10 research outputs found

    Verifying Safety of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Components -- Extended Version

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    We shows how to ensure correctness and fault-tolerance of distributed components by behavioural speci cation. We specify a system combining a simple distributed component application and a fault-tolerance mechanism. We choose to encode the most general and the most demanding kind of faults, Byzantine failures, but only for some of the components of our system. With Byzantine failures a faulty process can have any behaviour, thus replication is the only convenient classical solution; this greatly increases the size of the system, and makes model-checking a challenge. Despite the simplicity of our application, full study of the overall behaviour of the combined system requires us putting together the speci cation for many features required by either the distributed application or the fault-tolerant protocol: our system encodes hierarchical component structure, asynchronous communication with futures, replication, group communication, an agreement protocol, and faulty components. The system we obtain is huge and we have proved its correctness by using at the same time data abstraction, compositional minimization, and distributed model-checking.Nous montrons comment assurer la correction et la tolérance aux pannes de composants distribués à l'aide de spéci cations comportementales. Nous spéci ons un système combinant une application distribuée très simple avec un mécanisme de tolérance aux pannes. Nous avons choisi le type de fautes le plus général et le plus exigeant, les pannes Byzantines, mais seulement pour une partie des composants de notre système. Avec des pannes Byzantines un composant peut avoir n'importe quel comportement, et la replication est la seule solution classique convenable; ceci augmente de beaucoup la taille du système, et sa véri cation par des techniques de model-checking est un dé . Malgré la simplicité de notre application, l' étude complète du système nous oblige à combiner de nombreux aspects nécessaires à l'application distibuée ou au protocole de tolérance aux pannes: notre système utilise une architecture de composants hiérarchiques, des communications asynchrones avec futurs, de la replication, de la communication de groupe, et un protocole de consensus. Le système obtenu est très gros, et nous avons pouvé sa correction en combinant des techniques d'abstraction de données, de minimisation compositionnelle, et de model-checking distribué

    Verifying Safety of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Components -- Extended Version

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    We shows how to ensure correctness and fault-tolerance of distributed components by behavioural speci cation. We specify a system combining a simple distributed component application and a fault-tolerance mechanism. We choose to encode the most general and the most demanding kind of faults, Byzantine failures, but only for some of the components of our system. With Byzantine failures a faulty process can have any behaviour, thus replication is the only convenient classical solution; this greatly increases the size of the system, and makes model-checking a challenge. Despite the simplicity of our application, full study of the overall behaviour of the combined system requires us putting together the speci cation for many features required by either the distributed application or the fault-tolerant protocol: our system encodes hierarchical component structure, asynchronous communication with futures, replication, group communication, an agreement protocol, and faulty components. The system we obtain is huge and we have proved its correctness by using at the same time data abstraction, compositional minimization, and distributed model-checking.Nous montrons comment assurer la correction et la tolérance aux pannes de composants distribués à l'aide de spéci cations comportementales. Nous spéci ons un système combinant une application distribuée très simple avec un mécanisme de tolérance aux pannes. Nous avons choisi le type de fautes le plus général et le plus exigeant, les pannes Byzantines, mais seulement pour une partie des composants de notre système. Avec des pannes Byzantines un composant peut avoir n'importe quel comportement, et la replication est la seule solution classique convenable; ceci augmente de beaucoup la taille du système, et sa véri cation par des techniques de model-checking est un dé . Malgré la simplicité de notre application, l' étude complète du système nous oblige à combiner de nombreux aspects nécessaires à l'application distibuée ou au protocole de tolérance aux pannes: notre système utilise une architecture de composants hiérarchiques, des communications asynchrones avec futurs, de la replication, de la communication de groupe, et un protocole de consensus. Le système obtenu est très gros, et nous avons pouvé sa correction en combinant des techniques d'abstraction de données, de minimisation compositionnelle, et de model-checking distribué

    Fractal Ă  la Coq

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    International audienceComponent-based Engineering aims at providing a modular means to specify a wide range of applications. The idea is to promote a clean separation of concerns, and thus reusability, in order to ease the burden of software development and maintenance. The specification of such component models however, tends to be informal, leaving their inherent ambiguities open to interpretation. In this paper we present our ongoing work towards a formal specification of the Fractal Component Model mechanized in the Coq Proof Assistant. An operational semantics for building component-based architectures is presented, along with its compliance with the Fractal specification

    Behavioural Verification of Distributed Components

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    International audienceThis paper presents a brief overview of our efforts in the behavioural specification and verification of distributed component systems. Our objective in this work is to provide tools to help the programmer specify the behaviour of his/her components, generate a model, and check the correctness of his/her application

    Bringing Coq Into the World of GCM Distributed Applications

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    International audienceAmong all programming paradigms, component-based engineering stands as one of the most followed approaches for real world software devel- opment. Its emphasis on clean separation of concerns and reusability makes it appealing for both industrial and research purposes. The Grid Component Model (GCM) endorses this approach in the con- text of distributed systems by providing all the means to define, compose and dynamically reconfigure component-based applications. While structural re- configuration is one of the key features of GCM applications, this ability to evolve at runtime poses several challenges w.r.t reliability. In this paper we present Mefresa, a framework for reasoning on the struc- ture of GCM applications. This contribution comes in the form of a formal specification mechanized in the Coq Proof Assistant. Our aim is to demon- strate the benefits of interactive theorem proving for the reasoning on software architectures. We provide a configuration and reconfiguration language for the safe instantiation of distributed systems

