4 research outputs found

    Teaching Discrete Structures: A systematic review of the literature

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    This survey paper reviews a large sample of publications on the teaching of discrete structures and discrete mathematics in computer science curricula. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. A number of broad themes in discrete structures education are identified relating to course content, teaching strategies and the means of evaluating the success of a course

    Teaching Discrete Structures: A systematic review of the literature

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    This survey paper reviews a large sample of publications on the teaching of discrete structures and discrete mathematics in computer science curricula. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. A number of broad themes in discrete structures education are identified relating to course content, teaching strategies and the means of evaluating the success of a course

    The beauty or the beast inside retail stores?: a market basket analysis of a cosmetic company

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    Nowadays, companies have in storage a large quantity of customer data and do not take advantage of this. Given the state of the market, in order to stay competitive, retailers should know and adapt to the needs of their customers. One way to accomplish such task is to perform a Market Basket Analysis to the available customer data. A Market Basket Analysis examines transactional data to find which items are related to each other enabling retailers to create new marketing strategies such as store layout, product placement, pricing and promotions. In this study, a market basket analysis was performed to transactional data provided by a Portuguese cosmetics company with the purpose of finding which items are put in the same “basket” by their current customers. This analysis resulted in the generation of several association rules about customers with similar demographic variables such as, gender, age and geographical location. For example, this analysis allowed to discover the items that customers belonging to a certain gender and age group are likely to buy. For example, through this analysis it was possible to discover that women aged over 60 years old that buy the hair removal service {87880} will also buy the hair removal service {114325} with a confidence of 94%. It was also discovered that women aged between 35 and 44 years old that visit one particular store in the greater Lisbon area buy the makeup foundation 85945 and the cream 99282 will buy the cream 108741 with a likelihood of 89%. One other example of the association discovered is that customers that visit another store in the greater Lisbon area have a very high inclination to buy together the men’s’ perfume {73933}, the aftershave {84539} and the deodorant {105213}.Hoje em dia, as empresas têm uma grande quantidade de dados de clientes armazenada que não é aproveitada e, tendo em conta a situação atual do mercado, para se manterem competitivas, as empresas têm que conhecer e adaptar-se às necessidades dos seus clientes. Uma maneira de fazer isso é realizar uma Market Basket Analysis usando os dados do cliente. A Market Basket Analysis examina os dados transacionais para descobrir que itens estão relacionados, o que permite que as empresas criem novas estratégias de marketing, como o layout de loja, a alocação de produtos, preços e promoções. Neste estudo, será realizada uma Market Basket Analysis recorrendo a dados transacionais fornecidos por uma empresa portuguesa de cosméticos com o objetivo de descobrir que itens são colocados no mesmo carrinho pelos seus clientes atuais. Esta análise resultou na geração de diversas regras de associação sobre clientes com variáveis demográficas semelhantes, como o género, a idade e a localização geográfica. Por exemplo, ao realizar esta análise foi possível descobrir que mulheres com mais de 60 anos que compram o serviço de depilação {87880} vão adquirir também o serviço de depilação {114325} com uma confiança de 94%. Foi também descoberto que as mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 35 e os 44 anos que visitam uma determinada loja da grande Lisboa que compram a base {85945} e o creme {99282} comprarão também o creme {108741}, com uma probabilidade de 89%. Outro exemplo do que foi descoberto é que os clientes que visitam uma determinada loja na zona da grande Lisboa têm uma tendência muito elevada para comprarem juntos o perfume masculino {73933}, o after-shave {84539} e o desodorizante {105213}

    Using market basket analysis to integrate and motivate topics in discrete structures

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