1,523 research outputs found

    Asistente virtual personal integrado con OpenProject para informar en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en el periodo 2019 en la empresa SIGCOMT S.A.C.

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    La empresa Sigcomt S.A.C, cuenta con una amplia cartera de proyectos de distintos rubros (académico, social, retail, financiero, etc.) y no cuenta con una forma adecuada de realizar informes en tiempo real ya que toma tiempo recibir uno por parte de los jefes de proyectos. Por tal razón, se logrará determinar con la ayuda de un asistente virtual personal es posible realizar informes en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en el periodo 2019 de la empresa Sigcomt S.A.C. Se utilizaron 2 proyectos (uno en el sector académico y el otro en el sector social) migrándolos dentro del sistema Open Project, estos están asignados a dos jefes de proyectos y a siete desarrolladores. Además, se usó el servicio de Dialogflow para la creación y entrenamiento del asistente virtual integrado en la plataforma de Android Studio que consume un Servicio Web conectado a la misma base de datos del sistema Open Project para tener una integración en tiempo real. Para desarrollo de todo el proyecto fue necesario determinar un Product Backlog por cada etapa (construcción de la aplicación móvil, configuración del sistema Open Project, construcción de los servicios web e integración con DialogFlow) y, usando la metodología Kanban poder llegar a culminar cada ítem del Product Backlog. Se concluyó, usando la prueba F para varianza de dos muestras, que al obtener un 1 de -0.14 y un 2 de -0.02 para la variable independiente, donde ambos se encuentran en el área de aceptación de un − de -2.10 y un de 2.10 y obtener un único de 0.73 para la variable dependiente, donde se encuentra en el área de aceptación de un − de -2.31 y un de 2.31, que un asistente virtual personal integrado con open project si puede realizar informes en tiempo real de la cartera de proyectos de software en la empresa Sigcomt S.A.C.Sigcomt S.A.C. has a wide portfolio of projects in different areas (academic, social, retail, financial, etc.) and does not have an adequate way to make reports in real time as it takes time to receive one from the project managers. For this reason, it will be possible to determine with the help of a personal virtual assistant is possible to make real-time reports of the portfolio of software projects in the period 2019 of the company Sigcomt S.A.C. Two projects were used (one in the academic sector and the other in the social sector) migrating them within the Open Project system, these are assigned to two project managers and seven developers. In addition, the Dialogflow service was used for the creation and training of the virtual assistant integrated in the Android Studio platform that consumes a Web Service connected to the same database of the Open Project system to have an integration in real time. For the development of the whole project, it was necessary to determine a Product Backlog for each stage (construction of the mobile application, configuration of the Open Project system, construction of the web services and integration with DialogFlow) and, using the Kanban methodology, be able to complete each item of the Product Backlog. It was concluded, using the F test for variance of two samples, that by obtaining a 1 of -0.14 and a 2 of -0.02 for the independent variable, where both are in the acceptance area of a −of -2.10 and a of 2.10 and obtain a single of 0.73 for the dependent variable, where it is in the area of acceptance of a − of -2.31 and a of 2.31, that a personal virtual assistant integrated with open project if it can make reports in real time of the portfolio of software projects in the company Sigcomt S.A.C.Tesi

    Incorporating Human Values in Technological Innovation: A Value Sensitive Design Approach for Smartwatches

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    This study uses Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) to explore user values related to smart-watches. As the popularity of smartwatches increases, and to build responsible and ethi-cal solutions, it is critical to reflect on what values are most important to people and how those values can be reflected in the design of the technology. Overall, the study includes three interrelated parts: a conceptual, an empirical, and a technical investigation. The three-part approach followed is the typical VSD approach. The conceptual investigation consists of identifying key values for users, the empirical investigation consists of inter-views and analysis based on the identified values, and the technical investigation con-sists of creating prototypes and testing those prototypes in collaboration with users. The findings of this study provide insight for research and practice. First, we identi-fied in the literature values that are commonly listed as important (security, privacy, transparency, sustainability, performance and reliability, control, trust, and human wel-fare) and investigated their significance for smartwatch users identifying the ones that are perceived as most important for them. Secondly, we integrated the values identified within prototypes and assessed these designs with users. We refined the prototype de-signs using user feedback ending up with a proof of concept that can be adopted by the industry. Overall, the study shows a lack of knowledge about risks amongst users and how adding layers of transparency within technology can help users make more in-formed choices about their privacy and security. Overall, the thesis takes a human-centered approach to explore the ethical issues and user experience concerns that emerge with smartwatch technologies. By focusing on the needs, perspectives, and priorities of smartwatch users themselves, this research provides design recommendations that are sensitive to values and consider user preferences. The findings from this study contribute to a growing area of research on smartwatches and wearable technologies. They offer researchers and industry practitioners key insights into the complex challenges posed by these increasingly ubiquitous devices. The recom-mendations provided can help guide future work that takes a human-centered view to-ward building smartwatch devices and related smartwatch management applications designed for both usefulness and human well-being

