12 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Online Classes in Mediating Reading Activities in the Blended Learning Model

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    As technology develops, the quality of language learning is able to improve due to the ease and innovation in accessing information and media as a learning tool, so that it can provide enormous benefits, especially in writing learning activities. Therefore, this study aims at examining the extent to which digital storytelling utilizes Storybird (a web tool for writing story) to mediate students’ learning activities. This study employed qualitative netnography as a research method. Through netnography, there are three beneficial aspects of students’ creative writing learning, which are: 1) Storybird is a platform for collaborative writing activities, 2) digital storytelling can develop students’ higher order thinking skills, and 3) digital storytelling becomes a method for implementing creative and innovative language learning. This study contributed to provide the understanding of how digital storytelling can be a learning method that provides broader thinking space for students. In addition, the purpose of this study is to invite students to participate in the process of learning creative writing.Seiring perkembangan teknologi, kualitas pembelajaran bahasa mampu meningkat disebabkan oleh kemudahan dan inovasi dalam mengakses informasi dan media sebagai sarana pembelajaran, sehingga hal tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar, terutama dalam aktivitas pembelajaran menulis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji sejauh mana digital storytelling dengan memanfaatkan Storybird (sebuah webtool untuk menulis cerita) dalam memediasi aktifitas belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode netnography kualitatif sebagai model penelitian, Melalui netnography, penelitian ini mendapatkan temuan bahwa terdapat tiga aspek manfaat terhadap pembelajaran menulis kreatif siswa, yaitu: 1) Storybird menjadi platform dalam melakukan kegiatan menulis kolaboratif, 2) digital storytelling dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan higher order thinking siswa, dan 3) digital storytelling menjadi metode untuk menerapkan pembelajaran bahasa yang kreatif dan inovatif. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan pemahaman bagaimana digital storytelling dapat menjadi metode belajar yang dapat memberikan ruang berfikir yang lebih kepada siswa. Adapun tujuan dari metode ini adalah untuk mengajak siswa agar lebih terlibat ke dalam proses pembelajaran menulis kreatif


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    This research paper addressed the relationship between Learning Difficulties and Working Memory of a sample of primary students in 10 schools at 4 cities of Cyprus. Students with poor working memory have a low academic achievement, facing difficulties in reading and mathematical thinking. The main objective of the current research is to investigate the possibility of a causative interaction between working memory and the occurrence of learning difficulties in primary school students. Evaluating working memory in students with SLD, the analysis showed that it was significantly lower (p=,000), indicating a strong correlation between working memory and learning difficulties. Specifically, the analysis revealed a statistically significant correlation (p≤.001) between working memory and the variables of digit span, picture memory, pattern memory, grapheme discrimination, phoneme discrimination, and phoneme composition. Adding to the research, the current study stress that in students with learning difficulties the deficits in working memory are in a strong relationship with difficulties in specific types of both Sequence Working Memory and Grapheme-phoneme’s Awareness.  Article visualizations

    The Impact of Learner Control on E-Learning Effectiveness: Towards a Theoretical Model

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    E-learning systems are changing education and organizational training considerably. With the advancement of online-based learning systems, learner control of the instructional process has emerged as a decisive factor inherent to technology-based learning. However, the conceptual work on the role of learner control in e-learning has not advanced sufficiently to predict how learner control impacts e-learning effectiveness. To extend the research on the role of learner control in e-learning, we derive a conceptual framework as a reference model, which is based on cognitive and motivational learning theories. We then apply our framework to review 58 articles on learner control during the period 1996-2013. Our findings reveal how different individual characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the course and learning environment moderate the impact of learner control on learning effectiveness. Our analysis provides new insight into the role of learner control for e-learning effectiveness, as well as directions for further research

    Investigating the effectiveness of blended learning in reading proficiency: Evidence from intermediate EFL learners

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    As an alternative solution to solve different reading comprehension problems in learning English as a foreign language (EFL), it is necessary to implement a blended learning model that combines both online and face-to-face (f2f) teaching modes. This study aimed at investigating the impact of blended learning on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading proficiency. Sixty EFL learners were chosen based on their performance on Oxford Placement Test. Then, they were divided into two groups (an experimental and a control group). The experimental group received reading materials through blending learning techniques and the control group received training in the traditional way. During treatment, the teacher designed and assigned activities for students to read the text effectively and reinforce their comprehension. The activities were designed to teach reading like scanning, skimming, and reading for accurate comprehension. Afterward, both groups participated in the reading post-test at the end of the study. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-test of reading comprehension and the intra-group progress was higher for the experimental group than the control group

    Augmenting efl vocabulary learning and reading comprehension through mobile phone-based vocabulary learning tasks and computer-based reading activites

