929 research outputs found

    A Two-Wheeled Vehicle Navigation System Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    The paper deals with a two-wheeled vehicle,namely ESG-2 (Extended Segway-like Generation- 2) navigation control system using a fuzzy logic controller. The vehicle employs two wheels left and right independently which are controlled independently using a fuzzy logic controller respectively. The controllers deal with a compact and implementable application for the normal using with a person (human with 60kg weight in average) loaded on the vehicle. A modified infrared-based range sensor system is applied to the vehicle as a tilt sensor and it is incorporated with an accelerometer to control its response in case of the dynamics disturbances. The fuzzy controller runs in tilt-mode while a reference tilt using a potentiometer (as steer system) is taken into account for navigating the vehicle. From the simulation using MATLAB @ and experiments it is obvious that the prototype of ESG-2 is quite challenging to be developed in the future

    Lunar Roving Vehicle Navigation System Performance Review

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    The design and operation of the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) navigation system are briefly described. The basis for the premission LRV navigation error analysis is explained and an example included. The real time mission support operations philosophy is presented. The LRV navigation system operation and accuracy during the lunar missions are evaluated

    An Underwater Vehicle Navigation System Using Acoustic and Inertial Sensors

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    Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) have become an essential tool for different underwater tasks. Compared with other unmanned systems, the navigation and localization for UUVs are particularly challenging due to the unavailability of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals underwater and the complexity of the unstable environment. Alternative methods such as acoustic positioning systems, Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and the geophysical navigation approach are used for UUV navigation. Acoustic positioning systems utilize the characteristics of acoustic signals that have a lower absorption rate and a more extended propagation distance than electromagnetic signals underwater. The significant disadvantage of the INS is the “drift,” the unbounded error growth over time in the outputs. This thesis is aimed to study and test a combined UUV navigation system that fuses measurements from the INS, Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), and Short Baseline (SBL) acoustic positioning system to reduce the drift. Two Kalman filters are used to do the fusion: the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). After conducting the experiments and simulation, the results illustrated the INS/SBL fusion navigation approach was able to reduce the drift problems in the INS. Moreover, UKF showed a better performance than the EKF in the INS

    Smart Mobility Digital Twin Based Automated Vehicle Navigation System: A Proof of Concept

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    Digital twins (DTs) have driven major advancements across various industrial domains over the past two decades. With the rapid advancements in autonomous driving and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies, integrating DTs into vehicular platforms is anticipated to further revolutionize smart mobility systems. In this paper, a new smart mobility DT (SMDT) platform is proposed for the control of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) over next-generation wireless networks. In particular, the proposed platform enables cloud services to leverage the abilities of DTs to promote the autonomous driving experience. To enhance traffic efficiency and road safety measures, a novel navigation system that exploits available DT information is designed. The SMDT platform and navigation system are implemented with state-of-the-art products, e.g., CAVs and roadside units (RSUs), and emerging technologies, e.g., cloud and cellular V2X (C-V2X). In addition, proof-of-concept (PoC) experiments are conducted to validate system performance. The performance of SMDT is evaluated from two standpoints: (i) the rewards of the proposed navigation system on traffic efficiency and safety and, (ii) the latency and reliability of the SMDT platform. Our experimental results using SUMO-based large-scale traffic simulations show that the proposed SMDT can reduce the average travel time and the blocking probability due to unexpected traffic incidents. Furthermore, the results record a peak overall latency for DT modeling and route planning services to be 155.15 ms and 810.59 ms, respectively, which validates that our proposed design aligns with the 3GPP requirements for emerging V2X use cases and fulfills the targets of the proposed design. Our demonstration video can be found at https://youtu.be/3waQwlaHQkk.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navifation System Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Radiounits

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    Modern unmanned aerial vehicle navigation systems are highly dependent on Global Positioning System signals. Since Global Positioning System signals in dense urban housing areas, in tunnels or indoors may be unreliable, unmanned aerial vehicle will not be able to fulfill its tasks if needed to pass such zones. An unmanned aerial vehicle navigation system based on on the increasingly popular radio standard IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee is proposed. A description of such networks and their advantages for unmanned aerial vehicle positioning are given

    Benchmarking Particle Filter Algorithms for Efficient Velodyne-Based Vehicle Localization

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    Keeping a vehicle well-localized within a prebuilt-map is at the core of any autonomous vehicle navigation system. In this work, we show that both standard SIR sampling and rejection-based optimal sampling are suitable for efficient (10 to 20 ms) real-time pose tracking without feature detection that is using raw point clouds from a 3D LiDAR. Motivated by the large amount of information captured by these sensors, we perform a systematic statistical analysis of how many points are actually required to reach an optimal ratio between efficiency and positioning accuracy. Furthermore, initialization from adverse conditions, e.g., poor GPS signal in urban canyons, we also identify the optimal particle filter settings required to ensure convergence. Our findings include that a decimation factor between 100 and 200 on incoming point clouds provides a large savings in computational cost with a negligible loss in localization accuracy for a VLP-16 scanner. Furthermore, an initial density of ∼2 particles/m 2 is required to achieve 100% convergence success for large-scale (∼100,000 m 2 ), outdoor global localization without any additional hint from GPS or magnetic field sensors. All implementations have been released as open-source software

    Deceptive Marketing

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    Deceptive marketing is the use of inaccurate or false information to catch the attention of the user through the usage of misleading information to coax purchaser into a business transaction that will unusual be beneficial to the consumer but advantageous to the one that doing the deceptive advertising (Peter & Olson, 2010). Deceptive marketing has been marked in the literature which give an authority view about deception in marketing (Wilkins et al., 2016). Deceptive marketing is also a untrue claims or fake news about a firm’s products by competing firms can be understood in the context of misleading in marketing and unethical business practices and understanding the effects of unethical marketing is important, given that negative information is often more important to buyers than positive information and that firms can easily begin misleading marketing on the internet, especially through social media (Song et al., 2017). The requirement for a description of deceit in spreading is a long way from another concern (Ullah & Hussain, 2015). Overstatement of product quality is same as misleading facts about the product which it can be a structure of false praise. Whether and how much deceptive advertising impacts utilization is uncertain a reasoning because firms can counter-advertise to reveal deceptive assert by their opponents and consumers may be understood to ignore overstate declarations. Advertising in common and deceptive advertising in specific can be united, grow total utilization or ruthless, grow in demand share at the cost of opponents, or both