307 research outputs found

    Managing contamination delay to improve Timing Speculation architectures

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    Timing Speculation (TS) is a widely known method for realizing better-than-worst-case systems. Aggressive clocking, realizable by TS, enable systems to operate beyond specified safe frequency limits to effectively exploit the data dependent circuit delay. However, the range of aggressive clocking for performance enhancement under TS is restricted by short paths. In this paper, we show that increasing the lengths of short paths of the circuit increases the effectiveness of TS, leading to performance improvement. Also, we propose an algorithm to efficiently add delay buffers to selected short paths while keeping down the area penalty. We present our algorithm results for ISCAS-85 suite and show that it is possible to increase the circuit contamination delay by up to 30% without affecting the propagation delay. We also explore the possibility of increasing short path delays further by relaxing the constraint on propagation delay and analyze the performance impact

    LDM: Lineage-Aware Data Management in Multi-tier Storage Systems

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    We design and develop LDM, a novel data management solution to cater the needs of applications exhibiting the lineage property, i.e. in which the current writes are future reads. In such a class of applications, slow writes significantly hurt the over-all performance of jobs, i.e. current writes determine the fate of next reads. We believe that in a large scale shared production cluster, the issues associated due to data management can be mitigated at a way higher layer in the hierarchy of the I/O path, even before requests to data access are made. Contrary to the current solutions to data management which are mostly reactive and/or based on heuristics, LDM is both deterministic and pro-active. We develop block-graphs, which enable LDM to capture the complete time-based data-task dependency associations, therefore use it to perform life-cycle management through tiering of data blocks. LDM amalgamates the information from the entire data center ecosystem, right from the application code, to file system mappings, the compute and storage devices topology, etc. to make oracle-like deterministic data management decisions. With trace-driven experiments, LDM is able to achieve 29–52% reduction in over-all data center workload execution time. Moreover, by deploying LDM with extensive pre-processing creates efficient data consumption pipelines, which also reduces write and read delays significantly

    Lightweight Frequency-Based Tiering for CXL Memory Systems

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    Modern workloads are demanding increasingly larger memory capacity. Compute Express Link (CXL)-based memory tiering has emerged as a promising solution for addressing this trend by utilizing traditional DRAM alongside slow-tier CXL-memory devices in the same system. Unfortunately, most prior tiering systems are recency-based, which cannot accurately identify hot and cold pages, since a recently accessed page is not necessarily a hot page. On the other hand, more accurate frequency-based systems suffer from high memory and runtime overhead as a result of tracking large memories. In this paper, we propose FreqTier, a fast and accurate frequency-based tiering system for CXL memory. We observe that memory tiering systems can tolerate a small amount of tracking inaccuracy without compromising the overall application performance. Based on this observation, FreqTier probabilistically tracks the access frequency of each page, enabling accurate identification of hot and cold pages while maintaining minimal memory overhead. Finally, FreqTier intelligently adjusts the intensity of tiering operations based on the application's memory access behavior, thereby significantly reducing the amount of migration traffic and application interference. We evaluate FreqTier on two emulated CXL memory devices with different bandwidths. On the high bandwidth CXL device, FreqTier can outperform state-of-the-art tiering systems while using 4×\times less local DRAM memory for in-memory caching workloads. On GAP graph analytics and XGBoost workloads with 1:32 local DRAM to CXL-memory ratio, FreqTier outperforms prior works by 1.04-2.04×\times (1.39×\times on average). Even on the low bandwidth CXL device, FreqTier outperforms AutoNUMA by 1.14×\times on average

    Hera Object Storage : a seamless, automated multi-tiering solution on top of OpenStack Swift

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    Over the last couple of decades, the demand for storage in the Cloud has grown exponentially. Distributed Cloud storage and object storage for the increasing share of unstructured data, are in high focus in both academic and industrial research activities. At the same time, efficient storage and the corresponding costs are often contrasting parameters raising a trade-off problem for any proposed solution. To this aim, classifying the data in terms of access probability became a hot topic. This paper introduces Hera Object Storage, a storage system built on top of OpenStack Swift that aims at selecting the most appropriate storage tier for any object to be stored. The goal of the multi-tiering storage we propose is to be automated and seamless, guaranteeing the required storage performance at the lowest possible cost. The paper discusses the design challenges, the proposed algorithmic solutions to the scope and, based on a prototype implementation it presents a basic proof-of-concept validation

    An Analysis of Storage Virtualization

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    Investigating technologies and writing expansive documentation on their capabilities is like hitting a moving target. Technology is evolving, growing, and expanding what it can do each and every day. This makes it very difficult when trying to snap a line and investigate competing technologies. Storage virtualization is one of those moving targets. Large corporations develop software and hardware solutions that try to one up the competition by releasing firmware and patch updates to include their latest developments. Some of their latest innovations include differing RAID levels, virtualized storage, data compression, data deduplication, file deduplication, thin provisioning, new file system types, tiered storage, solid state disk, and software updates to coincide these technologies with their applicable hardware. Even data center environmental considerations like reusable energies, data center environmental characteristics, and geographic locations are being used by companies both small and large to reduce operating costs and limit environmental impacts. Companies are even moving to an entire cloud based setup to limit their environmental impact as it could be cost prohibited to maintain your own corporate infrastructure. The trifecta of integrating smart storage architectures to include storage virtualization technologies, reducing footprint to promote energy savings, and migrating to cloud based services will ensure a long-term sustainable storage subsystem

    Robustness of Image-Based Malware Analysis

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    In previous work, “gist descriptor” features extracted from images have been used in malware classification problems and have shown promising results. In this research, we determine whether gist descriptors are robust with respect to malware obfuscation techniques, as compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) trained directly on malware images. Using the Python Image Library (PIL), we create images from malware executables and from malware that we obfuscate. We conduct experiments to compare classifying these images with a CNN as opposed to extracting the gist descriptor features from these images to use in classification. For the gist descriptors, we consider a variety of classification algorithms including k-nearest neighbors, random forest, support vector machine, and multi-layer perceptron. We find that gist descriptors are more robust than CNNs, with respect to the obfuscation techniques that we consider

    Word Embeddings for Fake Malware Generation

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    Signature and anomaly-based techniques are the fundamental methods to detect malware. However, in recent years this type of threat has advanced to become more complex and sophisticated, making these techniques less effective. For this reason, researchers have resorted to state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to combat the threat of information security. Nevertheless, despite the integration of the machine learning models, there is still a shortage of data in training that prevents these models from performing at their peak. In the past, generative models have been found to be highly effective at generating image-like data that are similar to the actual data distribution. In this paper, we leverage the knowledge of generative modeling on opcode sequences and aim to generate malware samples by taking advantage of the contextualized embeddings from BERT. We obtained promising results when differentiating between real and generated samples. We observe that generated malware has such similar characteristics to actual malware that the classifiers are having difficulty in distinguishing between the two, in which the classifiers falsely identify the generated malware as actual malware almost of the time