4 research outputs found

    IoT and Its Implications for Informed Consent

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    This report is based on a three-hour long workshop between representatives of the PETRAS IoT Hub, Pinsent Masons, and the HMG Department for Transport. The workshop is part of an ongoing investigation that explores the connections between some of the different dimensions likely to shape conceptions and applications of consent in the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). The impetus for the workshop was the recognition that two significant developments will challenge conventional approaches to online consent. From a technical perspective, the IoT will significantly increase personal data collection, use and re-use. From a regulatory perspective, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force in May 2018, will make much higher demands on practices of giving and obtaining consent. Combined, these two factors suggest that consent will be a major issue for all actors in the next five years and it requires some careful analysis now in order to adequately prepare for these developments

    Mudanças percebidas nas dimensões do modelo de negócios: estudo de caso em duas propriedades da horticultura orientadas pela Internet das Coisas (IOT)

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    A crescente evolução tecnológica no universo empresarial, notadamente a entrada da Internet das Coisas (do inglês, Internet of Things – IoT) no mercado, aumentando a conexão entre pessoas e empresas, torna necessário que as empresas repensem seus modelos de negócios. Essa conexão de dispositivos (IoT) gera um potencial impacto na economia global e no agronegócio não sendo diferente. Muitos gestores, especialmente no setor agroindustrial, compreenderam o potencial da IoT e já experimentam o aumento da qualidade, da eficiência de produtividade e dos seus custos – o que representa um cenário oportuno inclusive nos setores secundários, incluindo a hortifrúti. A partir de extensa pesquisa bibliográfica, foi identificada a carência de uma análise detalhada de como as dimensões do modelo de negócios são afetadas e modificadas pela adoção da tecnologia da IoT no agronegócio. Visando suprir essa lacuna, já que há uma necessidade prática de evidenciar as mudanças no modelo de negócio para as empresas adotantes, buscou-se entender as mudanças percebidas nas dimensões do modelo de negócios de duas propriedades da horticultura adotantes da tecnologia da IoT, ou que possuem o objetivo de adotar a tecnologia da IoT. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão geral da literatura sobre a tecnologia da IoT no agronegócio, suas capacidades e aplicações. Também se buscou conceitos do Modelo de Negócios, a partir dos autores Osterwalder e Pigneur e as suas mudanças nas dimensões, dos autores Zott et al. com a adoção da tecnologia da IoT. Optou-se então pela realização de uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória. Dessa forma, a abordagem constitui-se em dois estudos de caso realizados no setor hortifrúti. Os casos foram escolhidos a partir de suas características em relação a tecnologia e inovação dos seus processos e produtos, do qual foram extraídas implicações práticas Os casos foram escolhidos a partir de suas características em relação a tecnologia e inovação dos seus processos e produtos, do qual foram extraídas implicações práticas através das observações diretas e entrevistas, gerando uma ampla variedade de evidências, permitindo assim, que os produtores da horticultura analisem seu modelo ao implementar a tecnologia da IoT. Após a revisão da literatura referente aos macrotemas Internet das Coisas (IoT) e Modelo de Negócios, procedeu-se a pesquisa em seis etapas: definição do campo de estudo; identificação das categorias e subcategorias da pesquisa; validação das categorias e subcategorias da pesquisa; coleta de dados (entrevistas, análise de documentos, observação); transcrição dos dados e análise de conteúdo; resultado da pesquisa. As informações analisadas possibilitaram perceber que, embora nem todas 9 as dimensões dos modelos de negócios tenham sofrido alterações com a implementação da IoT, houve mudanças significativas nas cinco dimensões, tendo como principais mudanças a qualidade do produto, redução de custos, automatização, aumento da eficiência do processo e análise dos dados a partir do sensoriamento.The growing technological evolution in the business universe, notably the arrival of the Internet of Things (Internet of Things - loT) in the market, facilitating the connection between people and companies, makes it necessary for companies to rethink their business models. This network of devices (IoT) generates a potential impact on the global economy, being no different in agribusiness. Many managers, especially in the agro-industrial sector, understand the potential of IoT and are already experiencing increased quality, productivity efficiency and its costs - which represents an opportune scenario even in secondary sectors, including the fruits and vegetables sector. Based on an extensive bibliographical research, it was identified a lack of detailed analysis of how dimensions of the business model are affected and modified by the adoption of loT technology in agribusiness. Aiming to fill this gap, as there is a practical need to highlight changes in the business model for adopting companies, we sought to understand the changes perceived in the dimensions of the business model of two horticultural properties, either adopting or planning to adopt IoT technology. Therefore, a general review of the literature on loT technology in agribusiness, its resources and applications was carried out. Concepts of the Business Model were also sought from the authors Osterwalder and Pigneur and their changes in dimensions, from the authors Zott et al. within the adoption of IoT technology. It was then decided to carry out a qualitative exploratory research. Thus, the approach consists of two case studies carried out in the horticultural sector. The cases were chosen based on their characteristics in relation to technology and innovation of their processes and products, from which practical implications were extracted through direct observations and interviews, generating a wide variety of evidence, thus allowing horticultural producers to analyze their model when implementing IoT technology. After reviewing the literature on macro-themes Internet of Things (loT) and Business Model, the research was carried out in six stages: definition of the field of study; identification of research categories and subcategories; validation of research categories and subcategories; data collection (declaration, document analysis, observation); transcription of data and content analysis; search result. The information analyzed made it possible to realize that, although not all dimensions of the business models have changed with the implementation of IoT, there have been significant changes in the five dimensions, with the main changes being product quality, cost reduction, automation, increased efficiency of the process and data analysis from the sensing

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 1)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publishing the results, among others

    Value Of Information And Cost Of Privacy In The Internet Of Things

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    Will the Internet of Things happen? Clearly, the hardware and software components comprising the Internet of Things are technologically feasible, but the sweeping adoption we envision might not take place. The success of technological innovations depends on the creation of a business model that both customers and providers perceive as beneficial. As the recently abandoned Google Glass project shows, privacy concerns can kill an otherwise technologically feasible product. On the other hand, the example of Twitter illustrates that very popular products might fail to make money. Both academic researchers and businesses are becoming increasingly aware that we need to reason about the economic and social implications of provided value and privacy in a rigorous, quantitative way. In this article we call these quantities value of information, which appears to both the service providers and the customers, and cost of privacy, which normally is only relevant to the customers. We describe the importance of assessing these values in the context of the Internet of Things, possible directions of their formalization, their relationships to other problems, and related areas as well as future directions of the field