

    HIV-1 Activates T Cell Signaling Independently of Antigen to Drive Viral Spread

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    open access articleHIV-1 spreads between CD4 T cells most efficiently through virus-induced cell-cell contacts. To test whether this process potentiates viral spread by activating signaling pathways, we developed an approach to analyze the phosphoproteome in infected and uninfected mixed-population T cells using differential metabolic labeling and mass spectrometry. We discovered HIV-1-induced activation of signaling networks during viral spread encompassing over 200 cellular proteins. Strikingly, pathways downstream of the T cell receptor were the most significantly activated, despite the absence of canonical antigen-dependent stimulation. The importance of this pathway was demonstrated by the depletion of proteins, and we show that HIV-1 Env-mediated cell-cell contact, the T cell receptor, and the Src kinase Lck were essential for signaling-dependent enhancement of viral dissemination. This study demonstrates that manipulation of signaling at immune cell contacts by HIV-1 is essential for promoting virus replication and defines a paradigm for antigen-independent T cell signaling

    Bio-Communication of Bacteria and its Evolutionary Interrelations to Natural Genome Editing Competences of Viruses

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    Communicative competences enable bacteria to develop, organise and coordinate rich social life with a great variety of behavioral patterns even in which they organise themselves like multicellular organisms. They have existed for almost four billion years and still survive, being part of the most dramatic changes in evolutionary history such as DNA invention, cellular life, invention of nearly all protein types, partial constitution of eukaryotic cells, vertical colonisation of all eukaryotes, high adaptability through horizontal gene transfer and co-operative multispecies colonisation of all ecological niches. Recent research demonstrates that these bacterial competences derive from the aptitude of viruses for natural genome editing. 
	In contrast to a book which would be the appropriate space to outline in depth all communicative pathways inherent in bacterial life in this current article I want to give an overview for a broader readership over the great variety of bacterial bio-communication: In a first step I describe how they interpret and coordinate, what semiochemical vocabulary they share and which goals they try to reach. In a second stage I describe the main categories of sign-mediated interactions between bacterial and non-bacterial organisms, and between bacteria of the same or related species. In a third stage I will focus on the relationship between bacteria and their obligate settlers, i.e. viruses. We will see that bacteria are important hosts for multiviral colonisation and virally-determined order of nucleic acid sequences.


    Vaccinia virus protein A46R targets multiple Toll-like-interleukin-1 receptor adaptors and contributes to virulence

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    Viral immune evasion strategies target key aspects of the host antiviral response. Recently, it has been recognized that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a role in innate defense against viruses. Here, we define the function of the vaccinia virus (VV) protein A46R and show it inhibits intracellular signalling by a range of TLRs. TLR signalling is triggered by homotypic interactions between the Toll-like-interleukin-1 resistance (TIR) domains of the receptors and adaptor molecules. A46R contains a TIR domain and is the only viral TIR domain-containing protein identified to date. We demonstrate that A46R targets the host TIR adaptors myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), MyD88 adaptor-like, TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-beta (TRIF), and the TRIF-related adaptor molecule and thereby interferes with downstream activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and nuclear factor kappaB. TRIF mediates activation of interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and induction of IFN-beta by TLR3 and TLR4 and suppresses VV replication in macrophages. Here, A46R disrupted TRIF-induced IRF3 activation and induction of the TRIF-dependent gene regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted. Furthermore, we show that A46R is functionally distinct from another described VV TLR inhibitor, A52R. Importantly, VV lacking the A46R gene was attenuated in a murine intranasal model, demonstrating the importance of A46R for VV virulence

    Patchy Amphiphilic Dendrimers Bind Adenovirus and Control Its Host Interactions and in Vivo Distribution

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    The surface of proteins is heterogeneous with sophisticated but precise hydrophobic and hydrophilic patches, which is essential for their diverse biological functions. To emulate such distinct surface patterns on macromolecules, we used rigid spherical synthetic dendrimers (polyphenylene dendrimers) to provide controlled amphiphilic surface patches with molecular precision. We identified an,. I optimal spatial arrangement of these patches on certain dendrimers that enabled their interaction with human adenovirus 5 (Ads). Patchy dendrimers bound to the surface of Ads formed a synthetic polymer corona that greatly altered various host interactions of Ads as well as in vivo distribution. The dendrimer corona (1) improved the ability of Ad5-derived gene transfer vectors to transduce cells deficient for the primary Ad5 cell membrane receptor and (2) modulated the binding of Ads to blood coagulation factor X, one of the most critical virus host interactions in the bloodstream. It significantly enhanced the transduction efficiency of Ad5 while also protecting it from neutralization by natural antibodies and the complement system in human whole blood. Ads with a synthetic dendrimer corona revealed profoundly altered in vivo distribution, improved transduction of heart, and dampened vector sequestration by liver and spleen. We propose the design of bioactive polymers that bind protein surfaces solely based on their amphiphilic surface patches and protect against a naturally occurring protein corona, which is highly attractive to improve Ad5-based in vivo gene therapy applications

    Lymphotoxins and cytomegalovirus cooperatively induce interferon-beta, establishing host-virus détente

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related cytokines regulate cell death and survival and provide strong selective pressures for viruses, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), to evolve counterstrategies in order to persist in immune-competent hosts. Signaling by the lymphotoxin (LT)-β receptor or TNF receptor-1, but not Fas or TRAIL receptors, inhibits the cytopathicity and replication of human CMV by a nonapoptotic, reversible process that requires nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)-dependent induction of interferon-β (IFN-β). Efficient induction of IFN-β requires virus infection and LT signaling, demonstrating the need for both host and viral factors in the curtailment of viral replication without cellular elimination. LTα-deficient mice and LTβR-Fc transgenic mice were profoundly susceptible to murine CMV infection. Together, these results reveal an essential and conserved role for LTs in establishing host defense to CMV