2,669 research outputs found

    Deception Analysis of Chutney Windham in Legally Blonde Movie

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis isyarat kebohongan Chutney Windham dalam film Legally Blonde. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori isyarat kebohongan oleh Bachenko dan teori transitivitas oleh Halliday (1994) untuk menemukan isyarat kebohongan yang digunakan Chutney yang menjadi tersangka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi untuk penggumpulan data dan pendekatan diskriptif kualitatif karena data dari penelitian ini adalah perkataan Chutney yang tertulis di naskah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Chutney menggunakan isyarat kebohongan sudut pandang orang pertama, sudut pandang orang ketiga, dan pengelakaan. Dia juga menggunakan isyarat kebohongan kata akal, pengelakan, pemenggalan informasi dan ekspresi negatif untuk menutupi kelemahan ingatannya. Lebih dari itu, dalam kasus lain, dia juga menggunakan pemenggalan informasi dan pengelakan dalam mengevaluasi pernyataannya dan menata ulang deklarasinya tersebut. Negasi No dan kegagapan dalam berbicara, kata Ya dengan nada panjang berkontribusi untuk memperkuat pernyataan Chutney saat dia mencoba membuat pembenaran. Kata Kunci : Kebohongan, Chutney Windham, Legally Blonde   ABSTRACT This research concentrated on the analysis of Chutney Windham’s deception cues in Legally Blonde movie. This research uses Bachenko’s theory of deception cues  and theory of transitivity by Halliday (1994) to know the deception cues used by Chutney who is as the suspect. This research used documentary study for collecting data and a descriptive qualitative approach because th data of this research were the written utterances of Chutney in the script. The results of this research show Chutney uses deception cues of third self oriented pronoun, person oriented, and equivocation. She also used deception cues of sense word, equivocation, specificity reduction and negative expression to cover lack of memory. Yet, in another case she also used specified reduction and equivocation in evaluating her statement and rearranging her declaration. Negation form no and speech disfluency, the longer form of yes contributes to strengthen Chutney’s statement when she tried to make justification. Key Terms: Deception, Chutney Windham, Legally Blond

    Fraud detection in telephone conversations for financial services using linguistic features

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    Detecting the elements of deception in a conversation is one of the most challenging problems for the AI community. It becomes even more difficult to design a transparent system, which is fully explainable and satisfies the need for financial and legal services to be deployed. This paper presents an approach for fraud detection in transcribed telephone conversations using linguistic features. The proposed approach exploits the syntactic and semantic information of the transcription to extract both the linguistic markers and the sentiment of the customer’s response. We demonstrate the results on real-world financial services data using simple, robust and explainable classifiers such as Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Nearest Neighbours, and Support Vector Machines


