9 research outputs found

    Variable dimension weighted universal vector quantization and noiseless coding

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    A new algorithm for variable dimension weighted universal coding is introduced. Combining the multi-codebook system of weighted universal vector quantization (WUVQ), the partitioning technique of variable dimension vector quantization, and the optimal design strategy common to both, variable dimension WUVQ allows mixture sources to be effectively carved into their component subsources, each of which can then be encoded with the codebook best matched to that source. Application of variable dimension WUVQ to a sequence of medical images provides up to 4.8 dB improvement in signal to quantization noise ratio over WUVQ and up to 11 dB improvement over a standard full-search vector quantizer followed by an entropy code. The optimal partitioning technique can likewise be applied with a collection of noiseless codes, as found in weighted universal noiseless coding (WUNC). The resulting algorithm for variable dimension WUNC is also described

    Weighted universal image compression

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    We describe a general coding strategy leading to a family of universal image compression systems designed to give good performance in applications where the statistics of the source to be compressed are not available at design time or vary over time or space. The basic approach considered uses a two-stage structure in which the single source code of traditional image compression systems is replaced with a family of codes designed to cover a large class of possible sources. To illustrate this approach, we consider the optimal design and use of two-stage codes containing collections of vector quantizers (weighted universal vector quantization), bit allocations for JPEG-style coding (weighted universal bit allocation), and transform codes (weighted universal transform coding). Further, we demonstrate the benefits to be gained from the inclusion of perceptual distortion measures and optimal parsing. The strategy yields two-stage codes that significantly outperform their single-stage predecessors. On a sequence of medical images, weighted universal vector quantization outperforms entropy coded vector quantization by over 9 dB. On the same data sequence, weighted universal bit allocation outperforms a JPEG-style code by over 2.5 dB. On a collection of mixed test and image data, weighted universal transform coding outperforms a single, data-optimized transform code (which gives performance almost identical to that of JPEG) by over 6 dB

    Quantization as Histogram Segmentation: Optimal Scalar Quantizer Design in Network Systems

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    An algorithm for scalar quantizer design on discrete-alphabet sources is proposed. The proposed algorithm can be used to design fixed-rate and entropy-constrained conventional scalar quantizers, multiresolution scalar quantizers, multiple description scalar quantizers, and Wyner–Ziv scalar quantizers. The algorithm guarantees globally optimal solutions for conventional fixed-rate scalar quantizers and entropy-constrained scalar quantizers. For the other coding scenarios, the algorithm yields the best code among all codes that meet a given convexity constraint. In all cases, the algorithm run-time is polynomial in the size of the source alphabet. The algorithm derivation arises from a demonstration of the connection between scalar quantization, histogram segmentation, and the shortest path problem in a certain directed acyclic graph

    A vector quantization approach to universal noiseless coding and quantization

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    A two-stage code is a block code in which each block of data is coded in two stages: the first stage codes the identity of a block code among a collection of codes, and the second stage codes the data using the identified code. The collection of codes may be noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, or variable-rate quantizers. We take a vector quantization approach to two-stage coding, in which the first stage code can be regarded as a vector quantizer that “quantizes” the input data of length n to one of a fixed collection of block codes. We apply the generalized Lloyd algorithm to the first-stage quantizer, using induced measures of rate and distortion, to design locally optimal two-stage codes. On a source of medical images, two-stage variable-rate vector quantizers designed in this way outperform standard (one-stage) fixed-rate vector quantizers by over 9 dB. The tail of the operational distortion-rate function of the first-stage quantizer determines the optimal rate of convergence of the redundancy of a universal sequence of two-stage codes. We show that there exist two-stage universal noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, and variable-rate quantizers whose per-letter rate and distortion redundancies converge to zero as (k/2)n -1 log n, when the universe of sources has finite dimension k. This extends the achievability part of Rissanen's theorem from universal noiseless codes to universal quantizers. Further, we show that the redundancies converge as O(n-1) when the universe of sources is countable, and as O(n-1+ϵ) when the universe of sources is infinite-dimensional, under appropriate conditions

    Adaptive scalar quantization without side information

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for adaptive scalar quantization. Adaptivity is useful in applica- tions, including image compression, where the statistics of the source are either not known a priori or will change over time. Our algorithm uses previously quantized samples to estimate the distribution of the source, and does not require that side information be sent in order to adapt to changing source statistics. Our quantization scheme is thus backward adaptive. We propose that an adaptive quantizer can be separated into two building blocks, namely, model estimation and quantizer design. The model estimation produces an estimate of the changing source probability density function, which is then used to redesign the quantizer using standard techniques. We introduce non- parametric estimation techniques that only assume smoothness of the input distribution. We discuss the various sources of error in our estimation and argue that, for a wide class of sources with a smooth probability density function (pdf), we provide a good approximation to a “universal” quantizer, with the approximation becoming better as the rate increases. We study the performance of our scheme and show how the loss due to adaptivity is minimal in typical scenarios. In particular, we provide examples and show how our technique can achieve signal- to-noise ratios (SNR’s) within 0.05 dB of the optimal Lloyd–Max quantizer (LMQ) for a memoryless source, while achieving over 1.5 dB gain over a fixed quantizer for a bimodal source

    Quantization as Histogram Segmentation: Optimal Scalar Quantizer Design in Network Systems

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    A vector quantization approach to universal noiseless coding and quantization

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