10,803 research outputs found

    Velocity-induced numerical solutions of reaction-diffusion systems on continuously growing domains

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    Reaction-diffusion systems have been widely studied in developmental biology, chemistry and more recently in financial mathematics. Most of these systems comprise nonlinear reaction terms which makes it difficult to find closed form solutions. It therefore becomes convenient to look for numerical solutions: finite difference, finite element, finite volume and spectral methods are typical examples of the numerical methods used. Most of these methods are locally based schemes. We examine the implications of mesh structure on numerically computed solutions of a well-studied reaction-diffusion model system on two-dimensional fixed and growing domains. The incorporation of domain growth creates an additional parameter – the grid-point velocity – and this greatly influences the selection of certain symmetric solutions for the ADI finite difference scheme when a uniform square mesh structure is used. Domain growth coupled with grid-point velocity on a uniform square mesh stabilises certain patterns which are however very sensitive to any kind of perturbation in mesh structure. We compare our results to those obtained by use of finite elements on unstructured triangular elements

    Stability analysis of reaction-diffusion models on evolving domains: the effects of cross-diffusion

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    This article presents stability analytical results of a two component reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion posed on continuously evolving domains. First the model system is mapped from a continuously evolving domain to a reference stationary frame resulting in a system of partial differential equations with time-dependent coefficients. Second, by employing appropriately asymptotic theory, we derive and prove cross-diffusion-driven instability conditions for the model system for the case of slow, isotropic domain growth. Our analytical results reveal that unlike the restrictive diffusion-driven instability conditions on stationary domains, in the presence of cross-diffusion coupled with domain evolution, it is no longer necessary to enforce cross nor pure kinetic conditions. The restriction to activator-inhibitor kinetics to induce pattern formation on a growing biological system is no longer a requirement. Reaction-cross-diffusion models with equal diffusion coefficients in the principal components as well as those of the short-range inhibition, long-range activation and activator-activator form can generate patterns only in the presence of cross-diffusion coupled with domain evolution. To confirm our theoretical findings, detailed parameter spaces are exhibited for the special cases of isotropic exponential, linear and logistic growth profiles. In support of our theoretical predictions, we present evolving or moving finite element solutions exhibiting patterns generated by a short-range inhibition, long-range activation reaction-diffusion model with linear cross-diffusion in the presence of domain evolution

    Characterization of Turing diffusion-driven instability on evolving domains

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    In this paper we establish a general theoretical framework for Turing diffusion-driven instability for reaction-diffusion systems on time-dependent evolving domains. The main result is that Turing diffusion-driven instability for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains is characterised by Lyapunov exponents of the evolution family associated with the linearised system (obtained by linearising the original system along a spatially independent solution). This framework allows for the inclusion of the analysis of the long-time behavior of the solutions of reaction-diffusion systems. Applications to two special types of evolving domains are considered: (i) time-dependent domains which evolve to a final limiting fixed domain and (ii) time-dependent domains which are eventually time periodic. Reaction-diffusion systems have been widely proposed as plausible mechanisms for pattern formation in morphogenesis

    Global existence for semilinear reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains

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    We present global existence results for solutions of reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains. Global existence results for a class of reaction-diffusion systems on fixed domains are extended to the same systems posed on spatially linear isotropically evolving domains. The results hold without any assumptions on the sign of the growth rate. The analysis is valid for many systems that commonly arise in the theory of pattern formation. We present numerical results illustrating our theoretical findings.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Stability analysis of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems: the effects of growing domains

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    By using asymptotic theory, we generalise the Turing diffusively-driven instability conditions for reaction-diffusion systems with slow, isotropic domain growth. There are two fundamental biological differences between the Turing conditions on fixed and growing domains, namely: (i) we need not enforce cross nor pure kinetic conditions and (ii) the restriction to activator-inhibitor kinetics to induce pattern formation on a growing biological system is no longer a requirement. Our theoretical findings are confirmed and reinforced by numerical simulations for the special cases of isotropic linear, exponential and logistic growth profiles. In particular we illustrate an example of a reaction-diffusion system which cannot exhibit a diffusively-driven instability on a fixed domain but is unstable in the presence of slow growth

    Exhibiting cross-diffusion-induced patterns for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains and surfaces

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    The aim of this manuscript is to present for the first time the application of the finite element method for solving reaction-diffusion systems with cross-diffusion on continuously evolving domains and surfaces. Furthermore we present pattern formation generated by the reaction-diffusion systemwith cross-diffusion on evolving domains and surfaces. A two-component reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion in both u and v is presented. The finite element method is based on the approximation of the domain or surface by a triangulated domain or surface consisting of a union of triangles. For surfaces, the vertices of the triangulation lie on the continuous surface. A finite element space of functions is then defined by taking the continuous functions which are linear affine on each simplex of the triangulated domain or surface. To demonstrate the role of cross-diffusion to the theory of pattern formation, we compute patterns with model kinetic parameter values that belong only to the cross-diffusion parameter space; these do not belong to the standard parameter space for classical reaction-diffusion systems. Numerical results exhibited show the robustness, flexibility, versatility, and generality of our methodology; the methodology can deal with complicated evolution laws of the domain and surface, and these include uniform isotropic and anisotropic growth profiles as well as those profiles driven by chemical concentrations residing in the domain or on the surface

    Domain-growth-induced patterning for reaction-diffusion systems with linear cross-diffusion

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    In this article we present, for the first time, domain-growth induced pat- tern formation for reaction-diffusion systems with linear cross-diffusion on evolving domains and surfaces. Our major contribution is that by selecting parameter values from spaces induced by domain and surface evolution, patterns emerge only when domain growth is present. Such patterns do not exist in the absence of domain and surface evolution. In order to compute these domain-induced parameter spaces, linear stability theory is employed to establish the necessary conditions for domain- growth induced cross-diffusion-driven instability for reaction-diffusion systems with linear cross-diffusion. Model reaction-kinetic parameter values are then identified from parameter spaces induced by domain-growth only; these exist outside the classical standard Turing space on stationary domains and surfaces. To exhibit these patterns we employ the finite element method for solving reaction-diffusion systems with cross-diffusion on continuously evolving domains and surfaces

    Convective Instability and Boundary Driven Oscillations in a Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Model

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    In a reaction-diffusion-advection system, with a convectively unstable regime, a perturbation creates a wave train that is advected downstream and eventually leaves the system. We show that the convective instability coexists with a local absolute instability when a fixed boundary condition upstream is imposed. This boundary induced instability acts as a continuous wave source, creating a local periodic excitation near the boundary, which initiates waves traveling both up and downstream. To confirm this, we performed analytical analysis and numerical simulations of a modified Martiel-Goldbeter reaction-diffusion model with the addition of an advection term. We provide a quantitative description of the wave packet appearing in the convectively unstable regime, which we found to be in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations. We characterize this new instability and show that in the limit of high advection speed, it is suppressed. This type of instability can be expected for reaction-diffusion systems that present both a convective instability and an excitable regime. In particular, it can be relevant to understand the signaling mechanism of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum that may experience fluid flows in its natural habitat.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, published in Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Scienc
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