6 research outputs found

    Video ergo sum: an artist’s thoughts on inventing with computer technology in the creation of artworks

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    Abstract: The computer, while not a new concept, has in its modern form transformed the way we disseminate ideas, interact with one another and enhanced our capacity to acquire information. From the artist’s perspective digital imaging presents opportunities for visual invention and challenges in how visual form is mediated. In my artwork I use the computer as a means to create imagery that would not be possible without its use, and that enables exploration of an artificially created space that enhances spatial awareness and challenges our perception of what we encounter

    Tulevaisuuden Videoneuvottelutilanne

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    Tutustuminen tulevaisuuden videoneuvottelutiloihin käyttämällä apuna teollisen muotoilun opintokokonaisuudella saatua tietoa nykyisten videoneuvottelutilojen ongelmista. Tutustuminen tulevaisuuteen liittyviin konseptointimalleihin ja niiden hyödyntäminen suunnittelussa olivat avainasia. Näitä malleja olivat ratkaiseva-, määrittelevä-, kehittävä- ja visioiva konseptointi. Työ alkoi selvittämällä nykyisten videoneuvottelutilojen ongelmia käyttäjäkyselyllä ja analysoimalla tuloksia. Seuraavassa vaiheessa tehtiin tiedonhankintaa tulevaisuuden konseptoinneista ja päädyttiin niistä kauimmaiseen eli visioivaan konseptointiin. Visioivaan konseptiin liitettiin neljä käsitettä: telexistence, virtuaalitilat, robotiikka ja nanoteknologia. Kattavin konseptointi tehtiin nanoteknologiasta, joka on työn pääaihe. Tiedosta koottiin raportti ja sitä havainnollistettiin luonnoksilla. Nanoteknologian konseptiin kuuluvat liiketaloudelliset näkökannat, ongelmien esiintuominen ja konseptin esittely. Syntyi konsepti ihmisen sisällä olevista nanokoneista, jotka suorittavat videoneuvottelutilanteen ihmisten aivojen välillä.The aim of the final project with thesis was to outline future video conferences based on the knowledge of the problems in present day conferences. Key points were to get acquainted with future related concept models and using those concepts in designing. The models are called solving, defining, emerging and visioning. First, problems with present video conferencing rooms were studied with the help of a user questionnaire. The second phase consisted of acquisition of data about future concepts, which ended up to the furthest one called the visioning concept. Terms connected to the visioning concept were telexistence, virtual reality, robotics and nanotechnology. The most extensive concepting was carried out on nanotechnology which provides the main topic of the thesis. Finally, a report with sketches was produced. The introduction of the concept of nanotechnology includes view points from business economy, bringing out the problems and presenting the concept. The concept of nanomachines inside human bodies accomplishing a video conference between human brains was created

    Playful haptic environment for engaging visually impaired learners with geometric shapes

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    This thesis asserts that modern developments in technology have not been used as extensively as they could to aid blind people in their learning objectives. The same could also be said of many aspects of other areas of their lives. In particular in many countries blind students are discouraged from learning mathematics because of the intrinsically visual nature of many of the topics and particularly geometry. For many young people mathematics is also not a subject that is easily or willingly tackled. The research presented here has thus sort to answer whether a playful haptic environment could be developed which would be attractive to blind users to learn and interact with geometric concepts. In the study a software tool using a haptic interface was developed with certain playful characteristics. The environment developed sought to give the blind users practice in interacting with three dimensional geometric shapes and the investigation of the size of these shapes and their cross-section. The playful elements were enhanced by adding elements of competition such as scores and time limits which promote competition between the users. The tests have shown that blind users can easily use the system to learn about three dimensional shapes and that practice increases their confidence in recognising shape and size of these objects

    Playful haptic environment for engaging visually impaired learners with geometric shapes

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    This thesis asserts that modern developments in technology have not been used as extensively as they could to aid blind people in their learning objectives. The same could also be said of many aspects of other areas of their lives. In particular in many countries blind students are discouraged from learning mathematics because of the intrinsically visual nature of many of the topics and particularly geometry. For many young people mathematics is also not a subject that is easily or willingly tackled. The research presented here has thus sort to answer whether a playful haptic environment could be developed which would be attractive to blind users to learn and interact with geometric concepts. In the study a software tool using a haptic interface was developed with certain playful characteristics. The environment developed sought to give the blind users practice in interacting with three dimensional geometric shapes and the investigation of the size of these shapes and their cross-section. The playful elements were enhanced by adding elements of competition such as scores and time limits which promote competition between the users. The tests have shown that blind users can easily use the system to learn about three dimensional shapes and that practice increases their confidence in recognising shape and size of these objects

    Virtual Reality and Telexistence

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    Virtual reality and telexistence

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