33 research outputs found

    Modeling the Bat Spatial Navigation System: A Neuromorphic VLSI Approach

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    Autonomously navigating robots have long been a tough challenge facing engineers. The recent push to develop micro-aerial vehicles for practical military, civilian, and industrial use has added a significant power and time constraint to the challenge. In contrast, animals, from insects to humans, have been navigating successfully for millennia using a wide range of variants of the ultra-low-power computational system known as the brain. For this reason, we look to biological systems to inspire a solution suitable for autonomously navigating micro-aerial vehicles. In this dissertation, the focus is on studying the neurobiological structures involved in mammalian spatial navigation. The mammalian brain areas widely believed to contribute directly to navigation tasks are the Head Direction Cells, Grid Cells and Place Cells found in the post-subiculum, the medial entorhinal cortex, and the hippocampus, respectively. In addition to studying the neurobiological structures involved in navigation, we investigate various neural models that seek to explain the operation of these structures and adapt them to neuromorphic VLSI circuits and systems. We choose the neuromorphic approach for our systems because we are interested in understanding the interaction between the real-time, physical implementation of the algorithms and the real-world problem (robot and environment). By utilizing both analog and asynchronous digital circuits to mimic similar computations in neural systems, we envision very low power VLSI implementations suitable for providing practical solutions for spatial navigation in micro-aerial vehicles

    Neuromorphic Place Cells

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    A neuromorphic SLAM system shows potential for more efficient implementation than its traditional counterpart. We demonstrate a mixed-mode implementation for spatial encoding neurons including theta cells, vector cells, and place cells. Together, they form a biologically plausible network that could reproduce the localization functionality of place cells. The system consists of a theta chip with 128 units and an FPGA encoding 4 networks for vector cells formation that provides the capability for tracking on a 11 by 11 place cell grid. Experimental results validate the robustness of our model when suffering from 18% standard deviation from mathematical models induced by variations of analog circuits. We provide a foundation for implementing dynamic neuromorphic SLAM systems for nonhomogeneous mapping and inspirations for the formation of spatial cells in biology.Comment: 20 pages, draft for Journal pape

    Exploiting semantic information in a spiking neural SLAM system

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    To navigate in new environments, an animal must be able to keep track of its position while simultaneously creating and updating an internal map of features in the environment, a problem formulated as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in the field of robotics. This requires integrating information from different domains, including self-motion cues, sensory, and semantic information. Several specialized neuron classes have been identified in the mammalian brain as being involved in solving SLAM. While biology has inspired a whole class of SLAM algorithms, the use of semantic information has not been explored in such work. We present a novel, biologically plausible SLAM model called SSP-SLAM—a spiking neural network designed using tools for large scale cognitive modeling. Our model uses a vector representation of continuous spatial maps, which can be encoded via spiking neural activity and bound with other features (continuous and discrete) to create compressed structures containing semantic information from multiple domains (e.g., spatial, temporal, visual, conceptual). We demonstrate that the dynamics of these representations can be implemented with a hybrid oscillatory-interference and continuous attractor network of head direction cells. The estimated self-position from this network is used to learn an associative memory between semantically encoded landmarks and their positions, i.e., an environment map, which is used for loop closure. Our experiments demonstrate that environment maps can be learned accurately and their use greatly improves self-position estimation. Furthermore, grid cells, place cells, and object vector cells are observed by this model. We also run our path integrator network on the NengoLoihi neuromorphic emulator to demonstrate feasibility for a full neuromorphic implementation for energy efficient SLAM


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    In this work, the focus is on realizing the function of the hippocampal formation (HF) and the lateral superior olive (LSO) in electronic circuits. The first major contribution of this dissertation is to realize the function of the HF in silicon. This was based on the GRIDSmap model and the Bayesian integration. For this, two novel circuits were designed and integrated with others. The first circuit was that of a Bayesian integration synapse which can perform Bayesian integration at the single neuron level. The second circuit was that of a velocity integrator which is so compact that it can enable integration of the entire system on a single chip compared to its predecessors which would have needed 27 chips! However, since the computational neuroscience models of the hippocampal place cells do not explain all the characteristics observed empirically, a novel model for the place cells, based on the sensori-motor integration of inputs is proposed. This is the second major contribution of this thesis. The third major contribution is to demonstrate a VLSI system which can perform azimuthal localization based on population response of the LSO. This system was based on the Reed and Blum's model of the LSO. For this, a novel circuit of a second order synapse and that of a conductance neuron was designed and integrated with other circuits. This synapse circuit can produce an output current whose peak is delayed and is proportional to the number of inputs it receives. The HF is thought to aid in spatial navigation and the LSO is thought to be involved in azimuthal localization of sounds both of which are useful for autonomous robotic spatial navigation. Hence, silicon realization of these two will be useful in robotics which is an area of interest for the neuromorphic engineers

    Dimensions of Timescales in Neuromorphic Computing Systems

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    This article is a public deliverable of the EU project "Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures" (MeMScales, https://memscales.eu, Call ICT-06-2019 Unconventional Nanoelectronics, project number 871371). This arXiv version is a verbatim copy of the deliverable report, with administrative information stripped. It collects a wide and varied assortment of phenomena, models, research themes and algorithmic techniques that are connected with timescale phenomena in the fields of computational neuroscience, mathematics, machine learning and computer science, with a bias toward aspects that are relevant for neuromorphic engineering. It turns out that this theme is very rich indeed and spreads out in many directions which defy a unified treatment. We collected several dozens of sub-themes, each of which has been investigated in specialized settings (in the neurosciences, mathematics, computer science and machine learning) and has been documented in its own body of literature. The more we dived into this diversity, the more it became clear that our first effort to compose a survey must remain sketchy and partial. We conclude with a list of insights distilled from this survey which give general guidelines for the design of future neuromorphic systems

    Biologically Inspired Spatial Representation

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    In this thesis I explore a biologically inspired method of encoding continuous space within a population of neurons. This method provides an extension to the Semantic Pointer Architecture (SPA) to encompass Semantic Pointers with real-valued spatial content in addition to symbol-like representations. I demonstrate how these Spatial Semantic Pointers (SSPs) can be used to generate cognitive maps containing objects at various locations. A series of operations are defined that can retrieve objects or locations from the encoded map as well as manipulate the contents of the memory. These capabilities are all implemented by a network of spiking neurons. I explore the topology of the SSP vector space and show how it preserves metric information while compressing all coordinates to unit length vectors. This allows a limitless spatial extent to be represented in a finite region. Neurons encoding space represented in this manner have firing fields similar to entorhinal grid cells. Beyond constructing biologically plausible models of spatial cognition, SSPs are applied to the domain of machine learning. I demonstrate how replacing traditional spatial encoding mechanisms with SSPs can improve performance on networks trained to compute a navigational policy. In addition, SSPs are also effective for training a network to localize within an environment based on sensor measurements as well as perform path integration. To demonstrate a practical, integrated system using SSPs, I combine a goal driven navigational policy with the localization network and cognitive map representation to produce an agent that can navigate to semantically defined goals. In addition to spatial tasks, the SSP encoding is applied to a more general class of machine learning problems involving arbitrary continuous signals. Results on a collection of 122 benchmark datasets across a variety of domains indicate that neural networks trained with SSP encoding outperform commonly used methods for the majority of the datasets. Overall, the experiments in this thesis demonstrate the importance of exploring new kinds of representations within neural networks and how they shape the kinds of functions that can be effectively computed. They provide an example of how insights regarding how the brain may encode information can inspire new ways of designing artificial neural networks