31,829 research outputs found

    Improving quality-of-service in cloud/fog computing through efficient resource allocation

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    Recently, a massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud has been recorded in the IT world. One of the challenges of cloud computing is Quality-of-Service management, which includes the adoption of appropriate methods for allocating cloud-user applications to virtual resources, and virtual resources to the physical resources. The effective allocation of resources in cloud data centers is also one of the vital optimization problems in cloud computing, particularly when the cloud service infrastructures are built by lightweight computing devices. In this paper, we formulate and present the task allocation and virtual machine placement problems in a single cloud/fog computing environment, and propose a task allocation algorithmic solution and a Genetic Algorithm Based Virtual Machine Placement as solutions for the task allocation and virtual machine placement problem models. Finally, the experiments are carried out and the results show that the proposed solutions improve Quality-of-Service in the cloud/fog computing environment in terms of the allocation cost

    Virtual Machine Allocation Policy in Cloud Computing Environment using CloudSim

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    Cloud computing has been widely accepted by the researchers for the web applications. During the past years, distributed computing replaced the centralized computing and finally turned towards the cloud computing. One can see lots of applications of cloud computing like online sale and purchase, social networking web pages, country wide virtual classes, digital libraries, sharing of pathological research labs, supercomputing and many more. Creating and allocating VMs to applications use virtualization concept. Resource allocates policies and load balancing polices play an important role in managing and allocating resources as per application request in a cloud computing environment. Cloud analyst is a GUI tool that simulates the cloud-computing environment. In the present work, the cloud servers are arranged through step network and a UML model for a minimization of energy consumption by processor, dynamic random access memory, hard disk, electrical components and mother board is developed. A well Unified Modeling Language is used for design of a class diagram. Response time and internet characteristics have been demonstrated and computed results are depicted in the form of tables and graphs using the cloud analyst simulation tool

    EPOBF: Energy Efficient Allocation of Virtual Machines in High Performance Computing Cloud

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    Cloud computing has become more popular in provision of computing resources under virtual machine (VM) abstraction for high performance computing (HPC) users to run their applications. A HPC cloud is such cloud computing environment. One of challenges of energy efficient resource allocation for VMs in HPC cloud is tradeoff between minimizing total energy consumption of physical machines (PMs) and satisfying Quality of Service (e.g. performance). On one hand, cloud providers want to maximize their profit by reducing the power cost (e.g. using the smallest number of running PMs). On the other hand, cloud customers (users) want highest performance for their applications. In this paper, we focus on the scenario that scheduler does not know global information about user jobs and user applications in the future. Users will request shortterm resources at fixed start times and non interrupted durations. We then propose a new allocation heuristic (named Energy-aware and Performance per watt oriented Bestfit (EPOBF)) that uses metric of performance per watt to choose which most energy-efficient PM for mapping each VM (e.g. maximum of MIPS per Watt). Using information from Feitelson's Parallel Workload Archive to model HPC jobs, we compare the proposed EPOBF to state of the art heuristics on heterogeneous PMs (each PM has multicore CPU). Simulations show that the EPOBF can reduce significant total energy consumption in comparison with state of the art allocation heuristics.Comment: 10 pages, in Procedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866-708X, Vol. 51, No. 4B, 201

    Predictive Analysis for Cloud Infrastructure Metrics

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    In a cloud computing environment, enterprises have the flexibility to request resources according to their application demands. This elastic feature of cloud computing makes it an attractive option for enterprises to host their applications on the cloud. Cloud providers usually exploit this elasticity by auto-scaling the application resources for quality assurance. However, there is a setup-time delay that may take minutes between the demand for a new resource and it being prepared for utilization. This causes the static resource provisioning techniques, which request allocation of a new resource only when the application breaches a specific threshold, to be slow and inefficient for the resource allocation task. To overcome this limitation, it is important to foresee the upcoming resource demand for an application before it becomes overloaded and trigger resource allocation in advance to allow setup time for the newly allocated resource. Machine learning techniques like time-series forecasting can be leveraged to provide promising results for dynamic resource allocation. In this research project, I developed a predictive analysis model for dynamic resource provisioning for cloud infrastructure. The researched solution demonstrates that it can predict the upcoming workload for various cloud infrastructure metrics upto 4 hours in future to allow allocation of virtual machines in advance

    Privacy Preserving Auction Based Virtual Machine Instances Allocation Scheme for Cloud Computing Environment

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    Cloud Computing Environment provides computing resources in the form of Virtual Machines (VMs), to the cloud users through Internet. Auction-based VM instances allocation allows different cloud users to participate in an auction for a bundle of Virtual Machine instances where the user with the highest bid value will be selected as the winner by the auctioneer (Cloud Service Provider) to gain more. In this auction mechanism, individual bid values are revealed to the auctioneer in order to select the winner as a result of which privacy of bid values are lost. In this paper, we proposed an auction scheme to select the winner without revealing the individual bid values to the auctioneer to maintain privacy of bid values. The winner will get the access to the bundle of VM instances. This  scheme relies on a set of cryptographic protocols including Oblivious Transfer (OT) protocol and Yao’s protocol to maintain privacy of bid values

    Elastic neural network method for load prediction in cloud computing grid

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    Cloud computing still has no standard definition, yet it is concerned with Internet or network on-demand delivery of resources and services. It has gained much popularity in last few years due to rapid growth in technology and the Internet. Many issues yet to be tackled within cloud computing technical challenges, such as Virtual Machine migration, server association, fault tolerance, scalability, and availability. The most we are concerned with in this research is balancing servers load; the way of spreading the load between various nodes exists in any distributed systems that help to utilize resource and job response time, enhance scalability, and user satisfaction. Load rebalancing algorithm with dynamic resource allocation is presented to adapt with changing needs of a cloud environment. This research presents a modified elastic adaptive neural network (EANN) with modified adaptive smoothing errors, to build an evolving system to predict Virtual Machine load. To evaluate the proposed balancing method, we conducted a series of simulation studies using cloud simulator and made comparisons with previously suggested approaches in the previous work. The experimental results show that suggested method betters present approaches significantly and all these approaches

    Optimum Resource Allocation using Specification Matching and Priority Based Method in Cloud

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    Cloud computing is summed up as a different model for allowing favorable, network as per demand to use shared devices of computational resources which are collected and then released with marginal management effort or interaction with any client or any service provider. Cloud computing is a well-known technology in the pasture of information technology that provides computing as a service. In cloud computing environment the resources are provisioned on the basis of demand, as and when required. A large number of cloud users can request a number of cloud services at the same time. Due to increase in the usage of cloud computing there is a need for a efficient and effective resource allocation algorithm which can be used for proper usage of the resources and also check that the resource is not wastage. In this we propose a priority based resource allocation algorithm which can be used for proper allocation of resources and also the resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. In this paper, two strategies are proposed for the purpose of optimum resource allocation in which the first approach uses the concept of specification matching and second uses the concept of priority based approach. In the first approach, different types of resources (virtual machine) are allocated by taking three parameters into consideration: processing element, main memory, and network bandwidth. In the second approach, one parameter is considered namely: Priority. In both strategies, users are allowed to submit the parameters during cloudlet submission. The user inserted parameters will then be considered while allocating resources to them. The objectives of this research are to improve utilization of resources and reduce the request loss
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