8 research outputs found

    A Secure Mobile-based Authentication System

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    Financial information is extremely sensitive. Hence, electronic banking must provide a robust system to authenticate its customers and let them access their data remotely. On the other hand, such system must be usable, affordable, and portable.We propose a challengeresponse based one-time password (OTP) scheme that uses symmetric cryptography in combination with a hardware security module. The proposed protocol safeguards passwords from keyloggers and phishing attacks. Besides, this solution provides convenient mobility for users who want to bank online anytime and anywhere, not just from their own trusted computers.La informació financera és extremadament sensible. Per tant, la banca electrònica ha de proporcionar un sistema robust per autenticar als seus clients i fer-los accedir a les dades de forma remota. D'altra banda, aquest sistema ha de ser usable, accessible, i portàtil. Es proposa una resposta al desafiament basat en una contrasenya única (OTP), esquema que utilitza la criptografia simètrica en combinació amb un mòdul de maquinari de seguretat. Amés, aquesta solució ofereix mobilitat convenient per als usuaris que volen bancària en línia en qualsevol moment i en qualsevol lloc, no només des dels seus propis equips de confiança.La información financiera es extremadamente sensible. Por lo tanto, la banca electrónica debe proporcionar un sistema robusto para autenticar a sus clientes y hacerles acceder a sus datos de forma remota. Por otra parte, dicho sistema debe ser usable, accesible, y portátil. Se propone una respuesta al desafío basado en una contraseña única (OTP), esquema que utiliza la criptografía simétrica en combinación con un módulo hardware de seguridad hardware. Además, esta solución ofrece una movilidad conveniente para los usuarios que quieren la entidad bancaria en línea en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, no sólo des de sus propios equipos de confianza

    A Huffman based short message service compression technique using adjacent distance array

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    The short message service (SMS) is a wireless medium of transmission that allows you to send brief text messages. Cell phone devices have an uttermost SMS capacity of 1,120 bits in the traditional system. Moreover, the conventional SMS employs seven bits for each character, allowing the highest 160 characters for an SMS text message to be transmitted. This research demonstrated that an SMS message could contain more than 200 characters by representing around five bits each, introducing a data structure, namely, adjacent distance array (ADA) using the Huffman principle. Allowing the concept of lossless data compression technique, the proposed method of the research generates character's codeword utilising the standard Huffman. However, the ADA encodes the message by putting the ASCII value distances of all characters, and decoding performs by avoiding the whole Huffman tree traverse, which is the pivotal contribution of the research to develop an effective SMS compression technique for personal digital assistants (PDAs). The encoding and decoding processes have been discussed and contrasted with the conventional SMS text message system, where our proposed ADA technique performs outstandingly better from every aspect discovered after evaluating all outcomes.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, peer reviewed, accepted, in press, Journal articl

    Sistema d'autenticació one-time password (OTP) per a mòbils

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en fer l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'un sistema d'autenticació a través de contrasenyes d'un sol ús (One Time Password -OTP-) per a dispositius mòbils. Per evitar l'ús de contrasenyes estàtiques farem una aplicació per a telèfons mòbils capaç de generar contrasenyes aleatòries gràcies a uns paràmetres previs, així com de poder tenir un registre dels serveis on poden ser utilitzades. Partirem d'un protocol repte/resposta on l'usuari interactuarà amb el seu telèfon mòbil i un ordinador personal amb una connexió a Internet. Podrà registrar-se i, introduint certes dades al mòbil que li proporciona el servidor, podrà fer el procés d'autenticar-se per poder accedir a zones restringides del servei.Este proyecto consiste en hacer el análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema de autenticación a través de contraseñas de un solo uso (One Time Password -OTP-) para dispositivos móviles. Para evitar el uso de contraseñas estáticas haremos una aplicación para teléfonos móviles capaz de generar contraseñas aleatorias gracias a unos parámetros previos, así como de poder tener un registro de los servicios donde pueden ser utilizadas. Partiremos de un protocolo reto/respuesta donde el usuario interactuará con su teléfono móvil y un ordenador personal con una conexión a Internet. Podrá registrarse e, introduciendo ciertos datos en el móvil que le proporcionará el servidor, podrá hacer el proceso de autenticarse para poder acceder a zonas restringidas del servicio.This Project consists of the analysis, design and implementation of a One Time Password system for mobile devices. To avoid the use of static passwords, we will develop a mobile phone application capable of generating random passwords from previous parameters, and storing a register containing the services where they might be used. We will start from a challenge/response protocol. The user will interact through his mobile phone and a personal computer connected to the Internet. He will be able to register and, introducing certain data given from the server in his cell phone, he might authenticate himself to access the service's restricted zones

    Behavioral authentication for security and safety

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    The issues of both system security and safety can be dissected integrally from the perspective of behavioral appropriateness. That is, a system that is secure or safe can be judged by whether the behavior of certain agent(s) is appropriate or not. Specifically, a so-called appropriate behavior involves the right agent performing the right actions at the right time under certain conditions. Then, according to different levels of appropriateness and degrees of custodies, behavioral authentication can be graded into three levels, i.e., the authentication of behavioral Identity, Conformity, and Benignity. In a broad sense, for the security and safety issue, behavioral authentication is not only an innovative and promising method due to its inherent advantages but also a critical and fundamental problem due to the ubiquity of behavior generation and the necessity of behavior regulation in any system. By this classification, this review provides a comprehensive examination of the background and preliminaries of behavioral authentication. It further summarizes existing research based on their respective focus areas and characteristics. The challenges confronted by current behavioral authentication methods are analyzed, and potential research directions are discussed to promote the diversified and integrated development of behavioral authentication

