32 research outputs found

    Knowledge metamodel for crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries

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    Open innovation is a hot topic in innovation management characterized by a new form of interacting and collaborating with the external environment of a company to innovate more successfully and with less costs. Chesbrough (2006) advocates that firms can and should use external ideas as well as those from their own R&D departments, and both internal and external paths to the market in order to advance their technology. Crowdsourcing innovation presents as a derivation of this new paradigm taking advantage of the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals with easy access to information and technology. So, crowdsourcing innovation brokers facilitate the access to a vast open and global knowledge community, and provide support in integrating contributions, as well as managing and motivating the crowd participants. This paper presents a literature review of open innovation models and innovation intermediaries functions' and proposes a knowledge's metamodel for crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries.- (undefined)To the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto for financial support (SFRH/BD/49263/2008) of this research project

    Energy Counselling and Modern IT. Drawing on Web 2.0 for a Greener World

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    The aim of this article is to explore how modern IT solutions for collaborative knowledge evolution could lead to more effective energy counselling and increased energy knowledge among the public. Comparative studies have been performed where the focus has been on the prerequisites for effective use of web 2.0 type collaboration and wikis. The research is primarily aimed at actors within the energy sector, although similar developments also take place in other sectors. Targeted investments employing collaborative IT to involve the public in energy counselling could lead to lower energy consumption and an increased consciousness of environmental issues in the society. A conclusion is that web 2.0-like initiatives could play a valuable role in the knowledge development and exchange between energy counsellors, and further the knowledge exchange between the counsellors, the regional energy agencies and the public. They could also help channel an energy interest among the public into a collaborative knowledge production, and contribute to a good quality factual basis for the conceptions that develop in society. This would strengthen both the energy counselling and the energy counsellor corps.communities, sustainability, sector transcendence, energy counselling, web 2.0.

    The Semantic Web-Based Collaborative Knowledge Management

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    A State of the Art on Social Network Analysis and its Applications on a Semantic Web

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    The increasingly popular web 2.0 sites provide the largest social network ever analyzed - users are now considered as plain web resources. Some researchers apply classical methods of social network analysis to such networks; others provide models to leverage the semantics of their representation. We present a state of the art of these two approaches and propose an architecture to merge and exploit the best features of each

    Interests Diffusion in Social Networks

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    Understanding cultural phenomena on Social Networks (SNs) and exploiting the implicit knowledge about their members is attracting the interest of different research communities both from the academic and the business side. The community of complexity science is devoting significant efforts to define laws, models, and theories, which, based on acquired knowledge, are able to predict future observations (e.g. success of a product). In the mean time, the semantic web community aims at engineering a new generation of advanced services by defining constructs, models and methods, adding a semantic layer to SNs. In this context, a leapfrog is expected to come from a hybrid approach merging the disciplines above. Along this line, this work focuses on the propagation of individual interests in social networks. The proposed framework consists of the following main components: a method to gather information about the members of the social networks; methods to perform some semantic analysis of the Domain of Interest; a procedure to infer members' interests; and an interests evolution theory to predict how the interests propagate in the network. As a result, one achieves an analytic tool to measure individual features, such as members' susceptibilities and authorities. Although the approach applies to any type of social network, here it is has been tested against the computer science research community. The DBLP (Digital Bibliography and Library Project) database has been elected as test-case since it provides the most comprehensive list of scientific production in this field.Comment: 30 pages 13 figs 4 table

    Semantic Social Network Analysis

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    International audienceSocial Network Analysis (SNA) tries to understand and exploit the key features of social networks in order to manage their life cycle and predict their evolution. Increasingly popular web 2.0 sites are forming huge social network. Classical methods from social network analysis (SNA) have been applied to such online networks. In this paper, we propose leveraging semantic web technologies to merge and exploit the best features of each domain. We present how to facilitate and enhance the analysis of online social networks, exploiting the power of semantic social network analysis

    Semantic Social Network Analysis

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    International audienceSocial Network Analysis (SNA) tries to understand and exploit the key features of social networks in order to manage their life cycle and predict their evolution. Increasingly popular web 2.0 sites are forming huge social network. Classical methods from social network analysis (SNA) have been applied to such online networks. In this paper, we propose leveraging semantic web technologies to merge and exploit the best features of each domain. We present how to facilitate and enhance the analysis of online social networks, exploiting the power of semantic social network analysis

