477,676 research outputs found

    Developmental Stages of Perception and Language Acquisition in a Perceptually Grounded Robot

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    The objective of this research is to develop a system for language learning based on a minimum of pre-wired language-specific functionality, that is compatible with observations of perceptual and language capabilities in the human developmental trajectory. In the proposed system, meaning (in terms of descriptions of events and spatial relations) is extracted from video images based on detection of position, motion, physical contact and their parameters. Mapping of sentence form to meaning is performed by learning grammatical constructions that are retrieved from a construction inventory based on the constellation of closed class items uniquely identifying the target sentence structure. The resulting system displays robust acquisition behavior that reproduces certain observations from developmental studies, with very modest “innate” language specificity

    Communicative Implications of the Modern Video Game: An Audience-Centered Approach

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    The advent of the home video game console and three decades of continuously evolving gaming technology has had a profound impact on American culture. While many studies have investigated various sociocultural outcomes and conducted behavioral correlation analyses of video games, few have examined how individuals talk about, or share meaning from the game outside of game play. This analysis first briefly reviews extant video game research and arguments for the increasingly immersive aspect of playing video games, then identifies a lack of focus in the literature on the communicative aspect of audience-centered analysis of these games via gamer-generated blogs and message board interactions. Subsequently, a rhetorical analysis of two independent blogs for World of Warcraft (WoW), a massively multiplayer online (MMO) video game examines, from a communication perspective, the inherent structure of the game, as well as the various methods by which the gamers discuss and share meaning about in-game and out-game experiences. A rhetorical analysis of gamers' out-game talk on WoW-centered message board forums and blogs is then conducted via the lens of dramatism. The theoretical underpinnings of this analysis further concretize the value and necessity of a communicative lens as a privileged voice in the field of video game studies

    Episode: Pleasure and Persuasion in Lens-based Media

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    The book Episode: Pleasure and Persuasion in Lens-based Media (Artwords, 2008) was edited by the research group Curating Video, founded by Joseph-Lester, Professor Amanda Beech (CalArts, California) and Matthew Poole (independent curator, California). The publication was launched at Tate Britain in 2008 alongside the conference ‘Pleasure and Persuasion in Lens-based Media’, and includes a co-written introduction and essay by Joseph-Lester with commissioned essays from Professor Norman Klein and Dr Sharon Kivland. The conference and book launch were publicised and supported by Tate Britain and Artwords Press. The conference, which was conceived by Joseph-Lester and project partners in the research group Curating Video, brought together an international field of researchers from cultural studies, visual art, psychoanalysis and political philosophy, including Professor Ahuvia Kahane, Dr Uriel Orlow and Dr Graham Harman. The ‘Image-space’ conference panel explored new contexts and issues that are crucial to understanding the experience and meaning of images. Joseph-Lester’s conference panel particularly considered how images are an architectural, physical and embodied constructs and how this experiential and immersive image space produces ideological affects. Curating Video’s partnership with Tate Britain led to a second conference in 2010, ‘The Contingency of Curation’. This served as an opportunity to test questions about the role of the curator working alongside large-scale urban regeneration programmes. The online publication is hosted by AND Publishing. The recent publication ‘RE-TAKING LA’ (Urbanomic, 2013) explored the image structure and site of LA; this project extended work with Curating Video into the politics, affect and materiality of the moving image

    Analisis Semiotika Iklan Rokok U Mild Versi Tiap Luka Punya Cerita

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    This study entitled Analysis of Semiotics of Masculinity In U Mild Ciggarets Version “Tiap Luka Punya Cerita”. The Purpose of this advertisement is to knowing the denotation meaning, conotation meaning and myth that represented in this ad and to knowing the meaning of masculinity by five of masculinity reachness from Archer and Lloyd.This research using analysis of semiotic theory by Roland Barthes, there are meaning of signifier, signified, denotation level, conotation level. In this advertisement have fourteen seconds of duration that divided in five scenes. The mhetod that used in this research is cualitative mhetod. The researcher downloaded the video of this advertisement for the first step from youtube, then turning out the video being the pieces of pictures which all will be analyzed. The video made be eight pictures and divided in five scenes.The lifestyle of society nowadays so close with cigarrets. Not only adults, teenagers even the children are many in comsuming cigarrets. Image of cigarrets advertisement in televison fixed with the kind of closeness objection that advertised. Cigarret is a regular consumption for man. The man is always showed up in way of masculinity.This research is using a couple of relevant theorys, are : Advertisement, semiotic, Roland Barthes semiotic theory, visual communication semiotic, masculinity, film structure and sounds. Denotation meaning of this ads is representing men that have masculinity by their looks. The men who can representing masculinity are they who have sharp body, hard and love the things of dangerousity and have the youth soul. The other things the men who can called masculine man if could handle broken hearted soul that caused by women. The conotation that showed up in this ads is represented by a friendship of man. Cigarrets conotated as a friend and the men who have youth soul.

    The Meanings Behind Camera Movements of Live Sport Events

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    The development of technology has had a very extraordinary impact on human civilization, such as the example of the development of the digital era in the world of videography. The focus of this study is analyzing the structure constructed by the camera movement of sport live events. The authors used semiotic analysis in this study to describe the live sports video of the event. The author then relates to the meaning of the visual signs of several scenes in each video, in order to understand the phenomena being studied, such as behavior, perception, and action in the form of words. Using Roland Barthes’ analysis method, there are three meanings of visual messages in the camera movement sport live event, namely denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings. Keywords: structure, camera movement, sport live actio

    Code Mixing in Suhay Salim Beauty Vlogger

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    AbstractPhenomenon called code mixing currently becomes a well-known event in Indonesia. Indonesians tend to combine two languages or more in every utterances or sentence and upload it in social media. The reason for this may come from their surrounding environment (external factors) or their desire (internal factors). This study aims to determine how Suhay Salim, a popular beauty vlogger on YouTube, mixes her languages between Bahasa Indonesia and English in each of her videos. Analysis of the video demonstrated that there are three types of code mixing and five reasons influencing Suhay Salim’s code mixing found in her video. The results indicate that Insertion becomes the dominant type of code mixing because word is the smallest unit that can be inserted into a given structure easily. It also indicates that the most occurring reason influencing Suhay Salim is Low Frequency Words where Bahasa Indonesia word is harder to remember, less popular and has unstable sense/meaning while English word is easier to remember, more popular and has stable sense/meaning.Keywords: code mixing, social media, video, beauty vlogger