    Programming distributed and adaptable autonomous components--the GCM/ProActive framework

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    International audienceComponent-oriented software has become a useful tool to build larger and more complex systems by describing the application in terms of encapsulated, loosely coupled entities called components. At the same time, asynchronous programming patterns allow for the development of efficient distributed applications. While several component models and frameworks have been proposed, most of them tightly integrate the component model with the middleware they run upon. This intertwining is generally implicit and not discussed, leading to entangled, hard to maintain code. This article describes our efforts in the development of the GCM/ProActive framework for providing distributed and adaptable autonomous components. GCM/ProActive integrates a component model designed for execution on large-scale environments, with a programming model based on active objects allowing a high degree of distribution and concurrency. This new integrated model provides a more powerful development, composition, and execution environment than other distributed component frameworks. We illustrate that GCM/ProActive is particularly adapted to the programming of autonomic component systems, and to the integration into a service-oriented environment

    Compositional equivalences based on Open pNets

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    Establishing equivalences between programs or systems is crucial both for verifying correctness of programs, by establishing that two implementations are equivalent, and for justifying optimisations and program transformations, by establishing that a modified program is equivalent to the source one. There exist several equivalence relations for programs, and bisimulations are among the most versatile of these equivalences. Among bisimulation relations one distinguishes strong bisimulation, that requires that each action of a program is simulated by a single action of the equivalent program, a weak bisimulation that is a coarser relation, allowing some of the actions to be invisible or internal moves, and thus not simulated by the equivalent program. pNet is a generalisation of automata that model open systems. They feature variables and hierarchical composition. Open pNets are pNets with holes, i.e. placeholders inside the hierarchical structure that can be filled later by sub-systems. This article defines bisimulation relations for the comparison of systems specified as pNets. We first define a strong bisimulation for open pNets. We then define an equivalence relation similar to the classical weak bisimulation, and study its properties. Among these properties we are interested in compositionality: if two systems are proven equivalent they will be undistinguishable by their context, and they will also be undistinguishable when their holes are filled with equivalent systems. We identify sufficient conditions on the automata to ensure compositionality of strong and weak bisimulation. The article is illustrated with a transport protocol running example; it shows the characteristics of our formalism and our bisimulation relations

    Behavioural semantics for asynchronous components

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    International audienceSoftware components are a valuable programming abstraction that enables a compositional design of complex applications. In distributed systems, components can also be used to provide an abstraction of locations: each component is a unit of deployment that can be placed on a different machine. In this article, we consider this kind of distributed components that are additionally loosely coupled and communicate by asynchronous invocations. Components also provide a convenient abstraction for verifying the correct behaviour of systems: they provide structuring entities easing the correctness verification. This article provides a formal background for the generation of behavioural semantics for asynchronous components. It expresses the semantics of hierarchical distributed components communicating asynchronously by requests, futures, and replies; this semantics is provided using the pNet intermediate language. This article both demonstrates the expressiveness of the pNet model and formally specifies the complete process of the generation of a behavioural model for a distributed component system. The purpose of our be-havioural semantics is to allow for verification both by finite instantiation and model-checking, and by techniques for infinite systems

    Behavioural Semantics for Asynchronous Components

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    Software components are a valuable programming abstraction that enables a compositional design of complex applications. In distributed systems, components can also be used to provide an abstraction of locations: each component is a unit of deployment that can be placed on a di fferent machine. In this article, we consider this kind of distributed components that are additionally loosely coupled and communicate by asynchronous invocations. Components also provide a convenient abstraction for verifying the correct behaviour of systems: they provide structuring entities easing the correctness veri fication. This article aims at providing a formal background for the generation of behavioural semantics for asynchronous components. We use the pNet intermediate language to express the semantics of hierarchical distributed components communicating asynchronously by a request-reply mechanism. We also formalise two crucial aspects of distributed components: recon figuration and one-to-many communications. This article both demonstrates the expressiveness of the pNet model and formally speci fies the complete process of the generation of a behavioural model for a distributed component system. The behavioural models we build are precise enough to allow veri fication by finite instantiation and model-checking, but also to use veri fication techniques for infi nite systems.Les composants logiciels fournissent une abstraction de programmation intéressante pour la conception modulaire d'applications complexes. Dans les systèmes répartis, les composants peuvent également être utilisés pour fournir une abstraction de la localisation des processus: chaque composant est une unité de déploiement qui peut être placée sur une machine différente. Dans cet article, nous considérons ce type de composants distribuées, faiblement couplés et communiquant par des appels asynchrones. Les composants fournissent également une abstraction commode pour vérifier le bon comportement des systèmes: ils fournissent un concept structurant qui facilite la vérification de ses propriétés. Cet article vise à fournir un support formel pour la génération de la sémantique comportementale des composants asynchrones. Nous utilisons le formalisme intermédiaire pNet pour exprimer la sémantique des composants hiérarchiques distribués communiquant de manière asynchrone par un mécanisme de requêtes. Nous formalisons également deux aspects fondamentaux des composants distribués: la reconfiguration et les communications de groupe. Cet article d'une part démontre l'expressivité du modèle pNet et d'autre part spécifie formellement le processus complet de la génération du modèle comportemental d'un système de composants distribués. Les modèles de comportement que nous construisons sont suffisamment précis pour permettre la vérification par instanciation finie et model-checking, mais aussi pour utiliser des techniques de vérification de systèmes infinis