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    EFL reading is a crucial input that is central to one’s academic progress, work environment, and social interactions. EFL reading is a complex process because there are many factors that play their part in successful reading experience. EFL vocabulary is one the most important factors in reading process as it provides the basis for the interaction between the text and the reader. Experts have been hard at work to devise means and ways to improve EFL reading comprehension. Since technology has permeated our lives, they have turned to technology to assist in the process of EFL reading. The use of technology in EFL reading instruction has been through two platforms: computers and mobile phones. The present study seeks to combine the affordances of these two platforms to augment EFL vocabulary learning and reading comprehension of students in Preparatory Year Programme (PYP) at a public university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also aims to study the students’ attitude towards EFL in general and towards the combined usage of these platforms to enhance EFL reading comprehension and EFL vocabulary learning in particular. The participants were students (N = 131) divided into four preformed groups, (n = 65) male and (n = 66) female students. The study spanned a period of six weeks and had a mixed methods design. One group of males (n = 32) and one of females (n = 34) formed the control group while the other two groups of males (n = 33) and females (n = 32) were given the treatment. Research instruments used for data collection were an achievement test, two questionnaires and a semi-structured interview protocol. All data collection instruments were developed by the researcher and were piloted, for reliability and consistency. The treatment comprised of two strands that were vocabulary instruction and reading comprehension. The subjects in the treatment condition received multi glossed vocabulary through mobile phones using WhatsApp tool while computer-generated reading activities made with Hot Potatoes tool were administered in language laboratory. The control groups were taught through traditional classroom method which follows a presentation, practice and production model. Pre-test and post-test data and data from questionnaires were analysed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Data from the semi-structured interviews was discussed qualitatively. Findings of the study revealed that the treatment groups outperformed their counterparts in the control groups both in vocabulary and reading comprehension components of the achievement test. Results of the questionnaire for the treatment group showed that the treatment had positive impact on attitudes and perception of the participants towards EFL reading in general and they reported positive attitudes towards the use of WhatsApp and Hot Potatoes as learning platforms. The findings also indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in the performance of male and female groups in treatment group on the basis of gender. The results of the study highlighted yet again that technology can be used as an effective assistive tool to augment vocabulary learning and to enhance reading comprehension skills of EFL learners. The findings of the study also suggested that simple computers and mobile phones can be used as learning platforms

    The Effect of eBook Reading on Overall Literacy Development

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    This study examined the effect of eBook reading, in contrast to traditional print reading, on developing overall literacy in lower elementary school students. It focused on student motivation, phoneme awareness, word recognition, and comprehension as they pertain to student achievement. This research study is important since it investigated a unique way to implement technology to assist both early and struggling readers. The study was designed to examine the effect of using an eBook application (Raz-Kids) instead of the traditional reading curriculum to engage the students through the interactive activities. The study involved 106 lower elementary school students in a private, Christian school with 96 students completing all assessments required for the quasi-experimental static-group comparison research design. This research study used the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey and the STAR Reading Enterprise assessment to evaluate student progress after incorporating the Raz-Kids application into their current reading program for a six-week period. A MANOVA was used to analyze all of the research data pertaining to motivation to read as it pertained to academic and recreational reading, phoneme awareness, word recognition, and student comprehension. The analysis indicated that there was not a statistically significant difference between the scores of students who participated in the treatment group and those in the control group. Data was collected through these assessments and analyzed using SPSS statistical software

    The Impact of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Ninth- and Tenth-Grade Students

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    With over 60 years of education reform, including the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) in 1958, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975, and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002, the achievement gap still existed at the beginning of the 21st century, and the effectiveness of the U. S. public school system continued to be questioned. This study was conducted to examine the effect of the use of a computer-assisted instruction curriculum, Achieve 3000, among select secondary reading students in a central Florida school district and their implications for student achievement. This study showed significant difference existed in the type of students rather than the reading program. The ANCOVA performed on all students and the ANOVAs performed for exceptional education students, males and females, free/reduced lunch and ethnic subgroups did not show a significant statistical difference in the 2012-2013 reading achievement scores. The Achieve 3000 reading program did not close the achievement gap any more than the non-Achieve 3000 reading program. Conversely, the ANOVA performed for English language learners did show a significant statistical difference between the 2012-2013 reading achievement scores. However, the effect size each question was small indicating the practical implication was also small. Ultimately, this study made a strong argument for the need for further research

    Computer-Assisted Instruction in an Urban School Setting: Fifth-Grade Teachers’ Perceptions and Students' Attitudes Toward Science

