21,640 research outputs found

    Positive multi-criteria models in agriculture for energy and environmental policy analysis

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    Environmental consciousness and accompanying actions have been paralleled by the evolution of multi-criteria methods which have provided tools to assist policy makers in discovering compromises in order to muddle through. This paper recalls the development of multi-criteria methods in agriculture, focusing on their contribution to produce input or output functions useful for environmental and/or energy policy. Response curves generated by MC models can more accurately predict farmers’ response to market and policy parameters compared with classic profit maximizing behavior. Concrete examples from recent literature illustrate the above statements and ideas for further research are provided.multi-criteria models, interval programming, supply curves, bio-energy, policy analysis

    Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses

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    Problem: The involvement of external stakeholders in capstone projects and project courses is desirable due to its potential positive effects on the students. Capstone projects particularly profit from the inclusion of an industrial partner to make the project relevant and help students acquire professional skills. In addition, an increasing push towards education that is aligned with industry and incorporates industrial partners can be observed. However, the involvement of external stakeholders in teaching moments can create friction and could, in the worst case, lead to frustration of all involved parties. Contribution: We developed a model that allows analysing the involvement of external stakeholders in university courses both in a retrospective fashion, to gain insights from past course instances, and in a constructive fashion, to plan the involvement of external stakeholders. Key Concepts: The conceptual model and the accompanying guideline guide the teachers in their analysis of stakeholder involvement. The model is comprised of several activities (define, execute, and evaluate the collaboration). The guideline provides questions that the teachers should answer for each of these activities. In the constructive use, the model allows teachers to define an action plan based on an analysis of potential stakeholders and the pedagogical objectives. In the retrospective use, the model allows teachers to identify issues that appeared during the project and their underlying causes. Drawing from ideas of the reflective practitioner, the model contains an emphasis on reflection and interpretation of the observations made by the teacher and other groups involved in the courses. Key Lessons: Applying the model retrospectively to a total of eight courses shows that it is possible to reveal hitherto implicit risks and assumptions and to gain a better insight into the interaction...Comment: Abstract shortened since arxiv.org limits length of abstracts. See paper/pdf for full abstract. Paper is forthcoming, accepted August 2017. Arxiv version 2 corrects misspelled author nam

    Contextualized property market models vs. Generalized mass appraisals: An innovative approach

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    The present research takes into account the current and widespread need for rational valuation methodologies, able to correctly interpret the available market data. An innovative automated valuation model has been simultaneously implemented to three Italian study samples, each one constituted by two-hundred residential units sold in the years 2016-2017. The ability to generate a "unique" functional form for the three different territorial contexts considered, in which the relationships between the influencing factors and the selling prices are specified by different multiplicative coefficients that appropriately represent the market phenomena of each case study analyzed, is the main contribution of the proposed methodology. The method can provide support for private operators in the assessment of the territorial investment conveniences and for the public entities in the decisional phases regarding future tax and urban planning policies

    Trading Safety Versus Performance: Rapid Deployment of Robotic Swarms with Robust Performance Constraints

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    In this paper we consider a stochastic deployment problem, where a robotic swarm is tasked with the objective of positioning at least one robot at each of a set of pre-assigned targets while meeting a temporal deadline. Travel times and failure rates are stochastic but related, inasmuch as failure rates increase with speed. To maximize chances of success while meeting the deadline, a control strategy has therefore to balance safety and performance. Our approach is to cast the problem within the theory of constrained Markov Decision Processes, whereby we seek to compute policies that maximize the probability of successful deployment while ensuring that the expected duration of the task is bounded by a given deadline. To account for uncertainties in the problem parameters, we consider a robust formulation and we propose efficient solution algorithms, which are of independent interest. Numerical experiments confirming our theoretical results are presented and discussed

    Approximation Algorithms for Route Planning with Nonlinear Objectives

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    We consider optimal route planning when the objective function is a general nonlinear and non-monotonic function. Such an objective models user behavior more accurately, for example, when a user is risk-averse, or the utility function needs to capture a penalty for early arrival. It is known that as nonlinearity arises, the problem becomes NP-hard and little is known about computing optimal solutions when in addition there is no monotonicity guarantee. We show that an approximately optimal non-simple path can be efficiently computed under some natural constraints. In particular, we provide a fully polynomial approximation scheme under hop constraints. Our approximation algorithm can extend to run in pseudo-polynomial time under a more general linear constraint that sometimes is useful. As a by-product, we show that our algorithm can be applied to the problem of finding a path that is most likely to be on time for a given deadline.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, main part of this paper is to be appear in AAAI'1


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    Extreme programming project management examines software development theory, the extreme programming process, and the essentials of standard project management as applied to software projects. The goal of this thesis is to integrate standard software project management practices, where possible, into the extreme programming process. Thus creating a management framework for extreme programming project management that gives the extreme programming managers the management activities and tools to utilize the extreme programming process within a wider range of commercial computing organizations, relationships, and development projects. The author speculates that the lack of organizational adoption and mainstream integration of the extreme programming process is connected to the lack of standard project management structure that allows for greater control of scheduling, cost, and quality. This paper will create a basic framework that will be used to improve the extreme programming process and identify its shortcomings

    The XP customer team: A grounded theory

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    The initial definition of XP resulted in many people interpreting the on-site customer to be a single person. We have conducted extensive qualitative research studying XP teams, and one of our research questions was “who is the customer”? We found that, rather than a single person, a customer team always exists. In this paper we outline the different roles that were typically on the team, which range from the recognized “Acceptance Tester” role to the less recognized roles of “Political Advisor” and “Super-Secretary”
