39 research outputs found

    The Föppl–von KĂĄrmĂĄn equations of elastic plates with initial stress

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    Initially stressed plates are widely used in modern fabrication techniques, such as additive manufacturing and UV lithography, for their tunable morphology by application of external stimuli. In this work, we propose a formal asymptotic derivation of the F\"{o}ppl-von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n equations for an elastic plate with initial stresses, using the constitutive theory of nonlinear elastic solids with initial stresses under the assumptions of incompressibility and material isotropy. Compared to existing works, our approach allows to determine the morphological transitions of the elastic plate without prescribing the underlying target metric of the unstressed state of the elastic body. We explicitly solve the derived FvK equations in some physical problems of engineering interest, discussing how the initial stress distribution drives the emergence of spontaneous curvatures within the deformed plate. The proposed mathematical framework can be used to tailor shape on demand, with applications in several engineering fields ranging from soft robotics to 4D printing

    Discrete approximations of the Föppl–Von KĂĄrmĂĄn shell model: From coarse to more refined models

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    AbstractThe problem of deducing, from the Föppl–Von KĂĄrmĂĄn energy functional, a sequence of reduced discrete models having few degrees of freedom is analyzed. Similar discrete models have been recently intensively studied to analyze the multistable behavior of shallow shells, the bifurcations of composite laminates under temperature loads or the wrinkling in soft tissues.In particular three relevant examples are discussed and compared among them, where the curvature is assumed uniform, linearly and quadratically varying through the shell. While the uniform-curvature assumption dates back to Mansfield (1962), linear variations of the shell curvatures can describe smooth transitions between everted configurations, while quadratic variations can account for the, usually disregarded, bending boundary conditions.For their deduction we revisit the Maxwell–Mohr method: accordingly, a sequence of auxiliary elliptic problems of plane elasticity is solved to determine the statically unknown membranal stresses. This is a key ingredient for the presented models to compare extremely well with Finite Element approximations or with literature models with far more degrees of freedom

    Explicit exactly energy-conserving methods for Hamiltonian systems

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    For Hamiltonian systems, simulation algorithms that exactly conserve numerical energy or pseudo-energy have seen extensive investigation. Most available methods either require the iterative solution of nonlinear algebraic equations at each time step, or are explicit, but where the exact conservation property depends on the exact evaluation of an integral in continuous time. Under further restrictions, namely that the potential energy contribution to the Hamiltonian is non-negative, newer techniques based on invariant energy quadratisation allow for exact numerical energy conservation and yield linearly implicit updates, requiring only the solution of a linear system at each time step. In this article, it is shown that, for a general class of Hamiltonian systems, and under the non-negativity condition on potential energy, it is possible to arrive at a fully explicit method that exactly conserves numerical energy. Furthermore, such methods are unconditionally stable, and are of comparable computational cost to the very simplest integration methods (such as Störmer-Verlet). A variant of this scheme leading to a conditionally-stable method is also presented, and follows from a splitting of the potential energy. Various numerical results are presented, in the case of the classic test problem of Fermi, Pasta and Ulam and for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations, including those describing high amplitude vibration of strings and plates

    A Review Paper on Comparison of Numerical Techniques for Finding Approximate Solutions to Boundary Value Problems on Post-Buckling in Functionally Graded Materials

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    The use of finite element models as research tools in biomechanics and orthopedics grew exponentially over the last two decades. However, the attention to mesh quality, model validation and appropriate energy balance methods and the reporting of these metrics has not kept pace with the general use of finite element modeling. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to develop the nonlinear filter and thermal buckling of an FGM panel under the combined effect of elevated temperature conditions and aerodynamic loading is investigated using a finite element model based on the thin plate theory and von Karman strain-displacement relations to account for moderately large deflection. It is found that the temperature increase has an adverse effect on the FGM panel flutter characteristics through decreasing the critical dynamic pressure. Decreasing the volume fraction enhances flutter characteristics, but this is limited by the structural integrity aspect. Structural finite element analysis has been employed to determine the FGM panel's adaptive response while under the influence of a uniaxial compressive load in excess of its critical buckling value. By increasing the applications of using composite materials inside aviation stages, it is visualized that the versatile FGM plate setup will broaden the operational execution over traditional materials and structures, especially when the structure is presented to a raised temperature. The vicinity of air motion facilitating stream brings about delaying the locking temperature and in stifling under loads, while the temperature build gives route for higher thermal-cycle abundance

    Elastic growth in thin geometries

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    International audienceGeneration of shapes in biological tissues is a complex multiscale phenomenon. Biochemical details of cell proliferation, death and mobility can be incorporated within a continuum mechanical framework by specifying locally the amplitude and direction of growth. For tissues exhibiting an elastic behavior, equilibrium shapes of growing bodies can be evaluated through the minimization of an appropriate energy. This model is applied to thin shells and plates, a geometry relevant to nuts and pollen grains but also leaves, petals and algae