2,369 research outputs found

    A unary error correction code for the near-capacity joint source and channel coding of symbol values from an infinite set

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    A novel Joint Source and Channel Code (JSCC) is proposed, which we refer to as the Unary Error Correction (UEC) code. Unlike existing JSCCs, our UEC facilitates the practical encoding of symbol values that are selected from a set having an infinite cardinality. Conventionally, these symbols are conveyed using Separate Source and Channel Codes (SSCCs), but we demonstrate that the residual redundancy that is retained following source coding results in a capacity loss, which is found to have a value of 1.11 dB in a particular practical scenario. By contrast, the proposed UEC code can eliminate this capacity loss, or reduce it to an infinitesimally small value. Furthermore, the UEC code has only a moderate complexity, facilitating its employment in practical low-complexity applications

    Synchronization recovery and state model reduction for soft decoding of variable length codes

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    Variable length codes exhibit de-synchronization problems when transmitted over noisy channels. Trellis decoding techniques based on Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimators are often used to minimize the error rate on the estimated sequence. If the number of symbols and/or bits transmitted are known by the decoder, termination constraints can be incorporated in the decoding process. All the paths in the trellis which do not lead to a valid sequence length are suppressed. This paper presents an analytic method to assess the expected error resilience of a VLC when trellis decoding with a sequence length constraint is used. The approach is based on the computation, for a given code, of the amount of information brought by the constraint. It is then shown that this quantity as well as the probability that the VLC decoder does not re-synchronize in a strict sense, are not significantly altered by appropriate trellis states aggregation. This proves that the performance obtained by running a length-constrained Viterbi decoder on aggregated state models approaches the one obtained with the bit/symbol trellis, with a significantly reduced complexity. It is then shown that the complexity can be further decreased by projecting the state model on two state models of reduced size

    Near-capacity dirty-paper code design : a source-channel coding approach

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    This paper examines near-capacity dirty-paper code designs based on source-channel coding. We first point out that the performance loss in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in our code designs can be broken into the sum of the packing loss from channel coding and a modulo loss, which is a function of the granular loss from source coding and the target dirty-paper coding rate (or SNR). We then examine practical designs by combining trellis-coded quantization (TCQ) with both systematic and nonsystematic irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA) codes. Like previous approaches, we exploit the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart technique for capacity-approaching IRA code design; but unlike previous approaches, we emphasize the role of strong source coding to achieve as much granular gain as possible using TCQ. Instead of systematic doping, we employ two relatively shifted TCQ codebooks, where the shift is optimized (via tuning the EXIT charts) to facilitate the IRA code design. Our designs synergistically combine TCQ with IRA codes so that they work together as well as they do individually. By bringing together TCQ (the best quantizer from the source coding community) and EXIT chart-based IRA code designs (the best from the channel coding community), we are able to approach the theoretical limit of dirty-paper coding. For example, at 0.25 bit per symbol (b/s), our best code design (with 2048-state TCQ) performs only 0.630 dB away from the Shannon capacity