    Secure entity authentication

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    According to Wikipedia, authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a single piece of a datum claimed true by an entity. Specifically, entity authentication is the process by which an agent in a distributed system gains confidence in the identity of a communicating partner (Bellare et al.). Legacy password authentication is still the most popular one, however, it suffers from many limitations, such as hacking through social engineering techniques, dictionary attack or database leak. To address the security concerns in legacy password-based authentication, many new authentication factors are introduced, such as PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) delivered through out-of-band channels, human biometrics and hardware tokens. However, each of these authentication factors has its own inherent weaknesses and security limitations. For example, phishing is still effective even when using out-of-band-channels to deliver PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). In this dissertation, three types of secure entity authentication schemes are developed to alleviate the weaknesses and limitations of existing authentication mechanisms: (1) End user authentication scheme based on Network Round-Trip Time (NRTT) to complement location based authentication mechanisms; (2) Apache Hadoop authentication mechanism based on Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology; and (3) Web server authentication mechanism for phishing detection with a new detection factor NRTT. In the first work, a new authentication factor based on NRTT is presented. Two research challenges (i.e., the secure measurement of NRTT and the network instabilities) are addressed to show that NRTT can be used to uniquely and securely identify login locations and hence can support location-based web authentication mechanisms. The experiments and analysis show that NRTT has superior usability, deploy-ability, security, and performance properties compared to the state-of-the-art web authentication factors. In the second work, departing from the Kerb eros-centric approach, an authentication framework for Hadoop that utilizes Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology is proposed. It is proven that pushing the security down to the hardware level in conjunction with software techniques provides better protection over software only solutions. The proposed approach provides significant security guarantees against insider threats, which manipulate the execution environment without the consent of legitimate clients. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the performance and the security properties of the proposed approach. Moreover, the correctness and the security guarantees are formally proved via Burrows-Abadi-Needham (BAN) logic. In the third work, together with a phishing victim identification algorithm, NRTT is used as a new phishing detection feature to improve the detection accuracy of existing phishing detection approaches. The state-of-art phishing detection methods fall into two categories: heuristics and blacklist. The experiments show that the combination of NRTT with existing heuristics can improve the overall detection accuracy while maintaining a low false positive rate. In the future, to develop a more robust and efficient phishing detection scheme, it is paramount for phishing detection approaches to carefully select the features that strike the right balance between detection accuracy and robustness in the face of potential manipulations. In addition, leveraging Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to improve the performance of phishing detection schemes could be a viable alternative to traditional machine learning algorithms (e.g., SVM, LR), especially when handling complex and large scale datasets

    Bioelectrical User Authentication

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    There has been tremendous growth of mobile devices, which includes mobile phones, tablets etc. in recent years. The use of mobile phone is more prevalent due to their increasing functionality and capacity. Most of the mobile phones available now are smart phones and better processing capability hence their deployment for processing large volume of information. The information contained in these smart phones need to be protected against unauthorised persons from getting hold of personal data. To verify a legitimate user before accessing the phone information, the user authentication mechanism should be robust enough to meet present security challenge. The present approach for user authentication is cumbersome and fails to consider the human factor. The point of entry mechanism is intrusive which forces users to authenticate always irrespectively of the time interval. The use of biometric is identified as a more reliable method for implementing a transparent and non-intrusive user authentication. Transparent authentication using biometrics provides the opportunity for more convenient and secure authentication over secret-knowledge or token-based approaches. The ability to apply biometrics in a transparent manner improves the authentication security by providing a reliable way for smart phone user authentication. As such, research is required to investigate new modalities that would easily operate within the constraints of a continuous and transparent authentication system. This thesis explores the use of bioelectrical signals and contextual information for non-intrusive approach for authenticating a user of a mobile device. From fusion of bioelectrical signals and context awareness information, three algorithms where created to discriminate subjects with overall Equal Error Rate (EER of 3.4%, 2.04% and 0.27% respectively. Based vii | P a g e on the analysis from the multi-algorithm implementation, a novel architecture is proposed using a multi-algorithm biometric authentication system for authentication a user of a smart phone. The framework is designed to be continuous, transparent with the application of advanced intelligence to further improve the authentication result. With the proposed framework, it removes the inconvenience of password/passphrase etc. memorability, carrying of token or capturing a biometric sample in an intrusive manner. The framework is evaluated through simulation with the application of a voting scheme. The simulation of the voting scheme using majority voting improved to the performance of the combine algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 22% and FAR of 0%, the Active algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 14.33% and FAR of 0% while the Non-active algorithm (security level 3) to FRR of 10.33% and FAR of 0%

    Dictionary of privacy, data protection and information security

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    The Dictionary of Privacy, Data Protection and Information Security explains the complex technical terms, legal concepts, privacy management techniques, conceptual matters and vocabulary that inform public debate about privacy. The revolutionary and pervasive influence of digital technology affects numerous disciplines and sectors of society, and concerns about its potential threats to privacy are growing. With over a thousand terms meticulously set out, described and cross-referenced, this Dictionary enables productive discussion by covering the full range of fields accessibly and comprehensively. In the ever-evolving debate surrounding privacy, this Dictionary takes a longer view, transcending the details of today''s problems, technology, and the law to examine the wider principles that underlie privacy discourse. Interdisciplinary in scope, this Dictionary is invaluable to students, scholars and researchers in law, technology and computing, cybersecurity, sociology, public policy and administration, and regulation. It is also a vital reference for diverse practitioners including data scientists, lawyers, policymakers and regulators