4 research outputs found

    Verification of a sliding window protocol in µCRL

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    We prove the correctness of a sliding window protocol with an arbitrary finite window size n and sequence numbers modulo 2n. The correctness consists of showing that the sliding window protocol is branching bisimilar to a queue of capacity 2n. The proof is given entirely on the basis of an axiomatic theory, and has been checked in the theorem prover PVS

    Verifying a sliding window protocol in mCRL

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    We prove the correctness of a sliding window protocol with an arbitrary finite window size n and sequence numbers modulo 2n. The correctness consists of showing that the sliding window protocol is branching bisimilar to a queue of capacity 2n. The proof is given entirely on the basis of an axiomatic theory

    Mechanical Verification of a Two-Way Sliding Window Protocol (Full version including proofs)

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    We prove the correctness of a two-way sliding window protocol with piggybacking, where the acknowledgments of the latest received data are attached to the next data transmitted back into the channel. The window size of both parties are considered to be finite, though they can be of different sizes. We show that this protocol is equivalent (branching bisimilar) to a pair of FIFO queues of finite capacities. The protocol is first modeled and manually proved for its correctness in the process algebraic language of muCRL. We use the theorem prover PVS to formalize and to mechanically prove the correctness. This implies both safety and liveness (under the assumption of fairness)

    Formal Verification of Distributed Systems

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor