3 research outputs found

    Using the Eigenvalue Relaxation for Binary Least-Squares Estimation Problems

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    The goal of this paper is to survey the properties of the eigenvalue relaxation for least squares binary problems. This relaxation is a convex program which is obtained as the Lagrangian dual of the original problem with an implicit compact constraint and as such, is a convex problem with polynomial time complexity. Moreover, as a main pratical advantage of this relaxation over the standard Semi-Definite Programming approach, several efficient bundle methods are available for this problem allowing to address problems of very large dimension. The necessary tools from convex analysis are recalled and shown at work for handling the problem of exactness of this relaxation. Two applications are described. The first one is the problem of binary image reconstruction and the second is the problem of multiuser detection in CDMA systems

    Learning with Semi-Definite Programming: new statistical bounds based on fixed point analysis and excess risk curvature

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    Many statistical learning problems have recently been shown to be amenable to Semi-Definite Programming (SDP), with community detection and clustering in Gaussian mixture models as the most striking instances [javanmard et al., 2016]. Given the growing range of applications of SDP-based techniques to machine learning problems, and the rapid progress in the design of efficient algorithms for solving SDPs, an intriguing question is to understand how the recent advances from empirical process theory can be put to work in order to provide a precise statistical analysis of SDP estimators. In the present paper, we borrow cutting edge techniques and concepts from the learning theory literature, such as fixed point equations and excess risk curvature arguments, which yield general estimation and prediction results for a wide class of SDP estimators. From this perspective, we revisit some classical results in community detection from [gu\'edon et al.,2016] and [chen et al., 2016], and we obtain statistical guarantees for SDP estimators used in signed clustering, group synchronization and MAXCUT