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    The purpose of this dissertation study was to investigate a specific computer-assisted instructional software, Study Hall 101, in fifth-grade science. The study was conducted on an urban, elementary school campus in a northeastern school district in Texas. A mixed-methods approach was utilized in an attempt to understand two teachers’ perceptions about its use in fifth-grade science and evaluate its impact on fifth-grade students’ attitudes toward science. The first inquiry employed a qualitative research design in an attempt to understand teachers’ perceptions towards the use of Study Hall 101. Data collection methods used in this study included interviews, focus groups, and electronic-mail (e-mail) responses to open-ended sentence stems. Four favorable themes emerged from teachers’ responses: (1) students' attitudes toward science, (2) students’ participation in science class discussions, (3) content individualization, and (4) students’ engagement. Teachers’ frustrations also emerged into themes: (1) time constraints, (2) technology glitches, and (3) specific design elements. The second inquiry employed a quantitative research design in an attempt to investigate the impact of Study Hall 101 on seventy fifth-grade students’ attitudes toward science after an eight-week period. The Modified Attitudes Toward Science Inventory (mATSI) was used for data collection and was administered to students on two occasions, before and after treatment. Results indicated no statistically significant change in fifth-grade students’ overall attitudes toward science as a result of its use; however, two statistically significant findings did occur when data were analyzed across attribute variables of gender, ethnicity, and economic status, as well as specific domains within the mATSI. First, the use of Study Hall 101 was associated with males’ and females’ attitudes in opposite ways in regard to one domain of the mATSI: self-concept toward science. Second, students in the control group experienced a decline in another attitude domain of the mATSI: desire to do science. The results of this study contribute to the field of K-12 education as we search for effective educational tools to reach diverse student populations. This study concludes that teachers’ perceptions of this software are favorable and that its use in fifth-grade science should be considered as a tool to engage students in their own learning process

    Addressing literacy skills in kindergartners in Alaska : an evaluation of Lexia Reading Core5®

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate Core5, a computer-assisted instruction (CAI) programme, on developing early literacy skills in struggling kindergartners and providing enrichment for high achieving kindergartners. Conducted through the positivist research paradigm, the research design of this study is a quantitative quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design using the probes AIMSweb Letter Name Fluency (LNF), AIMSweb Letter Sound Fluency (LSF), MAP K-2 Early Literacy, as well as a questionnaire regarding teacher perceptions of Core5 and its implementation in the classroom. This study used convenience sampling instead of probability sampling since many schools already use Core5. Fifteen schools in the Matanuska Susitna Borough School District was the target population. The sample group comprised of 751 kindergartners, aged five to six-year-olds divided into the treatment group, the partial treatment group, and the control group. Posttest analysis of LNF and LSF data confirmed all three groups made gains from the pretest, but an ANOVA indicated there was a significant difference between the three groups. A Bonferroni post hoc test determined the treatment group and the partial treatment group were significantly different from the control group. The posttest analysis of MAP K-2 Early Literacy data indicated that all three groups made gains from the pretest. An ANOVA suggested there was no significant difference between the three groups. Lastly, the end-of-year Core5 levels were correlated to the benchmark scores on LNF, LSF and MAP K-2 Early Literacy probes using Pearson’s r. The teacher questionnaire indicated that a majority of teachers have a favourable view of Core5, which is vital to the implementation of Core5 because their attitude is also a significant predictor of student use in the classroom. The findings indicate that Core5 is an effective CAI program to use as part of the kindergarten ELA curriculum. The findings also add to the volume of research on Core5, CAI programmes and blended learning.English StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (English

    Investigating the impact of using an integrated approach to the teaching of writing skills amongst secondary students of English as a foreign language in Saudi Arabia

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    This research investigates the impact of the use of an integrated approach to the teaching of writing on Saudi EFL students in secondary education. Specifically, it examines its impact on the development of metacognitive strategies, students’ behaviour and levels of motivation and performance.The approach combines genre, process and content approaches and integrates them with meta-cognitive strategies in the teaching of three selected writing styles: academic, argumentative and creative. It also considers teacher training and the strategy development of EFL students.The research follows a mixed-method approach. Quantitative data collection was directed through pre questionnaire and –post 1 and 2 questionnaires and analysis of pre- and post-tests marks. Qualitative data included material from the students’ and a purpose-trained teacher’s interview, analysis of students’ essays, class observations and a teachers’ questionnaire.The results of this study show a positive impact of this integrated approach, which was manifested in improved writing performance, motivation, attitude towards writing in English and awareness of meta-cognitive strategies, as well as the sustained use of these strategies.While the study confirms and expands on previous work in the field of language learning strategies (Abdul-Rahman, 2011; Al-Otaibi, 2004; Cohen, 1998; Cohen & Weaver, 2006; Macaro, 2001; Oxford, 1990; Ehrman & Oxford, 1990), it also stresses the need for further research into EFL writing strategies and the impact of meta-cognitive strategies on students and teachers in the Saudi Arabian education context (Alhaisoni 2012; Aljuaid 2010; Mehrdad et al., 2012). Moreover, it identifies insufficient teacher training and curricular design as factors which fail to promote autonomous learning, and calls for further studies to improve integrated and sustainable teaching approaches