3 research outputs found

    One size does not fit all : accelerating OLAP workloads with GPUs

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    GPU has been considered as one of the next-generation platforms for real-time query processing databases. In this paper we empirically demonstrate that the representative GPU databases [e.g., OmniSci (Open Source Analytical Database & SQL Engine,, 2019)] may be slower than the representative in-memory databases [e.g., Hyper (Neumann and Leis, IEEE Data Eng Bull 37(1):3-11, 2014)] with typical OLAP workloads (with Star Schema Benchmark) even if the actual dataset size of each query can completely fit in GPU memory. Therefore, we argue that GPU database designs should not be one-size-fits-all; a general-purpose GPU database engine may not be well-suited for OLAP workloads without careful designed GPU memory assignment and GPU computing locality. In order to achieve better performance for GPU OLAP, we need to re-organize OLAP operators and re-optimize OLAP model. In particular, we propose the 3-layer OLAP model to match the heterogeneous computing platforms. The core idea is to maximize data and computing locality to specified hardware. We design the vector grouping algorithm for data-intensive workload which is proved to be assigned to CPU platform adaptive. We design the TOP-DOWN query plan tree strategy to guarantee the optimal operation in final stage and pushing the respective optimizations to the lower layers to make global optimization gains. With this strategy, we design the 3-stage processing model (OLAP acceleration engine) for hybrid CPU-GPU platform, where the computing-intensive star-join stage is accelerated by GPU, and the data-intensive grouping & aggregation stage is accelerated by CPU. This design maximizes the locality of different workloads and simplifies the GPU acceleration implementation. Our experimental results show that with vector grouping and GPU accelerated star-join implementation, the OLAP acceleration engine runs 1.9x, 3.05x and 3.92x faster than Hyper, OmniSci GPU and OmniSci CPU in SSB evaluation with dataset of SF = 100.Peer reviewe

    Fusion OLAP : Fusing the Pros of MOLAP and ROLAP Together for In-memory OLAP

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    OLAP models can be categorized with two types: MOLAP (multidimensional OLAP) and ROLAP (relational OLAP). In particular, MOLAP is efficient in multidimensional computing at the cost of cube maintenance, while ROLAP reduces the data storage size at the cost of expensive multidimensional join operations. In this paper, we propose a novel Fusion OLAP model to fuse the multidimensional computing model and relational storage model together to make the best aspects of both MOLAP and ROLAP worlds. This is achieved by mapping the relation tables into virtual multidimensional model and binding the multidimensional operations into a set of vector indexes to enable multidimensional computing on relation tables. The Fusion OLAP model can be integrated into the state-of-the-art in-memory databases with additional surrogate key indexes and vector indexes. We compared the Fusion OLAP implementations with three leading analytical in-memory databases. Our comprehensive experimental results show that Fusion OLAP implementation can achieve up to 35, 365, and 169 percent performance improvements based on the Hyper, Vectorwise, and MonetDB databases, respectively, for the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) with scale factor 100.Peer reviewe

    Virtual Denormalization via Array Index Reference for Main Memory OLAP

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    Denormalization is a common tactic for enhancing performance of data warehouses, though its side-effect is quite obvious. Besides being confronted with update abnormality, denormalization has to consume additional storage space. As a result, this tactic is rarely used in main memory databases, which regards storage space, i.e. RAM, as scarce resource. Nevertheless, our research reveals that main memory database can benefit enormously from denormalization, as it is able to remarkably simplify the query processing plans and reduce the computation cost. In this paper, we present A-Store, a main memory OLAP engine customized for star/snowflake schemas. Instead of generating fully materialized denormalization, A-Store resorts to virtual denormalization by treating array indexes as primary keys. This design allows us to harvest the benefit of denormalization without sacrificing additional RAM space. A-Store uses a generic query processing model for all SPJGA queries. It applies a number of state-of-the-art optimization methods, such as vectorized scan and aggregation, to achieve superior performance. Our experiments show that A-Store outperforms the most prestigious MMDB systems significantly in star/snowflake schema based query processing