4 research outputs found

    Vectorizing for Wider Vector Units in a HW/SW Co-designed Environment

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    HW/SW Co-designed Processors: Challenges, Design Choices and a Simulation Infrastructure for Evaluation

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    Improving single thread performance is a key challenge in modern microprocessors especially because the traditional approach of increasing clock frequency and deep pipelining cannot be pushed further due to power constraints. Therefore, researchers have been looking at unconventional architectures to boost single thread performance without running into the power wall. HW/SW co-designed processors like Nvidia Denver, are emerging as a promising alternative. However, HW/SW co-designed processors need to address some key challenges such as startup delay, providing high performance with simple hardware, translation/optimization overhead, etc. before they can become mainstream. A fundamental requirement for evaluating different design choices and trade-offs to meet these challenges is to have a simulation infrastructure. Unfortunately, there is no such infrastructure available today. Building the aforementioned infrastructure itself poses significant challenges as it encompasses the complexities of not only an architectural framework but also of a compilation one. This paper identifies the key challenges that HW/SW codesigned processors face and the basic requirements for a simulation infrastructure targeting these architectures. Furthermore, the paper presents DARCO, a simulation infrastructure to enable research in this domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Assisting Static Compiler Vectorization with a Speculative Dynamic Vectorizer in an HW/SW Codesigned Environment

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    Compiler-based static vectorization is used widely to extract data-level parallelism from computation-intensive applications. Static vectorization is very effective in vectorizing traditional array-based applications. However, compilers' inability to do accurate interprocedural pointer disambiguation and interprocedural array dependence analysis severely limits vectorization opportunities. HW/SW codesigned processors provide an excellent opportunity to optimize the applications at runtime. The availability of dynamic application behavior at runtime helps in capturing vectorization opportunities generally missed by the compilers. This article proposes to complement the static vectorization with a speculative dynamic vectorizer in an HW/SW codesigned processor. We present a speculative dynamic vectorization algorithm that speculatively reorders ambiguous memory references to uncover vectorization opportunities. The speculative reordering of memory instructions avoids the need for accurate interprocedural pointer disambiguation and interprocedural array dependence analysis. The hardware checks for any memory dependence violation due to speculative vectorization and takes corrective action in case of violation. Our experiments show that the combined (static + dynamic) vectorization approach provides a 2× performance benefit compared to the static GCC vectorization alone, for SPECFP2006. Furthermore, the speculative dynamic vectorizer is able to vectorize 48% of the loops that ICC failed to vectorize due to conservative dependence analysis in the TSVC benchmark suite. Moreover, the dynamic vectorization scheme is as effective in vectorization of pointer-based applications as for the array-based ones, whereas compilers lose significant vectorization opportunities in pointer-based applications. Furthermore, we show that speculation is not only a luxury but also a necessity for runtime vectorization.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Optimizing SIMD execution in HW/SW co-designed processors

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    SIMD accelerators are ubiquitous in microprocessors from different computing domains. Their high compute power and hardware simplicity improve overall performance in an energy efficient manner. Moreover, their replicated functional units and simple control mechanism make them amenable to scaling to higher vector lengths. However, code generation for these accelerators has been a challenge from the days of their inception. Compilers generate vector code conservatively to ensure correctness. As a result they lose significant vectorization opportunities and fail to extract maximum benefits out of SIMD accelerators. This thesis proposes to vectorize the program binary at runtime in a speculative manner, in addition to the compile time static vectorization. There are different environments that support runtime profiling and optimization support required for dynamic vectorization, one of most prominent ones being: 1) Dynamic Binary Translators and Optimizers (DBTO) and 2) Hardware/Software (HW/SW) Co-designed Processors. HW/SW co-designed environment provides several advantages over DBTOs like transparent incorporations of new hardware features, binary compatibility, etc. Therefore, we use HW/SW co-designed environment to assess the potential of speculative dynamic vectorization. Furthermore, we analyze vector code generation for wider vector units and find out that even though SIMD accelerators are amenable to scaling from the hardware point of view, vector code generation at higher vector length is even more challenging. The two major factors impeding vectorization for wider SIMD units are: 1) Reduced dynamic instruction stream coverage for vectorization and 2) Large number of permutation instructions. To solve the first problem we propose Variable Length Vectorization that iteratively vectorizes for multiple vector lengths to improve dynamic instruction stream coverage. Secondly, to reduce the number of permutation instructions we propose Selective Writing that selectively writes to different parts of a vector register and avoids permutations. Finally, we tackle the problem of leakage energy in SIMD accelerators. Since SIMD accelerators consume significant amount of real estate on the chip, they become the principle source of leakage if not utilized judiciously. Power gating is one of the most widely used techniques to reduce leakage energy of functional units. However, power gating has its own energy and performance overhead associated with it. We propose to selectively devectorize the vector code when higher SIMD lanes are used intermittently. This selective devectorization keeps the higher SIMD lanes idle and power gated for maximum duration. Therefore, resulting in overall leakage energy reduction.Postprint (published version