217 research outputs found

    Reachability in Vector Addition Systems is Primitive-Recursive in Fixed Dimension

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    The reachability problem in vector addition systems is a central question, not only for the static verification of these systems, but also for many inter-reducible decision problems occurring in various fields. The currently best known upper bound on this problem is not primitive-recursive, even when considering systems of fixed dimension. We provide significant refinements to the classical decomposition algorithm of Mayr, Kosaraju, and Lambert and to its termination proof, which yield an ACKERMANN upper bound in the general case, and primitive-recursive upper bounds in fixed dimension. While this does not match the currently best known TOWER lower bound for reachability, it is optimal for related problems

    Decisive Markov Chains

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    We consider qualitative and quantitative verification problems for infinite-state Markov chains. We call a Markov chain decisive w.r.t. a given set of target states F if it almost certainly eventually reaches either F or a state from which F can no longer be reached. While all finite Markov chains are trivially decisive (for every set F), this also holds for many classes of infinite Markov chains. Infinite Markov chains which contain a finite attractor are decisive w.r.t. every set F. In particular, this holds for probabilistic lossy channel systems (PLCS). Furthermore, all globally coarse Markov chains are decisive. This class includes probabilistic vector addition systems (PVASS) and probabilistic noisy Turing machines (PNTM). We consider both safety and liveness problems for decisive Markov chains, i.e., the probabilities that a given set of states F is eventually reached or reached infinitely often, respectively. 1. We express the qualitative problems in abstract terms for decisive Markov chains, and show an almost complete picture of its decidability for PLCS, PVASS and PNTM. 2. We also show that the path enumeration algorithm of Iyer and Narasimha terminates for decisive Markov chains and can thus be used to solve the approximate quantitative safety problem. A modified variant of this algorithm solves the approximate quantitative liveness problem. 3. Finally, we show that the exact probability of (repeatedly) reaching F cannot be effectively expressed (in a uniform way) in Tarski-algebra for either PLCS, PVASS or (P)NTM.Comment: 32 pages, 0 figure

    Reasoning about Data Repetitions with Counter Systems

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    We study linear-time temporal logics interpreted over data words with multiple attributes. We restrict the atomic formulas to equalities of attribute values in successive positions and to repetitions of attribute values in the future or past. We demonstrate correspondences between satisfiability problems for logics and reachability-like decision problems for counter systems. We show that allowing/disallowing atomic formulas expressing repetitions of values in the past corresponds to the reachability/coverability problem in Petri nets. This gives us 2EXPSPACE upper bounds for several satisfiability problems. We prove matching lower bounds by reduction from a reachability problem for a newly introduced class of counter systems. This new class is a succinct version of vector addition systems with states in which counters are accessed via pointers, a potentially useful feature in other contexts. We strengthen further the correspondences between data logics and counter systems by characterizing the complexity of fragments, extensions and variants of the logic. For instance, we precisely characterize the relationship between the number of attributes allowed in the logic and the number of counters needed in the counter system.Comment: 54 page

    KReach : a tool for reachability in petri nets

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    We present KReach, a tool for deciding reachability in general Petri nets. The tool is a full implementation of Kosaraju’s original 1982 decision procedure for reachability in VASS. We believe this to be the first implementation of its kind. We include a comprehensive suite of libraries for development with Vector Addition Systems (with States) in the Haskell programming language. KReach serves as a practical tool, and acts as an effective teaching aid for the theory behind the algorithm. Preliminary tests suggest that there are some classes of Petri nets for which we can quickly show unreachability. In particular, using KReach for coverability problems, by reduction to reachability, is competitive even against state-of-the-art coverability checkers

    History-Register Automata

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    Programs with dynamic allocation are able to create and use an unbounded number of fresh resources, such as references, objects, files, etc. We propose History-Register Automata (HRA), a new automata-theoretic formalism for modelling such programs. HRAs extend the expressiveness of previous approaches and bring us to the limits of decidability for reachability checks. The distinctive feature of our machines is their use of unbounded memory sets (histories) where input symbols can be selectively stored and compared with symbols to follow. In addition, stored symbols can be consumed or deleted by reset. We show that the combination of consumption and reset capabilities renders the automata powerful enough to imitate counter machines, and yields closure under all regular operations apart from complementation. We moreover examine weaker notions of HRAs which strike different balances between expressiveness and effectiveness.Comment: LMCS (improved version of FoSSaCS

    Efficient Algorithms for Asymptotic Bounds on Termination Time in VASS

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    Vector Addition Systems with States (VASS) provide a well-known and fundamental model for the analysis of concurrent processes, parameterized systems, and are also used as abstract models of programs in resource bound analysis. In this paper we study the problem of obtaining asymptotic bounds on the termination time of a given VASS. In particular, we focus on the practically important case of obtaining polynomial bounds on termination time. Our main contributions are as follows: First, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding whether a given VASS has a linear asymptotic complexity. We also show that if the complexity of a VASS is not linear, it is at least quadratic. Second, we classify VASS according to quantitative properties of their cycles. We show that certain singularities in these properties are the key reason for non-polynomial asymptotic complexity of VASS. In absence of singularities, we show that the asymptotic complexity is always polynomial and of the form Θ(nk)\Theta(n^k), for some integer k≤dk\leq d, where dd is the dimension of the VASS. We present a polynomial-time algorithm computing the optimal kk. For general VASS, the same algorithm, which is based on a complete technique for the construction of ranking functions in VASS, produces a valid lower bound, i.e., a kk such that the termination complexity is Ω(nk)\Omega(n^k). Our results are based on new insights into the geometry of VASS dynamics, which hold the potential for further applicability to VASS analysis.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1708.0925

    Rewriting Systems for Reachability in Vector Addition Systems with Pairs

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    15 pagesInternational audienceWe adapt hypergraph rewriting system to a generalization of Vector Addition Systems with States (VASS) that we call vector addition systems with pairs (VASP). We give rewriting systems and strategies, that allow us to obtain reachability equivalence results between some classes of VASP and VASS. Reachability for the later is well known be equivalent to reachability in Petri nets. VASP generalize also Branching Extension of VASS (BVASS) for which it is unknown if they are more expressive than VASS. We consider here a more restricted notion of reachability for VASP than that for BVASS. However the reachability decision problem corresponding is already equivalent to decidability of the provability in Multiplicative and Exponential Linear Logic (MELL), a question left open for more than 20 years
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