6 research outputs found

    ‘MyQuestion’ Inquiry System for UTP Students and Staff

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    Due to the lack of single comprehensive system, both students and staff are not satisfied with the current state of handling inquiries within administrative departments which is time-consuming and human-relied. As students struggle to get timely response to their inquiries in administrative departments, the necessity for automated question answering system becomes more important. There is a need in a system that allows a student to ask a question in everyday language and receive an answer quickly and succinctly, with sufficient context to validate the answer. Hence, the main objective of the project is to develop system prototype based on the concepts of Automated Email Response and Question-Answering Systems using Iterative Development approach. The given paper further elaborates the problem statement and scope of the project. In-depth analyses and development requirements have been carried out in order to better facilitate to the progress of building the proposed system

    ‘MyQuestion’ Inquiry System for UTP Students and Staff

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    Due to the lack of single comprehensive system, both students and staff are not satisfied with the current state of handling inquiries within administrative departments which is time-consuming and human-relied. As students struggle to get timely response to their inquiries in administrative departments, the necessity for automated question answering system becomes more important. There is a need in a system that allows a student to ask a question in everyday language and receive an answer quickly and succinctly, with sufficient context to validate the answer. Hence, the main objective of the project is to develop system prototype based on the concepts of Automated Email Response and Question-Answering Systems using Iterative Development approach. The given paper further elaborates the problem statement and scope of the project. In-depth analyses and development requirements have been carried out in order to better facilitate to the progress of building the proposed system

    Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-mail

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    This paper discusses the use of information extraction and natural language generation in the design of an automated e-mail answering system. We analyse short free-form texts and generating a customised and linguistically-motivated answer to frequently asked questions. We describe the approach and the design of a system currently being developed to answer e-mail in French regarding printerrelated questions addressed to the technical support staff of our computer science department.

    Improvement business communications in banking by optimization of contact centres

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    S obzirom na brojne i značajne tehnološke promene koje karakterišu savremeno poslovanje, postalo je neophodno da se unapređuje i poslovna komunikacija. Da bi se unapredila poslovna komunikacija, između ostalih referentnih inovacija, organizuju se kontakt centri. Organizacija kontakt centra ima ključnu ulogu u obezbeđivanju njegove produktivnosti i efikasnosti, jer na osnovu nje klijenti i potencijalni klijenti ocenjuju ne samo rad kontakt centra, nego i rad banke, kao i njenih usluga i proizvoda. Da bi se izvršila optimizacija rada kontakt centra, potrebno je da se identifikuju sledeće promenljive i pojave: tip kontakt centra, tehnologija, kanali komunikacije, zaposleni i njihova obuka, zatim, potrebno je da se odredi potreban broj zaposlenih, ali i da se zaposleni pravilno rasporede po smenama, kao i da se prati njihov rad. Stavljanjem u optimalnu korelaciju navedenog, utiče se na poboljšanje poslovne komunikacije. Početkom pedesetih godina prošlog veka počeli su da se formiraju prvi kontakt centri i do danas bilo je dosta transformacija koje su uticale i na poslovnu komunikaciju. Poslovna komunikacija na više načina može da se unapređuje različitom organizacijom kontakt centara.Many significant tehnological changes describe modern business. It is necessary to improve business communication with the help of referential innovation i.e. contact centers. The contact center has an important role in securing productivity and effectiveness because clients and potential client evaluate the contact center, bank`s work services and products. In order to optimize the contact center`s work, certain variables must be identified e.g. the type of contact center, technology, channels of communication, employees and their training, the number of employees, shift working, supervision over employees. All of the issues mentioned above have great influence on business communication. In the early fifties of the last century began to form the first contact centers, and there have been a lot of transformations that have affected to the business communication. Business communication in many ways can promote contact centers with different organization