5 research outputs found

    A context-based approach for partitioning big data

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    In recent years, the amount of available data keeps growing at fast rate, and it is therefore crucial to be able to process them in an efficient way. The level of parallelism in tools such as Hadoop or Spark is determined, among other things, by the partitioning applied to the dataset. A common method is to split the data into chunks considering the number of bytes. While this approach may work well for text-based batch processing, there are a number of cases where the dataset contains structured information, such as the time or the spatial coordinates, and one may be interested in exploiting such a structure to improve the partitioning. This could have an impact on the processing time and increase the overall resource usage efficiency. This paper explores an approach based on the notion of context, such as temporal or spatial information, for partitioning the data. We design a context-based multi-dimensional partitioning technique that divides an n 12dimensional space into splits by considering the distribution of the each contextual dimension in the dataset. We tested our approach on a dataset from a touristic scenario, and our experiments show that we are able to improve the efficiency of the resource usage

    A Balanced Solution for the Partition-based Spatial Merge join in MapReduce

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    Several MapReduce frameworks have been developed in recent years in order to cope with the need to process an increasing amount of data. Moreover, some extensions of them have been proposed to deal with particular kind of information, like the spatial one. In this paper we will refer to SpatialHadoop, a spatial extension of Apache Hadoop which provides a rich set of spatial data types and operations. In the geo-spatial domain, spatial join is considered a fundamental operation for performing data analysis. However, the join operation is generally classified as a critical task to be performed in MapReduce, since it requires to process two datasets at time. Several different solutions have been proposed in literature for efficiently performing a spatial join which may or may not require the presence of a spatial index computed on both datasets or only one of them. As already discussed in literature, the efficiency of such operation depends on the ability to both prune unnecessary data as soon as possible and to provide a balanced amount of work to be done by each parallelly executed task. In this paper,we take a step forward in this direction by proposing an evolution of the Partition-based Spatial Merge Join algorithm which tries to completely exploit the benefit of the parallelism induced by the MapReduce framework. In particular, we concentrate on the partition phase which has to produce filtered balanced and meaningful subdivisions of the original datasets

    What makes spatial data big? A discussion on how to partition spatial data

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    The amount of available spatial data has significantly increased in the last years so that traditional analysis tools have become inappropriate to effectively manage them. Therefore, many attempts have been made in order to define extensions of existing MapReduce tools, such as Hadoop or Spark, with spatial capabilities in terms of data types and algorithms. Such extensions are mainly based on the partitioning techniques implemented for textual data where the dimension is given in terms of the number of occupied bytes. However, spatial data are characterized by other features which describe their dimension, such as the number of vertices or the MBR size of geometries, which greatly affect the performance of operations, like the spatial join, during data analysis. The result is that the use of traditional partitioning techniques prevents to completely exploit the benefit of the parallel execution provided by a MapReduce environment. This paper extensively analyses the problem considering the spatial join operation as use case, performing both a theoretical and an experimental analysis for it. Moreover, it provides a solution based on a different partitioning technique, which splits complex or extensive geometries. Finally, we validate the proposed solution by means of some experiments on synthetic and real datasets

    CoPart: a context-based partitioning technique for big data

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    The MapReduce programming paradigm is frequently used in order to process and analyse a huge amount of data. This paradigm relies on the ability to apply the same operation in parallel on independent chunks of data. The consequence is that the overall performances greatly depend on the way data are partitioned among the various computation nodes. The default partitioning technique, provided by systems like Hadoop or Spark, basically performs a random subdivision of the input records, without considering the nature and correlation between them. Even if such approach can be appropriate in the simplest case where all the input records have to be always analyzed, it becomes a limit for sophisticated analyses, in which correlations between records can be exploited to preliminarily prune unnecessary computations. In this paper we design a context-based multi-dimensional partitioning technique, called COPART, which takes care of data correlation in order to determine how records are subdivided between splits (i.e., units of work assigned to a computation node). More specifically, it considers not only the correlation of data w.r.t. contextual attributes, but also the distribution of each contextual dimension in the dataset. We experimentally compare our approach with existing ones, considering both quality criteria and the query execution times

    Validation of spatial integrity constraints in city models

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    Several different models have been defined in literature for the definition of 3D city models, from CityGML [14] to Inspire [8]. Such models include a geometrical representation of features together with a semantical classification of them. The semantical characterization of objects encapsulates important meaning and relations which are defined only implicitly or through natural language, such as a window surface shall be contained in the building boundary. The problem of ensuring the coherence between geometric and semantic information is well known in literature. Many attempts exist which try to extent the OCL language in order to represent spatial constraints for an UML model. However, this approach requires a deep knowledge of the OCL language and the implementation of ad-hoc procedures for the validation of the defined constraints. The aim of this paper is the development of a set of templates for expressing spatial 3D constraints between features which does not require any particular knowledge of a formal language. Moreover, the constraints instantiated from these templates can be automatically translated into validation procedures