154,022 research outputs found

    Vertical Integration and Bank Performance

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    The Anatomy of Bank Diversification

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    We use panel data from nine countries over the period 1996 to 2003 to test how revenue diversi-fication in conjunction with increasing bank size affects bank value. Using a comprehensive framework for bank performance measurement, we find no evidence for a conglomerate discount, unlike studies concerned with industrial firms. Rather, revenue diversification increases bank profitability and is associated with higher market valuation. This performance effect does not depend on whether diversification was achieved through organic growth or through M&A activity

    The impact of business process outsourcing on firm performance and the influence of governance : a long term study in the German banking industry

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    Does BPO pay off at the firm-level? Although there are several studies which analyze the potential benefits of BPO, there is a virtual absence of research papers on BPO outcomes. Based on an analysis of 137 Business process outsourcing (BPO) ventures at 254 German banks in a period between 1994 and 2005, we found that the outsourcer's financial performance in terms of profitability and cost efficiency was increased significantly compared to industry peers without BPO. The increase stems not from workforce reductions but rather from increased employee productivity. Further, we show how BPO governance ensures BPO success: individually negotiated outsourcing contracts help to improve cost efficiency and profitability measures. Relational governance based on trust has only positive effects on profitability. Keywords: Business Process Outsourcing, firm performance, firm characteristics, banking, German banks, governance JEL Classifications: G21, L14, L21, L2

    A macroscopic performance analysis of NASA’s northrop grumman RQ-4A

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    This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain under Contract TRA2016-77012-R and by EUROCONTROL acting on behalf of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (the SJU) and the European Union as part of Work Package E in the SESAR ProgrammeThis paper presents the process of identification, from a macroscopic point of view, of the Northrop Grumman RQ-4A Global Hawk Remote-Piloted Aircraft System from real, but limited flight information. Performance parameters and operational schemes will be extracted by analyzing available data from two specific science flights flown by the Global Hawk back in 2010. Each phase of the flight, take-off, climb, cruise climb, descent and landing, is analyzed from various points of view: speed profile, altitude, climb/descent ratios and rate of turn. The key performance parameters derived from individual flights will be confirmed by performing a wider statistical validation with additional flight trajectories. Derived data are exploited to validate a simulated RQ-4A vehicle employed in extensive real-time air traffic management simulated integration exercises and to complement the development of a future RQ-4A trajectory predictor.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Business Groups as Hierarchies of Firms: Determinants of Vertical Integration and Performance

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    We explore the nature of Business Groups, that is network-like forms of hierarchical organization between legally autonomous firms spanning both within and across national borders. Exploiting a unique dataset of 270,474 headquarters controlling more than 1,500,000 (domestic and foreign) affiliates in all countries worldwide, we find that business groups account for a significant part of value-added generation in both developed and developing countries, with a prevalence in the latter. In order to characterize their boundaries, we distinguish between an affiliate vs. a group-level index of vertical integration, as well as an entropy-like metric able to summarize the hierarchical complexity of a group and its trade-off between exploitation of knowledge as an input across the hierarchy and the associated communication costs. We relate these metrics to host country institutional characteristics, as well as to the performance of affiliates across business groups. Conditional on institutional quality, a negative correlation exists between vertical integration and organizational complexity in defining the boundaries of business groups. We also find a robust (albeit non-linear) positive relationship between a group's organizational complexity and productivity which dominates the already known correlation between vertical integration and productivity. Results are in line with the theoretical framework of knowledge-based hierarchies developed by the literature, in which intangible assets are a complementary input in the production processes

    The Anatomy of Bank Diversification

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    We use panel data from nine countries over the period 1996 to 2003 to test how revenue diversi-fication in conjunction with increasing bank size affects bank value. Using a comprehensive framework for bank performance measurement, we find no evidence for a conglomerate discount, unlike studies concerned with industrial firms. Rather, revenue diversification increases bank profitability and is associated with higher market valuation. This performance effect does not depend on whether diversification was achieved through organic growth or through M&A activity.Bank diversification; organic growth; M&A

    Business Groups in Emerging Markets - Financial Control and Sequential Investment

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    Business groups in emerging markets perform better than unaffiliated firms. One explanation is that business groups substitute some functions of missing institutions, for example, enforcing contracts. We investigate this by setting up a model where firms within the business group are connected to each other by a vertical production structure and an internal capital market. Thus, the business group’s organizational mode and the financial structure allow a self-enforcing contract to be designed. Our model of a business group shows that only sequential investments can solve the ex post moral hazard problem. We also find that firms may prefer not to integrate

    Determinants of firms' inputs sourcing choices: the role of institutional and regulatory factors. ESRI WP599, September 2018

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    Using the theoretical framework of global sourcing with firm heterogeneity, we examine determinants of inputs sourcing choices of manufacturing firms established in the EU countries. To this purpose, we combine information on the ownership structure and company accounts from the Orbis data set with input-output data from the World Input-Output Tables (WIOT) and with information on institutional and regulatory factors at country level provided by international organisations. Our research findings indicate that manufacturing firms that source inputs intra-firm via foreign direct investment (FDI) across EU countries are larger, more productive, more intensive in tangible and intangible capital and less intensive in skills than manufacturing firms that source inputs at arm’s length. The probability of integrating inputs by manufacturing firms across EU countries is positively linked with the strength of legal systems, flexibility of labour markets and negatively linked to corporate tax rates and financial development in host countries. Less efficient insolvency procedures are associated with a higher probability of sourcing inputs intra-firm via FDI relative to arm’s length sourcing. The probability of sourcing inputs via FDI is negatively linked to sectoral restrictions to FDI and positively linked to the impact of service regulations on downstream industries
