9 research outputs found

    Persepsi pelajar sarjana muda kejuruteraan elektrik terhadap program latihan industri, Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pelajar Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Terhadap Program Latihan Industri, KUiTTHO berdasarkan kepada 4 faktor iaitu kesesuaian penempatan program latihan industri, kesesuaian pendedahan pelajaran teori di KUiTTHO dan amali di tempat program latihan industri, tahap kerjasama yang diberikan oleh pihak industri kepada pelajar d a n kesediaan pelajar melakukan kerja yang diberi semasa program latihan industri. Sampel kajian adalah terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar Sarjana Mud a Kejuruteraan Elektrik di KUITTHO yang telah menjalani program latihan industri. Set soal selidik terdiri daripada 3 bahagian iaitu bahagian A yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat diri responden manakala bahagian Bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian program latihan industri yang telah diikuti oleh pelajar dan bahagian C adalah cadangan untuk meningkatkan mutu program latihan industri. Data - data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan perisisan SPSS 10.0 for Windows (Statistical Package for the Social Science version 10) dan dipersembahkan dalam bentuk peratusan, carta dan keterangan analisis. Dapatan kajian secara umumnya menunjukkan reaksi positif dimana bagi semua aspek menunjukkan min keseluruhan yang tingg

    Road edge and lane boundary detection using laser and vision

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    This paper presents a methodology for extracting road edge and lane information for smart and intelligent navigation of vehicles. The range information provided by a fast laser range-measuring device is processed by an extended Kalman filter to extract the road edge or curb information. The resultant road edge information is used to aid in the extraction of the lane boundary from a CCD camera image. Hough Transform (HT) is used to extract the candidate lane boundary edges, and the most probable lane boundary is determined using an Active Line Model based on minimizing an appropriate Energy function. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined Laser and Vision strategy for road-edge and lane boundary detection

    Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time Expectation-Driven Approach

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    The main aim of this work is the development of a vision-based road detection system fast enough to cope with the difficult real-time constraints imposed by moving vehicle applications. The hardware platform, a special-purpose massively parallel system, has been chosen to minimize system production and operational costs. This paper presents a novel approach to expectation-driven low-level image segmentation, which can be mapped naturally onto mesh-connected massively parallel SIMD architectures capable of handling hierarchical data structures. The input image is assumed to contain a distorted version of a given template; a multiresolution stretching process is used to reshape the original template in accordance with the acquired image content, minimizing a potential function. The distorted template is the process output.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Vehicle Detection and Tracking Techniques: A Concise Review

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    Vehicle detection and tracking applications play an important role for civilian and military applications such as in highway traffic surveillance control, management and urban traffic planning. Vehicle detection process on road are used for vehicle tracking, counts, average speed of each individual vehicle, traffic analysis and vehicle categorizing objectives and may be implemented under different environments changes. In this review, we present a concise overview of image processing methods and analysis tools which used in building these previous mentioned applications that involved developing traffic surveillance systems. More precisely and in contrast with other reviews, we classified the processing methods under three categories for more clarification to explain the traffic systems

    Smart Cars and Smart Roads.

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    Deteção e seguimento de trilhos em ambientes florestais com recurso a um sistema de visão monocular

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    Esta dissertação propõe um sistema de apoio à navegação baseado em visão monocular passível de ser instalado em veículos aéreos não tripulados de pequena e média dimensão, concebidos para realizar missões em ambiente florestal (e.g., busca e salvamento). A navegação autónoma em ambiente florestal apresenta um conjunto de desafios que vão desde a complexidade dos obstáculos presentes (e.g., árvores) até ao ruído provocado pela vegetação nos sinais de radiofrequência tipi camente usados para controlo remoto ou auto-localização (GPS). Neste contexto, o trabalho proposto nesta dissertação aborda a questão da utilização de trilhos para navegar de forma segura neste tipo de ambientes, explorando o facto dos trilhos poderem ser caraterizados como sendo vias de comunicação terrestre, que se apresentam por norma livres de obstáculos. Para tal, é estendida a técnica de deteção e seguimento de trilhos proposta por Santana et al. [68], à qual é adici onada informação tridimensional do ambiente para aumentar a sua robustez na presença de trilhos mais desafiantes. Concretamente, a informação tridimensional do ambiente obtida através de sequências de imagens capturadas por uma câmara monocular equipada no veículo aéreo é utilizada para modular essa mesma téc nica de deteção de trilhos. Os resultados experimentais, obtidos a partir de um conjunto de 12 vídeos filmados com recurso a uma câmara montada num veículo aéreo não tripulado de pequena dimensão, tele-operado, mostram a capacidade do sistema proposto na identificação da região hipótese do trilho, tendo sido obtida uma taxa de sucesso de 97; 78%, sendo superior aos 90:30% obtidos pelo sistema que serviu de base a este trabalho.This dissertation proposes a support system to navigation based on monocular vision system susceptible of being installed in unmanned small and medium-sized aerial vehicles, built to perform missions in forest environments (e.g., search and rescue). Autonomous navigation in forest environments presents a set of challenges from the complexity of existing obstacles (e.g., trees) to the noise caused by vegetation in the radiofrequency signals typically used for remote control or auto-location (GPS). In this context, this dissertation addresses the use of trails to navigate safely in this kind of environments, exploring the fact that trails can be characterized as means of terrestrial communication, normally free of obstacles. For that, the detection and trail following technique proposed by Santana et al. [68] is used, to which tridimensional environment information is added, to increase its sturdiness upon more challenging trails. More specifically, the environment’s tridimensional information obtained through sequences of images captured by a monocular camera equipped in the aerial vehicle is used to adjust that trail detection technique. The experimental results, obtained via a set of 12 videos recorded with a camera installed in a tele-operated, unmanned small-sized aerial vehicle, show the capacity of the proposed system in identifying the trail path, achieving a success rate of 97; 78%, meaning a higher success rate than the 90:30% achieved with the system used as basis for the work developed in this dissertation

    The Crewman's Associate for Path Control (CAPC): an automated driving function

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    Army Tank Automotive Command, Warren, Mich.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/1134/2/88210.0001.001.pd