15,464 research outputs found

    Identifying the effects of human factors and training methods on a weld training program

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    The purpose of this research was to enhance the welding training programs in technical colleges, post-secondary institutions, and industry to prepare certified welders. This dissertation contains three papers: (1) a study describing the ability of dexterity to predict future performance in beginning welders, (2) a study identifying the ability of virtual reality welding simulation to reduce the amount of anxiety experienced by beginning welders when completing test welds, and (3) a descriptive study assessing the ability of virtual reality welding simulations to evaluate seasoned welders. With a high demand for certified welders, training programs need efficient methods of preparing certified welders. It was concluded that all welding training participants experienced anxiety during test welds. In addition, the more a participant used the virtual reality welding simulator, the more the participant experienced anxiety during completion of test welds. This implies that a virtual reality integrated welding training program will reduce anxiety better than a 100% virtual reality training program. The use of virtual reality welding simulations may lead to heightened interest in welding among members of the gaming generation, which could lead to influx of individuals wanting to become welders. With increased numbers of potential welding trainees also comes an increase in cost of training (Mavrikios, Karabatsou, Fragos, & Chryssolouris, 2006). This increase in training cost has led welding training programs to look for criteria by which to select trainees. Dexterity has been documented as a needed skill among certified welders (Giachino & Weeks, 1985). Using the Complete Minnesota Dexterity Test, dexterity could predict future performance for simple welds (2F - horizontal fillet weld and 1G - flat groove weld). This implies that training programs that prepare trainees to become certified in the 2F and 1G weld types can use dexterity as a criterion for selecting potential trainees. Industry must also create a more efficient method of evaluating seasoned welders. The third article of the dissertation concluded that virtual reality welding simulations can distinguish between novice and seasoned welders. The conclusions from the three articles can be used to modify and improve welding training programs in technical colleges, four-year institutions, and industry to prepare certified welders

    Reducing Beginning Welders’ Anxiety by Integrating Virtual Reality Simulations

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    This study examined the use of virtual reality to reduce the anxiety of individuals in a welding training program. Byrd and Anderson (2012) posited that with the need for welders finding a more efficient way of training has become a necessity. With the multiple safety concerns related to the welding profession numerous triggers of anxiety are present. This study utilized the VRTEX® 360 virtual reality welding simulator to examine if virtual reality could reduce anxiety in welders. Several training programs were utilized that integrated the virtual reality welding simulator. Researchers recorded anxiety related measures by utilizing a BioHarness® data logger system. Live readings were recorded via the BioHarness® and a laptop. The measures that were collected related to anxiety included heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature, and pulse. Participants were also video recorded during the completion of test welds to help aid in identifying triggers of anxiety during the welding process. It can be concluded that all participants experienced anxiety during the completion of test welds and it affected the ability to produce a passing weldment. This implies that if industry can reduce the amount of anxiety trainees would experience it may lead to a higher percentage of welding certifications

    The Use of Virtual Welding Simulators to Evaluate Experienced Welders

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    Virtual reality welding simulations have been, and continue to be, a trend in welding training programs. The goal of this study was to examine the use of virtual reality simulations as an assessment tool for existing welders. This study used a virtual reality welding simulator, VRTEX® 360, to assess the existing skills of experienced and trained novice welders. This study also used the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process to perform simple and complex welds. Performance was evaluated through a quality score, which was based on the following five welding parameters: arc length, position, work angle, travel angle, and travel speed. The virtual reality welding simulator was able to evaluate performance, but it could not distinguish between experienced and trained novice welders. On average, experienced welders as a group scored 10 quality points higher than trained novice welders. Welding experience also had a large to very large effect on the quality score for each weld type. One identified trend for both experienced and trained novice welders was as weld difficulty increased, the quality score decreased. It is recommended that industries use virtual reality simulators to evaluate welders for ensuring high­quality welding in production practices

    A Learning Evaluation for an Immersive Virtual Laboratory for Technical Training applied into a Welding Workshop