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    Studi ini menganalisis percakapan di dalam persidangan berdasarkan teori prinsip kerja sama. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memeriksa bagaimana seorang terdakwa melanggar prinsip kerja sama selama investigasi persidangan. Selain itu, studi ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek perlokusi pelanggaran pada jaksa. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari transkrip percakapan antara seorang terdakwa dengan tujuh jaksa dalam pengadilan kasus sianida sesi sidang ke 21. Data dianailisis dengan menggunakan teori prinsip kerja sama milik Grice (1975). Tindakan perlokusi milik Austin (1962) juga digunakan untuk memeriksa efek dari pelanggaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdakwa melanggar prinsip kerja sama melalui pelanggaran (1) prinsip kualitas saja; (2) prinsip kualitas dibantu pelanggaran maxim (kuantitas, relevansi, dan cara). Pelanggaran prinsip kualitas saja dilakukan dengan memberikan jawaban negatif dan menunjukan kurangnya ingatan. Sedangkan, pelanggaran prinsip kualitas dibantu pelanggaran prinsip lain, dilakukan dengan memberikan aspek informasi yang tidak relevan dan menyampaikan jawaban yang berbelit. Sehubungan dengan efek perlokusi pada jaksa, pelanggaran memicu beberapa respon tertentu dari para jaksa, yaitu, mengulang pertanyaan, mengungkap fakta, komplain terhadap jawaban terdakwa, dan mengarahkan terdakwa mengakui fakta kebenaran. Efek perlokusi mengindikasikan walaupun pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama kemungkinan membantu terdakwa menyembunyikan kebeneran dalam jawabanya, para jakwa tidak lantas menerima jawaban-jawaban tersebut dengan mudah. Para jaksa nampaknya lebih melandaskan respon mereka pada informasi yang telah mereka peroleh sebelumnya.---------- The present study explores exchanges in a court trial based on the theory of cooperative principle (CP). This study aims to examine how a defendant violates the cooperative principle during an investigation in a trial. In addition, this study also seeks to analyze the perlocutionary effect of the violation on the prosecutors. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach. The data comprise transcripts of conversations between a defendant and seven prosecutors with regard to the cyanide court case in the 21st court session. The data were analyzed by using Grice’s (1975) theory of cooperative principle. Austin’s (1962) account of the perlocutionary act is also used to examine the effect of the violation. The findings show that the defendant violated the cooperative principle through violation of (1) the quality maxim alone and (2) the quality maxim aided with a breach of other maxims (quantity, relation or manner).Violations of the quality maxim alone were committed by giving negative answers and showing lack of memory. Meanwhile, violations of the quality maxim aided with the breach of other maxims were committed by giving irrelevant aspects of information and conveying convoluted answers. With regard to perlocutionary effect on the prosecutors, the violations gave rise to certain responses from the prosecutors, i.e. repeating the questions, revealing the facts, complaining about the defendant’s answers, and directing the defendant to admit the truth. The perlocutionary effect indicates that although violations of the cooperative principle might help the defendant to hide the truth in her answers, the prosecutors did not accept the answers easily. The prosecutors appeared to base their responses more on the information that they had gained previously

    Pragmatic and Cultural Considerations for Deception Detection in Asian Languages

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    In hopes of sparking a discussion, I argue for much needed research on automated deception detection in Asian languages. The task of discerning truthful texts from deceptive ones is challenging, but a logical sequel to opinion mining. I suggest that applied computational linguists pursue broader interdisciplinary research on cultural differences and pragmatic use of language in Asian cultures, before turning to detection methods based on a primarily Western (English-centric) worldview. Deception is fundamentally human, but how do various cultures interpret and judge deceptive behavior

    Deception Detection and Rumor Debunking for Social Media

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    Abstract The main premise of this chapter is that the time is ripe for more extensive research and development of social media tools that filter out intentionally deceptive information such as deceptive memes, rumors and hoaxes, fake news or other fake posts, tweets and fraudulent profiles. Social media users’ awareness of intentional manipulation of online content appears to be relatively low, while the reliance on unverified information (often obtained from strangers) is at an all-time high. I argue there is need for content verification, systematic fact-checking and filtering of social media streams. This literature survey provides a background for understanding current automated deception detection research, rumor debunking, and broader content verification methodologies, suggests a path towards hybrid technologies, and explains why the development and adoption of such tools might still be a significant challenge

    Let’s lie together:Co-presence effects on children’s deceptive skills

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    Veracity Roadmap: Is Big Data Objective, Truthful and Credible?

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    This paper argues that big data can possess different characteristics, which affect its quality. Depending on its origin, data processing technologies, and methodologies used for data collection and scientific discoveries, big data can have biases, ambiguities, and inaccuracies which need to be identified and accounted for to reduce inference errors and improve the accuracy of generated insights. Big data veracity is now being recognized as a necessary property for its utilization, complementing the three previously established quality dimensions (volume, variety, and velocity), But there has been little discussion of the concept of veracity thus far. This paper provides a roadmap for theoretical and empirical definitions of veracity along with its practical implications. We explore veracity across three main dimensions: 1) objectivity/subjectivity, 2) truthfulness/deception, 3) credibility/implausibility – and propose to operationalize each of these dimensions with either existing computational tools or potential ones, relevant particularly to textual data analytics. We combine the measures of veracity dimensions into one composite index – the big data veracity index. This newly developed veracity index provides a useful way of assessing systematic variations in big data quality across datasets with textual information. The paper contributes to the big data research by categorizing the range of existing tools to measure the suggested dimensions, and to Library and Information Science (LIS) by proposing to account for heterogeneity of diverse big data, and to identify information quality dimensions important for each big data type
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