13 research outputs found

    Framework for Enhanced Ontology Alignment using BERT-Based

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    This framework combines a few approaches to improve ontology alignment by using the data mining method with BERT. The method utilizes data mining techniques to identify the optimal characteristics for picking the data attributes of instances to match ontologies. Furthermore, this framework was developed to improve current precision and recall measures for ontology matching techniques. Since knowledge integration began, the main requirement for ontology alignment has always been syntactic and structural matching. This article presents a new approach that employs advanced methods like data mining and BERT embeddings to produce more expansive and contextually aware ontology alignment. The proposed system exploits contextual representation of BERT, semantic understanding, feature extraction, and pattern recognition through data mining techniques. The objective is to combine data-driven insights with semantic representation advantages to enhance accuracy and efficiency in the ontology alignment process. The evaluation conducted using annotated datasets as well as traditional approaches demonstrates how effective and adaptable, according to domains, our proposed framework is across several domains

    L2 Investment in the Transnational Context: A Case Study of PRC Scholar Students in Singapore

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    Despite growing research on mainland Chinese international students’ intercultural language learning and adjustment experiences in Anglophone countries, few studies have delved into these students’ socially constructed language learning practices as an essential component of their study-abroad journey, especially in Singapore which shares linguistic and cultural affinities with China. As such, building on Darvin and Norton’s (2015) theory of investment at the intersection of identity, capital, and ideology, this case study focuses on Chinese foreign talent students in Singapore and aims to understand how they invest in learning English as an additional language (L2) and assert their legitimate place in the transnational context. Based on the analysis of data collected from two focused students (Baoyu and Gongcai, both pseudonyms), this study reveals the varied, complex, and agentive ways in which the two cases invested in English learning and English-mediated social interactions. It showed that both participants developed different investment pathways, which were shaped by their endeavors to reconstruct desired identities and their motivation to actualize capital conversion. Their investment in English language learning was also largely impacted by dominant ideologies and institutional policies. This study contributes to the field by highlighting the role of social networks in shaping learners’ investment practices, the influence of cultural capital on their investment choices, and the role of agency in challenging prevailing ideologies and navigating sociocultural dynamics in the study-abroad context. This study also proposes educational and policy implications concerning Chinese foreign talent students in Singapore and points out directions for future research

    A consideration of the concept of “omotenashi”in regards to inbound tourism

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    この研究は、「ICT 教育及び研究シーズを活用した観光施設の多言語化の検討(黒木・佐賀, 2016)と連携した研究として、稚内のインバウンド観光における“おもてなし”のあり方を検討する。この研究は中国語圏の観光客に対象とし(台湾、香港、中国本土、その他)、稚内への観光動機を明確にすることを目的として、アンケート調査を行う。また、筆者も共同研究者として参画した「インバウンドを意識した観光施設づくり(黒木ほか, 2015)」の補足充実のため、ノシャップ水族館ガイドブックの中国版(繁体字と簡体字)を作成する。アンケート調査にて、15 件の有効回答が得られた。その中、台湾は最も多く(46%)、香港は36%を占め、中国本土は18%であった。回答者の73%は20 代と40 代であり、稚内へ訪れる観光客はより若い年齢層であることが分かった。80%の回答者は稚内の自然風景を目的に訪れているため、以前の買い物とは異なる動機と分かった。交通手段については北海道までは飛行機が圧倒的に多く(90%)、特に新千歳空港を利用する回答が多かったが、帯広や旭川空港を利用する回答者も少なくはないため、今後、地方から稚内へのアクセス情報を整える必要性が重要であると考えられる。稚内での交通手段についてはレンタカーが最も多かった(60%)。その中、中国本土の免許証は日本では通用できないと思われていたが、過半数はレンタカーで移動するという回答から、今後における中国本土の観光客もレンタカーの利用需求が増えていくと考えられる。稚内の情報入手についてはインターネットから知ったという回答が最も多かったが(36%)、中国本土と台湾、香港とは異なると分かった。中国本土の観光客は、SNS やサイトの口コミなどといった旅行情報に関する専門性の低いメディアから稚内の情報を入手したという回答が多く、台湾や香港の観光客は旅行雑誌やガイドブックなどいった旅行専門雑誌などにより、またはHP(観光協会)というオフィシャルサイトから情報を入手する傾向が見られた。この結果から、地域外の観光客に対して妥当な専門メディアを用い、情報発信した方が効果的であると分かった。特に、中国本土にはSNS などやサイトの口コミによる宣伝、台湾や香港には旅行会社や旅行雑誌などによる宣伝を行うのが効果的と思われる。この研究を通じて、自然風景は稚内の最も人気の要因であり、それを踏まえ、今後は多様なツアーを開発し、地域にあった適切なメディアで宣伝を行うことにより、稚内のインバウンド観光の発展につながると考えられる

