13,855 research outputs found

    Ascent trajectory optimisation for a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle with hybrid propulsion

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    This paper addresses the design of ascent trajectories for a hybrid-engine, high performance, unmanned, single-stage-to-orbit vehicle for payload deployment into low Earth orbit. A hybrid optimisation technique that couples a population-based, stochastic algorithm with a deterministic, gradient-based technique is used to maximize the nal vehicle mass in low Earth orbit after accounting for operational constraints on the dynamic pressure, Mach number and maximum axial and normal accelerations. The control search space is first explored by the population-based algorithm, which uses a single shooting method to evaluate the performance of candidate solutions. The resultant optimal control law and corresponding trajectory are then further refined by a direct collocation method based on finite elements in time. Two distinct operational phases, one using an air-breathing propulsion mode and the second using rocket propulsion, are considered. The presence of uncertainties in the atmospheric and vehicle aerodynamic models are considered in order to quantify their effect on the performance of the vehicle. Firstly, the deterministic optimal control law is re-integrated after introducing uncertainties into the models. The proximity of the final solutions to the target states are analysed statistically. A second analysis is then performed, aimed at determining the best performance of the vehicle when these uncertainties are included directly in the optimisation. The statistical analysis of the results obtained are summarized by an expectancy curve which represents the probable vehicle performance as a function of the uncertain system parameters. This analysis can be used during the preliminary phase of design to yield valuable insights into the robustness of the performance of the vehicle to uncertainties in the specification of its parameters

    Viability-based computation of spatially constrained minimum time trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle: implementation and experiments.

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    A viability algorithm is developed to compute the constrained minimum time function for general dynamical systems. The algorithm is instantiated for a specific dynamics(Dubin’s vehicle forced by a flow field) in order to numerically solve the minimum time problem. With the specific dynamics considered, the framework of hybrid systems enables us to solve the problem efficiently. The algorithm is implemented in C using epigraphical techniques to reduce the dimension of the problem. The feasibility of this optimal trajectory algorithm is tested in an experiment with a Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (LAUV) system. The hydrodynamics of the LAUV are analyzed in order to develop a low-dimension vehicle model. Deployment results from experiments performed in the Sacramento River in California are presented, which show good performance of the algorithm.trajectories; underwater vehicle; viability algorithm; hybrid systems; implementation;

    Capabilities and applications of the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories (POST). Program summary document

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    The capabilities and applications of the three-degree-of-freedom (3DOF) version and the six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) version of the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories (POST) are summarized. The document supplements the detailed program manuals by providing additional information that motivates and clarifies basic capabilities, input procedures, applications and computer requirements of these programs. The information will enable prospective users to evaluate the programs, and to determine if they are applicable to their problems. Enough information is given to enable managerial personnel to evaluate the capabilities of the programs and describes the POST structure, formulation, input and output procedures, sample cases, and computer requirements. The report also provides answers to basic questions concerning planet and vehicle modeling, simulation accuracy, optimization capabilities, and general input rules. Several sample cases are presented

    A heuristic explicit model predictive control framework for Eco-trajectory planning: Theoretical analysis and case study

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    The trajectory planning problem (TPP) has become increasingly crucial in the research of next-generation transportation systems, but it presents challenges due to the non-linearity of its constraints. One specific case within TPP, namely the Eco-trajectory Planning Problem (EPP), poses even greater computational difficulties due to its nonlinear, high-order, and non-convex objective function. This paper proposes a heuristic explicit predictive model control (heMPC) framework to address the eco-trajectory planning problem in scenarios without lane-changing behavior. The heMPC framework consists of an offline module and an online module. In the offline module, we build an optimal eco-trajectory batch by optimizing a series of simplified EPPs considering different system initial states and terminal states, which is equivalent to the lookup table in the general eMPC framework. The core idea of the offline module is to finish all potential optimization and computing in advance to avoid any form of online optimization in the online module. In the online module, we provide static and dynamic trajectory planning algorithms. Both algorithms greatly improve the computational efficiency of planning and only suffer from a limited extent of optimality losses through a batch-based selection process because any optimization and calculation are pre-computed in the offline module. The latter algorithm is also able to face possible emergencies and prediction errors. Both theoretical analysis and numerical are shown and discussed to test the computational quality and efficiency of the heMPC framework under a mixed-traffic flow environment that incorporates human-driving vehicles (HDV) and connected and automated vehicles (CAV) with different market penetration rates (MPR)