94 research outputs found

    Get rid of inline assembly through verification-oriented lifting

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    Formal methods for software development have made great strides in the last two decades, to the point that their application in safety-critical embedded software is an undeniable success. Their extension to non-critical software is one of the notable forthcoming challenges. For example, C programmers regularly use inline assembly for low-level optimizations and system primitives. This usually results in driving state-of-the-art formal analyzers developed for C ineffective. We thus propose TInA, an automated, generic, trustable and verification-oriented lifting technique turning inline assembly into semantically equivalent C code, in order to take advantage of existing C analyzers. Extensive experiments on real-world C code with inline assembly (including GMP and ffmpeg) show the feasibility and benefits of TInA

    Controlled and effective interpolation

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    Model checking is a well established technique to verify systems, exhaustively and automatically. The state space explosion, known as the main difficulty in model checking scalability, has been successfully approached by symbolic model checking which represents programs using logic, usually at the propositional or first order theories level. Craig interpolation is one of the most successful abstraction techniques used in symbolic methods. Interpolants can be efficiently generated from proofs of unsatisfiability, and have been used as means of over-approximation to generate inductive invariants, refinement predicates, and function summaries. However, interpolation is still not fully understood. For several theories it is only possible to generate one interpolant, giving the interpolation-based application no chance of further optimization via interpolation. For the theories that have interpolation systems that are able to generate different interpolants, it is not understood what makes one interpolant better than another, and how to generate the most suitable ones for a particular verification task. The goal of this thesis is to address the problems of how to generate multiple interpolants for theories that still lack this flexibility in their interpolation algorithms, and how to aim at good interpolants. This thesis extends the state-of-the-art by introducing novel interpolation frameworks for different theories. For propositional logic, this work provides a thorough theoretical analysis showing which properties are desirable in a labeling function for the Labeled Interpolation Systems framework (LIS). The Proof-Sensitive labeling function is presented, and we prove that it generates interpolants with the smallest number of Boolean connectives in the entire LIS framework. Two variants that aim at controlling the logical strength of propositional interpolants while maintaining a small size are given. The new interpolation algorithms are compared to previous ones from the literature in different model checking settings, showing that they consistently lead to a better overall verification performance. The Equalities and Uninterpreted Functions (EUF)-interpolation system, presented in this thesis, is a duality-based interpolation framework capable of generating multiple interpolants for a single proof of unsatisfiability, and provides control over the logical strength of the interpolants it generates using labeling functions. The labeling functions can be theoretically compared with respect to their strength, and we prove that two of them generate the interpolants with the smallest number of equalities. Our experiments follow the theory, showing that the generated interpolants indeed have different logical strength. We combine propositional and EUF interpolation in a model checking setting, and show that the strength of the interpolation algorithms for different theories has to be aligned in order to generate smaller interpolants. This work also introduces the Linear Real Arithmetic (LRA)-interpolation system, an interpolation framework for LRA. The framework is able to generate infinitely many interpolants of different logical strength using the duality of interpolants. The strength of the LRA interpolants can be controlled by a normalized strength factor, which makes it straightforward for an interpolationbased application to choose the level of strength it wants for the interpolants. Our experiments with the LRA-interpolation system and a model checker show that it is very important for the application to be able to fine tune the strength of the LRA interpolants in order to achieve optimal performance. The interpolation frameworks were implemented and form the interpolation module in OpenSMT2, an open source efficient SMT solver. OpenSMT2 has been integrated to the propositional interpolation-based model checkers FunFrog and eVolCheck, and to the first order interpolation-based model checkerHiFrog. This thesis presents real life model checking experiments using the novel interpolation frameworks and the tools aforementioned, showing the viability and strengths of the techniques

