4 research outputs found

    Validation of Activity-based Travel Demand Model using Smart-card Data in Seoul, South Korea

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    This study aims to validate an activity-based travel demand model, FEATHERS, using smart-card data which is collected in Seoul, South Korea, and to discuss some limits and challenges in the prediction of public traffic demands. To achieve the goal, global/local trip pattern indices and a hot-spot analysis were applied for the validation test as a comparison method in this study. Using those methods, the public traffic demands predicted by the simulation in the study area were evaluated comparing with ones in the smart-card data. As a result, FEATHERS Seoul shows the enough performance in predicting the global pattern of the public traffic demands, but a low performance in a local pattern, particularly in some areas with a mixture land-use type and/or a frequent public transit. This is because the current model does not handle such a complicate type of land-use and also a multi-modal trip in the simulation process. In conclusion, this study addressed the limits of the current model through the validation test using smart-card data and suggested some solution to the improvement in the specific models As a future work, we will apply smart-card data for the validation of the models operated in FS, such as a location choice model and a trip mode choice model

    An examination of the accuracy of the activity-based travel simulation against smart card and navigation data

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    Activity-based travel simulators have been experiencing difficulty obtaining high quality activity-travel data and network information, which limits the applicability of the simulator to real world problems. For example, accurate information regarding travel time, link traffic volume and trip distribution is essential for sensitivity analysis using an activity-based travel simulator. Survey data, which relies on respondents’ memories, is typically inaccurate. The recent development of big data engineering has enabled us to use passively collected big data such as from smartcards and navigation devices; their travel time and spatial information is highly accurate. Activity-based travel simulation based on the household travel survey (HTS) can therefore identify inaccuracies in simulated travels by comparing smartcard and navigation device data. This paper aims to examine the accuracy of journeys simulated by an activity-based travel simulator, FEATHERS Seoul (FS), against smartcard and car navigation device data collected in Seoul. The analysis found that the activity-based simulator performs well and reproduces individual travel decisions, as reflected by the overall trip frequency and distance, but it partly fails to correctly reproduce geographical distributions in flexible, non-work trip destinations. The results imply that an activity-based travel simulator needs to improve its incorporation of geographical characteristics using big data engineering to enhance the simulated travel accuracy

    Investigating spatio-temporal mobility patterns and changes in metro usage under the impact of COVID-19 using Taipei Metro smart card data

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    Modern public transit systems are often run with automated fare collection (AFC) systems in combination with smart cards. These systems passively collect massive amounts of detailed spatio-temporal trip data, thus opening up new possibilities for public transit planning and management as well as providing new insights for urban planners. We use smart card trip data from Taipei, Taiwan, to perform an in-depth analysis of spatio-temporal station-to-station metro trip patterns for a whole week divided into several time slices. Based on simple linear regression and line graphs, days of the week and times of the day with similar temporal passenger flow patterns are identified. We visualize magnitudes of passenger flow based on actual geography. By comparing flows for January to March 2019 and for January to March 2020, we look at changes in metro trips under the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) that caused a state of emergency around the globe in 2020. Our results show that metro usage under the impact of COVID-19 has not declined uniformly, but instead is both spatially and temporally highly heterogeneous

    Road transport and emissions modelling in England and Wales: A machine learning modelling approach using spatial data

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    An expanding street network coupled with an increasing number of vehicles testifies to the significance and reliance on road transportation of modern economies. Unfortunately, the use of road transport comes with drawbacks such as its contribution to greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutant emissions, therefore becoming an obstacle to countries’ objectives to improve air quality and a barrier to the ambitious targets to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Unsurprisingly, traffic forecasting, its environmental impacts and potential future configurations of road transport are some of the topics which have received a great deal of attention in the literature. However, traffic forecasting and the assessment of its determinants have been commonly restricted to specific, normally urban, areas while road transport emission studies do not take into account a large part of the road network, as they usually focus on major roads. This research aimed to contribute to the field of road transportation, by firstly developing a model to accurately estimate traffic across England and Wales at a granular (i.e., street segment) level, secondly by identifying the role of factors associated with road transportation and finally, by estimating CO2 and air pollutant emissions, known to be responsible for climate change as well as negative impacts on human health and ecosystems. The thesis identifies potential emissions abatement from the adoption of novel road vehicles technologies and policy measures. This is achieved by analysing transport scenarios to assess future impacts on air quality and CO2 emissions. The thesis concludes with a comparison of my estimates for road emissions with those from DfT modelling to assess the methodological robustness of machine learning algorithms applied in this research. The traffic modelling outputs reveal traffic patterns across urban and rural areas, while traffic estimation is achieved with high accuracy for all road classes. In addition, specific socioeconomic and roadway characteristics associated with traffic across all vehicle types and road classes are identified. Finally, CO2 and air pollution hot spots as well as the impact of open spaces on pollutants emissions and air quality are explored. Potential emission reduction with the employment of new vehicle technologies and policy implementation is also assessed, so as the results can support urban planning and inform policies related to transport congestion and environmental impacts mitigation. Considering the disaggregated approach, the methodology can be used to facilitate policy making for both local and national aggregated levels