156 research outputs found

    Collocation methods for a class of second order initial value problems with oscillatory solutions

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    We derive and analyse two families of multistep collocation methods for periodic initial-value problems of the form y" = f(x, y); y((^x)o) = yo, y(^1)(xo) = zo involving ordinary differential equations of second order in which the first derivative does not appear explicitly. A survey of recent results and proposed numerical methods is given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is devoted to the analysis of a family of implicit Chebyshev methods proposed by Panovsky k Richardson. We show that for each non-negative integer r, there are two methods of order 2r from this family which possess non-vanishing intervals of periodicity. The equivalence of these methods with one-step collocation methods is also established, and these methods are shown to be neither P-stable nor symplectic. In chapters 4 and 5, two families of multistep collocation methods are derived, and their order and stability properties are investigated. A detailed analysis of the two-step symmetric methods from each class is also given. The multistep Runge-Kutta-Nystrom methods of chapter 4 are found to be difficult to analyse, and the specific examples considered are found to perform poorly in the areas of both accuracy and stability. By contrast, the two-step symmetric hybrid methods of chapter 5 are shown to have excellent stability properties, in particular we show that all two-step 27V-point methods of this type possess non-vanishing intervals of periodicity, and we give conditions under which these methods are almost P-stable. P-stable and efficient methods from this family are obtained and demonstrated in numerical experiments. A simple, cheap and effective error estimator for these methods is also given

    On the effectiveness of spectral methods for the numerical solution of multi-frequency highly-oscillatory Hamiltonian problems

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    Multi-frequency, highly-oscillatory Hamiltonian problems derive from the mathematical modelling of many real life applications. We here propose a variant of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs), which is able to efficiently deal with the numerical solution of such problems.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures (a few typos fixed

    Numerical Solution of ODEs and the Columbus' Egg: Three Simple Ideas for Three Difficult Problems

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    On computers, discrete problems are solved instead of continuous ones. One must be sure that the solutions of the former problems, obtained in real time (i.e., when the stepsize h is not infinitesimal) are good approximations of the solutions of the latter ones. However, since the discrete world is much richer than the continuous one (the latter being a limit case of the former), the classical definitions and techniques, devised to analyze the behaviors of continuous problems, are often insufficient to handle the discrete case, and new specific tools are needed. Often, the insistence in following a path already traced in the continuous setting, has caused waste of time and efforts, whereas new specific tools have solved the problems both more easily and elegantly. In this paper we survey three of the main difficulties encountered in the numerical solutions of ODEs, along with the novel solutions proposed.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures (typos fixed

    Decentralized Weakly Convex Optimization Over the Stiefel Manifold

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    We focus on a class of non-smooth optimization problems over the Stiefel manifold in the decentralized setting, where a connected network of nn agents cooperatively minimize a finite-sum objective function with each component being weakly convex in the ambient Euclidean space. Such optimization problems, albeit frequently encountered in applications, are quite challenging due to their non-smoothness and non-convexity. To tackle them, we propose an iterative method called the decentralized Riemannian subgradient method (DRSM). The global convergence and an iteration complexity of O(ε2log2(ε1))\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^{-2} \log^2(\varepsilon^{-1})) for forcing a natural stationarity measure below ε\varepsilon are established via the powerful tool of proximal smoothness from variational analysis, which could be of independent interest. Besides, we show the local linear convergence of the DRSM using geometrically diminishing stepsizes when the problem at hand further possesses a sharpness property. Numerical experiments are conducted to corroborate our theoretical findings.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    The application of generalized, cyclic, and modified numerical integration algorithms to problems of satellite orbit computation

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    Generalized, cyclic, and modified multistep numerical integration methods are developed and evaluated for application to problems of satellite orbit computation. Generalized methods are compared with the presently utilized Cowell methods; new cyclic methods are developed for special second-order differential equations; and several modified methods are developed and applied to orbit computation problems. Special computer programs were written to generate coefficients for these methods, and subroutines were written which allow use of these methods with NASA's GEOSTAR computer program