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the results of welding virtual training performance, designed using a learning model based on cognitive and usability techniques, applying an immersive concept focused on person attention. Moreover, it also intended to demonstrate that exits a moderating effect of performance improvement when the user experience is taken as a feed-back for the student. The results can provide important information to increase the operator performance during the training of welding complex machines to reduce accidents and waste of test material. Keywords: Immersion, Training, Usability, Virtual Reality, Weldin

    ARC+(Registered Trademark) and ARC PC Welding Simulators: Teach Welders with Virtual Interactive 3D Technologies

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    123 Certification Inc., a Montreal based company, has developed an innovative hands-on welding simulator solution to help build the welding workforce in the most simple way. The solution lies in virtual reality technology, which has been fully tested since the early 90's. President and founder of 123 Certification Inc., Mr. Claude Choquet Ing. Msc. IWE. acts as a bridge between the welding and the programming world. Working in these fields for more than 20 years. he has filed 12 patents world-wide for a gesture control platform with leading edge hardware related to simulation. In the summer of 2006. Mr Choquet was proud to be invited to the annual IIW International Weld ing Congress in Quebec City to launch the ARC+ welding simulator. A 100% virtual reality system and web based training center was developed to simulate multi process. multi-materiaL multi-position and multi pass welding. The simulator is intended to train welding students and apprentices in schools or industries. The welding simulator is composed of a real welding e[eetrode holder (SMAW-GTAW) and gun (GMAW-FCAW). a head mounted display (HMD), a 6 degrees of freedom tracking system for interaction between the user's hands and head. as well as external audio speakers. Both guns and HMD are interacting online and simultaneously. The welding simulation is based on the law of physics and empirical results from detailed analysis of a series of welding tests based on industrial applications tested over the last 20 years. The simulation runs in real-time, using a local logic network to determine the quality and shape of the created weld. These results are based on the orientation distance. and speed of the welding torch and depth of penetration. The welding process and resulting weld bc.1d are displayed in a virtual environment with screenplay interactive training modules. For review. weld quality and recorded process values can be displayed and diagnosed after welding. To help in the le.tming process, a learning curve for each student and each Virtual Welding Class'" can be plotted, for an instructor's review or a required third party evaluation

    Full Virtual Reality vs. Integrated Virtual Reality Training in Welding

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    This study demonstrates that both fully virtual and virtual reality (VR) integrated into real-world training programs are appropriate for use in the domain of welding training, depending on the level of task difficulty. Performance differences were virtually indistinguishable between participants in the fully virtual and the integrated training group at the low and medium weld difficulty levels. At the highest level of difficulty, it became apparent that the VR system was no longer solely sufficient for training. This study also tracked the usage patterns for the visual aids used in the VR simulator. These optional aids were presented to the users as overlays near the image of the weld as it was formed. Patterns observed suggest that the proper selection of certain overlays at certain stages during training was an indicator of success in both groups