    Using Task-based Language Teaching to Tackle the New Spanish Curriculum: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Role of Technology

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    Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Susan Rayne Dreger Cyca[eng] The theoretical tenets of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) make it a potentially effective approach to consider to tackle the principles of the new Spanish curriculum. Thus, the following research opens with a theoretical background and literature review of the positive and negative pedagogical implications of TBLT. The study also examines the affordances and issues of technology in its synergy with tasks in what is known as Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (TMTBLT). These explorations are complemented with discussions on the use of TBLT and TMTBLT in light of the new Spanish curriculum in general and the Catalan context in particular. To shed light on the possibilities and challenges of the approach(es), this research adopted a quantitative approach using a questionnaire to collect data on students’ perceptions on a technology-mediated task. Findings were complemented by the teacher/researcher’s observations. The sample population in the study included 48 students with different proficiency levels. The results found that TBLT may help in student motivation, in providing a competential and meaningful learning, and in fostering communicative skills. On the other hand, results identified several challenges, namely time constraints, overuse of L1, and teaching contexts that may resist new approaches. Finally, results pointed out at the affordances and issues of blending technology and tasks, namely promoting digital skills and engaging students in tasks. Nevertheless, students’ digital literacies must not be assumed given that adding the technology component may strongly affect task complexity

    A case study of implementation of international mindedness in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Hong Kong second language Chinese classroom

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    Parallel SessionsConference Theme: 'to boldly go... 'This study aims at examining the concept of ‘international mindedness’ as it is evidenced in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in a Chinese as a second language classroom in an international school. The research methodology includes in‐depth semi-structured interviews, classroom observation, classroom discourse analysis (Christie, 2008), and text analysis of students’ work by using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Halliday, 1994), Appraisal Theory (Martin and White 2005) and Bernstein’s topology of pedagogies of instruction. The findings show how the teacher in this study could be said to have demonstrated ‘international mindedness’ in her teaching, and how students expressed ‘international mindedness’ and how students expressed ‘international mindedness’ in their representations of values and knowledge. The study concludes that IB curriculum officers and educators should consider how to effectively promote international mindedness in IB curriculum and assessment development.postprin

    Narrative comprehension in Kindergarten: an analysis of talk about narratives by children differing in early literacy development

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    Literacy skills include expressive language, oral and written, and receptive language, comprehension. This study explores both aspects of language in six Kindergarten children differing in early literacy development-three judged by teacher assessment to be 'at risk', and three acquiring Kindergarten literacy skills as expected. Oral retellings of a familiar narrative and an unfamiliar story just heard, and a personal recount were taped and analysed using Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar. Comprehension responses to individually shared narratives were also collected and analysed. The children's use of language and comprehension responses varied significantly. Those 'at risk' were unable to retell narratives, needed high levels of support to comprehend texts and produced less cohesive personal recounts. The linguistic analysis revealed vocabulary and rhetorical organisation affected the reconstruction of oral narratives. These children also seemed to find comprehending difficult when questions or recall involved following reference, negotiating marked Theme or drawing inferences. The study was designed as a series of one to one literacy experiences. A listening comprehension test showed that all children except one benefitted from the experience. The findings underline the importance of oral language development and the value of interactive teaching experiences to the attainment of sophisticated literacy skills

    The transformation of China’s legal profession and its representation: a critical discourse analysis

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    This thesis argues that hegemonical struggles between the colonization and adaptation forces in the process of naturalizing the implanted Western legal profession in China set a fundamental context without which the transformation of the Chinese legal profession cannot be fully understood. The thesis also argues that LegalTech, which is embedded in the digital transformation of nearly everything in today’s society, has enabled various social groups (that were once excluded from the legal industry by various professional monopoly mechanisms) to successfully penetrate into the Chinese legal field. Different groups of field players compete to construct discourses of professionalism to legitimate their ways of producing the legal services and organize the producers. This research conducted a corpus assisted critical discourse analysis, coupled with the framing analysis, to excavate the frames that some British and Chinese newspapers had utilized to advocate different versions of professionalism in their competitive framing of the same series of lawyer detention events that happened in China between 2015 to 2018. This research employed the same methodology to find the frames that various kinds of publications had deployed to organize ideas around LegalTech, especially the discourses on the implications of the rise of LegalTech to legal services production, access to justice, and the existential state of the legal professionals. British newspapers developed a “war on law” frame to cover the series of lawyer detention events in China. Chinese newspapers constructed a counter frame of “law and order for the lawyers” to organize the news on the same events. This research identified an “access to justice” frame that argues LegalTech can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of legal service production and widen people’s access to justice. There is also a “disruptive innovation” frame that focuses on the disruptive effects that LegalTech bring to the old ways of legal services production and the existential state of the traditional legal professionals