2 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Labeling Of Data For Supervised Learning And Its Application To Medical Claims Prediction

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    The task identifying changes and irregularities in medical insurance claim pay-ments is a difficult process of which the traditional practice involves queryinghistorical claims databases and flagging potential claims as normal or abnor-mal. Because what is considered as normal payment is usually unknown andmay change over time, abnormal payments often pass undetected; only to bediscovered when the payment period has passed.This paper presents the problem of on-line unsupervised learning from datastreams when the distribution that generates the data changes or drifts overtime. Automated algorithms for detecting drifting concepts in a probabilitydistribution of the data are presented. The idea behind the presented driftdetection methods is to transform the distribution of the data within a slidingwindow into a more convenient distribution. Then, a test statistics p-value ata given significance level can be used to infer the drift rate, adjust the windowsize and decide on the status of the drift. The detected concepts drifts areused to label the data, for subsequent learning of classification models by asupervised learner. The algorithms were tested on several synthetic and realmedical claims data sets

    CPS Data Streams Analytics based on Machine Learning for Cloud and Fog Computing: A Survey

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    Cloud and Fog computing has emerged as a promising paradigm for the Internet of things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems (CPS). One characteristic of CPS is the reciprocal feedback loops between physical processes and cyber elements (computation, software and networking), which implies that data stream analytics is one of the core components of CPS. The reasons for this are: (i) it extracts the insights and the knowledge from the data streams generated by various sensors and other monitoring components embedded in the physical systems; (ii) it supports informed decision making; (iii) it enables feedback from the physical processes to the cyber counterparts; (iv) it eventually facilitates the integration of cyber and physical systems. There have been many successful applications of data streams analytics, powered by machine learning techniques, to CPS systems. Thus, it is necessary to have a survey on the particularities of the application of machine learning techniques to the CPS domain. In particular, we explore how machine learning methods should be deployed and integrated in cloud and fog architectures for better fulfilment of the requirements, e.g. mission criticality and time criticality, arising in CPS domains. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to systematically study machine learning techniques for CPS data stream analytics from various perspectives, especially from a perspective that leads to the discussion and guidance of how the CPS machine learning methods should be deployed in a cloud and fog architecture