    Virtual Reality Applied to Welder Training

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    Welding is a challenging, risky, and time-consuming profession. Recently, there has been a documented shortage of trained welders, and as a result, the market is pushing for an increase in the rate at which new professionals are trained. To address this growing demand, training institutions are exploring alternative methods to train future professionals with the goals of improving learner retention of information, shortening training periods, and lowering associated expenses. The emergence of virtual reality technologies has led to initiatives to explore their potential for welding training. Multiple studies have suggested that virtual reality training delivers comparable, or even superior, results when compared to more conventional approaches, with shorter training times and reduced costs in consumables. Additionally, virtual reality allows trainees to try out different approaches to their work. The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop a virtual reality welding simulator. To achieve this objective effectively, the creation of a classification system capable of identifying the simulator’s key characteristics becomes imperative. Therefore, the secondary objective of this thesis is to develop a classification system for the accurate evaluation and comparison of virtual reality welding simulators. Regarding the virtual reality welding simulation, the HTC VIVE Pro 2 virtual reality equipment was employed, to transfer the user’s action from the physical to the virtual world. Within this virtual environment, it was introduced a suite of welding tools and integrated a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulator to mimic the weld creation. After conducting comprehensive testing that revealed certain limitations in welding quality and in the simulator performance, the project opted to incorporate a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulator. The development of the CFD simulator proved to be a formidable challenge, and regrettably, its complete implementation was unattainable. Nevertheless, the project delved into three distinct grid architectures, from these, the dynamic grid was ultimately implemented. It also proficiently integrated two crucial solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations. These functions were implemented in the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), to improve their efficiency. Upon comparing GPU and Central Processing Unit (CPU) performance, the project highlighted the substantial computational advantages of GPUs and the advantages it brings to fluid simulations.A soldadura é uma profissão exigente, perigosa e que requer um grande investimento de tempo para alcançar resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente, tem sido registada uma falta de profissionais qualificados na área da soldadura. Como resultado, o mer cado está a pressionar para um aumento do ritmo a que os novos trabalhadores são formados. Para responder a esta crescente procura, as instituições de formação estão a explorar métodos alternativos para formar futuros profissionais, com o objetivo de melhorar a retenção de informação, encurtar os períodos de treino e reduzir as despe sas associadas. Com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias nas áreas de realidade virtual e realidade aumentada, têm surgido iniciativas para explorar o potencial destas na formação de soldadura. Vários estudos sugeriram que a formação em realidade virtual proporciona resultados comparáveis, ou mesmo superiores, aos de abordagens mais convencionais, com tempos de formação mais curtos e reduções nos custos de consumíveis. Além disso, a realidade virtual permite aos formandos experimentar diferentes abordagens ao seu trabalho. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um simulador de soldadura em realidade virtual. Para atingir este objetivo de forma eficaz, torna-se imperativa a criação de um sistema de classificação capaz de identificar as características chave do simulador. Assim, o objetivo secundário desta dissertação é desenvolver um sistema de classificação para a avaliação e comparação precisas de simuladores de soldadura em realidade virtual. Relativamente ao simulador de soldadura em realidade virtual, foi utilizado o kit de realidade virtual HTC VIVE Pro 2, para transferir as ações do utilizador no mundo físico para o mundo virtual. No ambiente virtual, foi introduzido um con junto de ferramentas de soldadura e integrado um simulador de Hidrodinâmica de Partículas Suavizadas para simular a criação da solda. Após a realização de testes exaustivos que revelaram algumas limitações na qualidade da solda e no desempenho do simulador, o projeto optou por incorporar um simulador de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD). O desenvolvimento do simulador CFD revelou-se um desa fio formidável e, infelizmente, não foi possível completar a sua implementação. No entanto, o projeto aprofundou três arquiteturas de grelha distintas, das quais foi implementada a grelha dinâmica. O projeto também implementou duas funções cru ciais para resolver as equações de Navier-Stokes. As funções relativas ao simulador de fluidos foram implementadas na Unidade de Processamento Gráfico (GPU), a fim de melhorar a sua eficiência. Ao comparar o desempenho da GPU com o da Unidade Central de Processamento (CPU), o projeto evidenciou os beneficios computacionais das GPUs e as vantagens que trazem para as simulações de fluidos

    The Infrastructure of an Integrated Virtual Reality Environment for International Space Welding Experiment

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    This study is a continuation of the summer research of 1995 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. This effort is to provide the infrastructure of an integrated Virtual Reality (VR) environment for the International Space Welding Experiment (ISWE) Analytical Tool and Trainer and the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) Analytical Tool study. Due to the unavailability of the MSG CAD files and the 3D-CAD converter, little was done to the MSG study. However, the infrastructure of the integrated VR environment for ISWE is capable of performing the MSG study when the CAD files become available. Two primary goals are established for this research. First, the essential peripheral devices for an integrated VR environment will be studied and developed for the ISWE and MSG studies. Secondly, the training of the flight crew (astronaut) in general orientation, procedures, and location, orientation, and sequencing of the welding samples and tools are built into the VR system for studying the welding process and training the astronaut
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