4 research outputs found

    Integrating Virtual Laboratory From Conventional Lab Into Vocational High School To Facilitate Practicum Activity

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    The success of workers in the electronic field is not only determined by the mastery of hard skills but also of soft skills. The soft skills can reach by using an Information Technology (IT) through multimedia. A New technology introduced based on virtual laboratory for training activity. Virtual laboratory usually combined visual and audio mode, and therefore need the active participation of the students to enhance the understanding of the learning materials. The software for building virtual laboratory is written by using Macromedia Flash MX, 3-D Max, where animation was used to raise the users’ interest. The development of virtual laboratory was involved in development of instructional designing model (ID model). The development of the virtual laboratory will used the theory of constructive, cognitive and contextual for Student in Vocational Education by the cognitive domain in Bloom Taxonomy to strengthen cognitive skill. Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, vocational high school, Practicum Activit

    Perancanangan Dan Implementasi Virtual Private Network Menggunakan Hirarki Multi Protokcol Label Switching Dengan Sekuriti IPSEC

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    Multi Protocol Label Switching adalah protokol yang dirancang untuk melakukan forwarding paket dengan cepat dan lebih sederhana dengan cara menggunakan label untuk mengganti kompleksitas analisa header paket. MPLS mendukung hirarki label yaitu mengenkapsulasi label dengan label yang lain yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat tunneling dalam teknologi Virtual Private Network. MP LS tidak memberikan feature keamanan pengiriman data sehingga dibutuhkan mekanisme tambahan untuk mengamankan data. IPSec adalah salah satu protokol keamanan yang paling dikenal. Dalam impementasi ini, node-node yang membentuk Virtual Private Network dikonfigurasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat membentuk sebuah Virtual Private Network berbasis Multi Protocol Label Switching dan membentuk pasangan JPSec Gateway yang menangani proses enkripsi data dan autentifikasi host pasangannya. Uji coba dilakukan untuk menganalisa fimgsi keamanan pengiriman data dan autentifikasi node-node yang melakukan koneksi Virtual Private Network. Juga untuk melihat bagaimana IPSec melakukan automatic keying yang berfungsi untuk mengganti key-key yang digunakan untuk melakukan enkripsi secara periodik agar lebih meningkatkan keamanan pengiriman data

    QoS Parameters Evaluation in a VPN-MPLS Diffserv Network under a Complete Free Software Emulation Environment

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    The use of Virtual Private Network – Multi Protocol Label Switching (VPN-MPLS) networks has become very common inside enterprises thanks to their multiple advantages; such as, the private communication across a public network infrastructure between geographically diverse sites. This leads to a need for an efficient network in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) to guarantee reliability and security of information. However, the implementation of a VPN-MPLS network is neither easy nor cheap for small and medium companies; hence, in most cases, it is required the use of emulators that are not free either. In this paper, we analyze a VPN-MPLS network in terms of QoS metrics: delay, jitter and packet loss. This evaluation was performed in a virtual environment using only free software tools under two test scenarios, with and without Differentiated Services (DiffServ). The results showed that a VPN-MPLS DiffServ network reduces the delay by approximately 96.78% in VoIP, 39.21% in Data and 66.83% in Streaming; furthermore, the jitter was reduced by approximately 27.88% in VoIP and 41.09% in Data