3 research outputs found

    Placement and Movement Episodes Detection using Mobile Trajectories Data

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    Teostatud töö eesmärgiks on tuvastada asukohaandmetest seisu- ning liikumisepisoode kasutades selleks trajektoori ülekattuvusmaatriksit. Antud töös kasutatud andmed on väga hajusad nii ajalises kui ka geograafilises mõttes. Seetõttu on antud ülesanne suur väljakutse. Välja pakutud lahenduse raames teostati andmeanalüüs mille raames tuvastati kasutajatele tähtsad asukohad ning pakuti välja algoritm, mille abil tuvastda seisu- ning liikumisepisoodid. Andmete analüüsimiseks ning visualiseerimiseks kasutati R-i.This thesis presents a trajectory episode matrix to enable the detection of placement and movement episodes from mobile location data. The data used in this work is very sparse in time and space. Therefore, the estimation of user’s placement and movement patterns poses a big challenge. The presented approach performs data analysis to find meaningful locations and introduces an algorithm to detect movement and placement episodes. To perform the analysis and visualize the results a statistical analysis tool was developed with R. The work done as a result of this thesis can be used to improve the identification of the meaningful locations and to help predicting the semantic meanings of mobile user’s patterns

    Big data analytics for demand response in smart grids

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    The transition to an intelligent, reliable and efficient smart grid with a high penetration of renewable energy drives the need to maximise the utilisation of customers’ demand response (DR) potential. More so, the increasing popularity of smart meters deployed at customers’ sites provides a vital resource where data driven strategies can be adopted in enhancing the performance of DR programs. This thesis focuses on the development of new methods for enhancing DR in smart grids using big data analtyics techniques on customers smart meter data. One of the main challenges to the effective and efficient roll out of DR programs particularly for peak load reduction is identifying customers with DR potential. This question is answered in this thesis through the proposal of a shape based clustering algorithm along with novel features to target customers. In addition to targeting customers for DR programs, estimating customer demand baseline is one of the key challenges to DR especially for incentive-based DR. Customer baseline estimation is important in that it ensures a fair knowledge of a customers DR contribution and hence enable a fair allocation of benefits between the utility and customers. A Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network machine learning technique is proposed for baseline estimation with results showing improved accuracy compared to traditional estimation methods. Given the effect of demand rebound during a DR event day, a novel method is further proposed for baseline estimation that takes into consideration the demand rebound effect. Results show in addition to customers baseline accurately estimated, the functionality of estimating the amount of demand clipped compared to shifted demand is added

    VDBSCAN+: Performance Optimization Based on GPU Parallelism

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