    A Supervisory Control Algorithm Based on Property-Directed Reachability

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    We present an algorithm for synthesising a controller (supervisor) for a discrete event system (DES) based on the property-directed reachability (PDR) model checking algorithm. The discrete event systems framework is useful in both software, automation and manufacturing, as problems from those domains can be modelled as discrete supervisory control problems. As a formal framework, DES is also similar to domains for which the field of formal methods for computer science has developed techniques and tools. In this paper, we attempt to marry the two by adapting PDR to the problem of controller synthesis. The resulting algorithm takes as input a transition system with forbidden states and uncontrollable transitions, and synthesises a safe and minimally-restrictive controller, correct-by-design. We also present an implementation along with experimental results, showing that the algorithm has potential as a part of the solution to the greater effort of formal supervisory controller synthesis and verification.Comment: 16 pages; presented at Haifa Verification Conference 2017, the final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70389-3_

    Strong Induction in Hardware Model Checking

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    Symbolic Model checking is a widely used technique for automated verification of both hardware and software systems. Unbounded SAT-based Symbolic Model Checking (SMC) algorithms are very popular in hardware verification. The principle of strong induction is one of the first techniques for SMC. While elegant and simple to apply, properties as such can rarely be proven using strong induction and when they can be strengthened, there is no effective strategy to guess the depth of induction. It has been mostly displaced by techniques that compute inductive strengthenings based on interpolation and property directed reachability (PDR). In this thesis, we prove that strong induction is more concise than induction. We then present kAvy, an SMC algorithm that effectively uses strong induction to guide interpolation and PDR-style incremental inductive invariant construction. Unlike pure strong induction, kAvy uses PDR-style generalization to compute and strengthen an inductive trace. Unlike pure PDR, kAvy uses relative strong induction to construct an inductive invariant. The depth of induction is adjusted dynamically by minimizing a proof of unsatisfiability. We have implemented kAvy within the Avy Model Checker and evaluated it on HWMCC instances. Our results show that kAvy is more effective than both Avy and PDR, and that using strong induction leads to faster running time and solving more instances. Further, on a class of benchmarks, called shift, kAvy is orders of magnitude faster than Avy, PDR and pure strong induction

    Global Guidance for Local Generalization in Model Checking

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    SMT-based model checkers, especially IC3-style ones, are currently the most effective techniques for verification of infinite state systems. They infer global inductive invariants via local reasoning about a single step of the transition relation of a system, while employing SMT-based procedures, such as interpolation, to mitigate the limitations of local reasoning and allow for better generalization. Unfortunately, these mitigations intertwine model checking with heuristics of the underlying SMT-solver, negatively affecting stability of model checking. In this paper, we propose to tackle the limitations of locality in a systematic manner. We introduce explicit global guidance into the local reasoning performed by IC3-style algorithms. To this end, we extend the SMT-IC3 paradigm with three novel rules, designed to mitigate fundamental sources of failure that stem from locality. We instantiate these rules for the theory of Linear Integer Arithmetic and implement them on top of SPACER solver in Z3. Our empirical results show that GSPACER, SPACER extended with global guidance, is significantly more effective than both SPACER and sole global reasoning, and, furthermore, is insensitive to interpolation.Comment: Published in CAV 202

    Global guidance for local generalization in model checking

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    SMT-based model checkers, especially IC3-style ones, are currently the most effective techniques for verification of infinite state systems. They infer global inductive invariants via local reasoning about a single step of the transition relation of a system, while employing SMT-based procedures, such as interpolation, to mitigate the limitations of local reasoning and allow for better generalization. Unfortunately, these mitigations intertwine model checking with heuristics of the underlying SMT-solver, negatively affecting stability of model checking. In this paper, we propose to tackle the limitations of locality in a systematic manner. We introduce explicit global guidance into the local reasoning performed by IC3-style algorithms. To this end, we extend the SMT-IC3 paradigm with three novel rules, designed to mitigate fundamental sources of failure that stem from locality. We instantiate these rules for Linear Integer Arithmetic and Linear Rational Aritmetic and implement them on top of Spacer solver in Z3. Our empirical results show that GSpacer, Spacer extended with global guidance, is significantly more effective than both Spacer and sole global reasoning, and, furthermore, is insensitive to interpolation