    Crowdsourcing innovation: a proposal for a brokering architecture focused in the innovation needs of SMEs

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    Crowdsourcing is evolving into powerful outsourcing options for organizations by providing access to the intellectual capital within a vast knowledge community. Innovation brokering services have emerged to facilitate crowdsourcing projects by connecting up companies with potential solution providers within the wider ‘crowd’. Most existing innovation brokering services are primarily aimed at larger organizations, however, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) offer considerable potential for crowdsourcing activity since they are typically the innovation and employment engines in society; they are typically more nimble and responsive to the business environment than the larger companies. SMEs have very different challenges and needs to larger organizations since they have fewer resources, a more limited knowledge and skill base, and immature management practices. Consequently, innovation brokering for SMEs require considerably more support than for larger organizations. This paper identifies the crowdsourcing innovation brokerage facilities needed by SMEs, and presents an architecture that encourages knowledge sharing, development of community, support in mixing and matching capabilities, and management of stakeholders’ risks. Innovation brokering is emerging as a novel business model that is challenging concepts of the traditional value chain and organizational boundaries

    Crowdsourcing innovation: uma proposta de arquitetura de serviços de mediação focado na inovação necessidades das PME

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    Crowdsourcing is evolving into powerful outsourcing options for organizations by providing access to the intellectual capital within a vast knowledge community. Innovation brokering services have emerged to facilitate crowdsourcing projects by connecting up companies with potential solution providers within the wider ‘crowd’. Most existing innovation brokering services are primarily aimed at larger organizations, however, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) offer considerable potential for crowdsourcing activity since they are typically the innovation and employment engines in society; they are typically more nimble and responsive to the business environment than the larger companies. SMEs have very different challenges and needs to larger organizations since they have fewer resources, a more limited knowledge and skill base, and immature management practices. Consequently, innovation brokering for SMEs require considerably more support than for larger organizations. This paper identifies the crowdsourcing innovation brokerage facilities needed by SMEs, and presents an architecture that encourages knowledge sharing, development of community, support in mixing and matching capabilities, and management of stakeholders’ risks. Innovation brokering is emerging as a novel business model that is challenging concepts of the traditional value chain and organizational boundaries.O crowdsourcing está a evoluir para opções poderosas de outsourcing para as organizações, fornecendo acesso ao capital intelectual dentro de uma comunidade de vasto conhecimento. Serviços de mediação de inovação surgiram para facilitar projetos de crowdsourcing, ligando-se empresas com fornecedores de soluções potenciais na maior ‘multidão’. Os serviços de mediação de inovação existentes destinam-se principalmente em organizações maiores, no entanto, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME) oferecem um potencial considerável para a atividade de crowdsourcing, uma vez que são normalmente os motores de inovação e de emprego na sociedade, eles são tipicamente mais rápidos e ágeis para o ambiente de negócios do que as grandes empresas. As PME têm desafios e necessidades muito diferentes das organizações maiores, uma vez que têm menos recursos, um conhecimento mais limitado e base de habilidades e práticas de gestão imaturas. Consequentemente, a intermediação da inovação para as PME necessitam de apoio consideravelmente maior do que para grandes organizações. Este documento identifica as adaptações de serviços de mediação de inovação necessárias por parte das PME, e apresenta uma arquitetura que estimula o compartilhamento do conhecimento, o desenvolvimento da comunidade, combinando recursos e gestão de riscos das partes interessadas. Intermediação de Inovação está a emergir como um modelo de negócio inovador que está desafiando os conceitos da cadeia de valor tradicional e fronteiras organizacionais


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    The current generation of Web applications (Web 2.0) have made them an outright phenomenon in today’s society helping to redefine the way organisations and individuals communicate and collaborate with each other. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise the evolution of Web technologies from a user perspective. Based on inference from existing studies, this paper attempts to identify the architectural direction that the next generation (Web 3.0) of Web applications would meld itself into. The paper emphasizes limitations of current Web technologies and how future trends may address these limitations by focusing on migration that has been witnessed in the scope of the applications presented and features delivered on the Web from a users’ perspective