5 research outputs found

    A Multistage Procedure of Mobile Vehicle Acoustic Identification for Single-Sensor Embedded Device

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    Mobile vehicle identification has a wide application field for both civilian and military uses. Vehicle identification may be achieved by incorporating single or multiple sensor solutions and through data fusion. This paper considers a single-sensor multistage hierarchical algorithm of acoustic signal analysis and pattern recognition for the identification of mobile vehicles in an open environment. The algorithm applies several standalone techniques to enable complex decision-making during event identification. Computationally inexpensive procedures are specifically chosen in order to provide real-time operation capability. The algorithm is tested on pre-recorded audio signals of civilian vehicles passing the measurement point and shows promising classification accuracy. Implementation on a specific embedded device is also presented and the capability of real-time operation on this device is demonstrated

    Visual Understanding via Multi-Feature Shared Learning with Global Consistency

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    Image/video data is usually represented with multiple visual features. Fusion of multi-source information for establishing the attributes has been widely recognized. Multi-feature visual recognition has recently received much attention in multimedia applications. This paper studies visual understanding via a newly proposed l_2-norm based multi-feature shared learning framework, which can simultaneously learn a global label matrix and multiple sub-classifiers with the labeled multi-feature data. Additionally, a group graph manifold regularizer composed of the Laplacian and Hessian graph is proposed for better preserving the manifold structure of each feature, such that the label prediction power is much improved through the semi-supervised learning with global label consistency. For convenience, we call the proposed approach Global-Label-Consistent Classifier (GLCC). The merits of the proposed method include: 1) the manifold structure information of each feature is exploited in learning, resulting in a more faithful classification owing to the global label consistency; 2) a group graph manifold regularizer based on the Laplacian and Hessian regularization is constructed; 3) an efficient alternative optimization method is introduced as a fast solver owing to the convex sub-problems. Experiments on several benchmark visual datasets for multimedia understanding, such as the 17-category Oxford Flower dataset, the challenging 101-category Caltech dataset, the YouTube & Consumer Videos dataset and the large-scale NUS-WIDE dataset, demonstrate that the proposed approach compares favorably with the state-of-the-art algorithms. An extensive experiment on the deep convolutional activation features also show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The code is available on http://www.escience.cn/people/lei/index.htmlComment: 13 pages,6 figures, this paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Multimedi

    Learning Multimodal Structures in Computer Vision

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    A phenomenon or event can be received from various kinds of detectors or under different conditions. Each such acquisition framework is a modality of the phenomenon. Due to the relation between the modalities of multimodal phenomena, a single modality cannot fully describe the event of interest. Since several modalities report on the same event introduces new challenges comparing to the case of exploiting each modality separately. We are interested in designing new algorithmic tools to apply sensor fusion techniques in the particular signal representation of sparse coding which is a favorite methodology in signal processing, machine learning and statistics to represent data. This coding scheme is based on a machine learning technique and has been demonstrated to be capable of representing many modalities like natural images. We will consider situations where we are not only interested in support of the model to be sparse, but also to reflect a-priorily known knowledge about the application in hand. Our goal is to extract a discriminative representation of the multimodal data that leads to easily finding its essential characteristics in the subsequent analysis step, e.g., regression and classification. To be more precise, sparse coding is about representing signals as linear combinations of a small number of bases from a dictionary. The idea is to learn a dictionary that encodes intrinsic properties of the multimodal data in a decomposition coefficient vector that is favorable towards the maximal discriminatory power. We carefully design a multimodal representation framework to learn discriminative feature representations by fully exploiting, the modality-shared which is the information shared by various modalities, and modality-specific which is the information content of each modality individually. Plus, it automatically learns the weights for various feature components in a data-driven scheme. In other words, the physical interpretation of our learning framework is to fully exploit the correlated characteristics of the available modalities, while at the same time leverage the modality-specific character of each modality and change their corresponding weights for different parts of the feature in recognition