    Incorporating Human Values in Technological Innovation: A Value Sensitive Design Approach for Smartwatches

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    This study uses Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) to explore user values related to smart-watches. As the popularity of smartwatches increases, and to build responsible and ethical solutions, it is critical to reflect on what values are most important to people and how those values can be reflected in the design of the technology. Overall, the study includes three interrelated parts: a conceptual, an empirical, and a technical investigation. The three-part approach followed is the typical VSD approach. The conceptual investigation con-sists of identifying key values for users, the empirical investigation consists of interviews and analysis based on the identified values, and the technical investigation consists of cre-ating prototypes and testing those prototypes in collaboration with users. The findings of this study provide insight for research and practice. First, we identified in the literature values that are commonly listed as important (security, privacy, transpar-ency, sustainability, performance and reliability, control, trust, and human welfare) and investigated their significance for smartwatch users identifying the ones that are perceived as most important for them. Secondly, we integrated the values identified within proto-types and assessed these designs with users. We refined the prototype designs using user feedback ending up with a proof of concept that can be adopted by the industry. Overall, the study shows a lack of knowledge about risks amongst users and how adding layers of transparency within technology can help users make more informed choices about their privacy and security. Overall, the thesis takes a human-centered approach to explore the ethical issues and user experience concerns that emerge with smartwatch technologies. By focusing on the needs, perspectives, and priorities of smartwatch users themselves, this research provides design recommendations that are sensitive to values and consider user preferences. The findings from this study contribute to a growing area of research on smartwatches and wearable technologies. They offer researchers and industry practitioners key insights into the complex challenges posed by these increasingly ubiquitous devices. The recommenda-tions provided can help guide future work that takes a human-centered view toward build-ing smartwatch devices and related smartwatch management applications designed for both usefulness and human well-being

    Evaluation of the training requirements of newly qualified Health and Care Professions Council registered biomedical scientists in the field of Haematology.

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    Introduction This project was done to assess current training of biomedical scientists in Haematology laboratories who require a sufficient amount of efficient training before they can be deemed competent. There are guidelines from professional and regulatory bodies to aid training and assess competence for biomedical scientists but there has also been significant NHS organisational change and these new ways of working may affect training. Aim To determine if current training is sufficient for newly qualified biomedical scientists in the Haematology laboratories. Method A Delphi study with field experts and a survey with newly qualified scientists were undertaken. Content analysis was performed on the qualitative data and agreement levels for consensus items were performed on the quantitative data for both studies. Key Findings: These studies identified that NHS organisational change has negatively affected training. Key difficulties include staffing shortages and increased workload. These studies also identified the expert consensus view of the competencies required by a biomedical scientist and how best to train these with respect to technical skill and theoretical knowledge. The studies also identified the consensus of the most relevant qualities for a biomedical scientist as well as the most efficient ways to develop them. Implications: The conclusions from this research make a contribution to laboratory practice in NHS settings and to the field of Haematology in a laboratory setting by identifying key proficiencies and qualities required by biomedical scientists as well as how to develop them .Suggestions for training practices are also noted

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen

    A Value-sensitive Design Perspective of Cryptocurrencies: A Research Agenda

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    Cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology have begun to transform numerous industries. Although we have seen an uptrend in the types of created cryptocurrencies, it has not yet translated into mainstream adoption., In this paper, we use value-sensitive design principles to identify values among current and potential cryptocurrency adopters. Using Bitcoin as the context for this qualitative research study, we use grounded theory analytical techniques to discover manifested values among users and non-users. We develop a cryptocurrency value-sensitive design framework to summarize our results. As our main contribution, we offer a research agenda based on the cryptocurrency stakeholders’ underlying value system. This agenda can help information systems scholars apply this value-sensitive design perspective to their own cryptocurrency research