162 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    Digital halftoning using fibonacci-like sequence pertubation and using vision-models in different color spaces

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    A disadvantage in error diffusion is that it creates objectionable texture patterns at certain gray levels. An approach, threshold perturbation by Fibonacci-like sequences, was studied. This process is simpler than applying a vision model and it also decreases the visible patterns in error diffusion. Vector error diffusion guarantees minimum color distance in binarization provided that a uniform color space is used. Four color spaces were studied in this research. It was found that vector error diffusion in two linear color spaces made no reduction in the quality of halftoning compared with that in CIEL*a*b* or CIEL*u*v* color spaces. A luminance vision MTF and a chroma vision MTF were used in model-based error diffusion to further improve the halftone image quality

    An investigation of the color reproduction accuracy of two halftoning algorithms for dot matrix systems

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    The recent popularity of dot matrix printing technologies has renewed interest in developing color halftoning techniques for these systems. A color reproduction scheme based on colorimetric principles would provide accurate color rendition, and can be configured to different hardware implementations. Additionally, where there are demands for multiple copies, color reproduction accuracy is assured to the nth generation. A binary dot matrix halftoning algorithm previously used for black-and-white reproduction (error diffusion) and a new algorithm to be described (EZ method) were investigated in terms of their color reproduction capabilities, with the objective to achieve colorimetric color reproduction. The error diffusion technique made poor system color selections when used in XYZ tristimulus space. As a result, large hue, saturation, and ΔE*ab errors were experienced. The EZ Color Algorithm provided better color accuracy, with an average color difference of less than three for a 4x4 cell size. A uniform color space, such as CIELAB, is considered a minimum requirement in order for the error diffusion algorithm to provide colorimetric color reproduction. Hue, saturation, and ΔE*ab errors were minimized when this color space was used. The EZ Color Algorithm provides several important features including the incorporation of the black colorant explicity in the color formulation, selection of system colors prior to quantizing, and quantization of system color areas instead of reflectance values

    Black-box printer models and their applications

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    In the electrophotographic printing process, the deposition of toner within the area of a given printer addressable pixel is strongly influenced by the values of its neighboring pixels. The interaction between neighboring pixels, which is commonly referred to as dot-gain, is complicated. The printer models which are developed according to a pre-designed test page can either be embedded in the halftoning algorithm, or used to predict the printed halftone image at the input to an algorithm being used to assess print quality. In our research, we examine the potential influence of a larger neighborhood (45?45) of the digital halftone image on the measured value of a printed pixel at the center of that neighborhood by introducing a feasible strategy for the contribution. We developed a series of six models with different accuracy and computational complexity to account for local neighborhood effects and the influence of a 45?45 neighborhood of pixels on the central printer-addressable pixel tone development. All these models are referred to as Black Box Model (BBM) since they are based solely on measuring what is on the printed page, and do not incorporate any information about the marking process itself. We developed two different types of printer models Standard Definition (SD) BBM and High Definition (HD) BBM with capture device Epson Expression 10000XL (Epson America, Inc., Long Beach, CA, USA) flatbed scanner operated at 2400 dpi under different analysis resolutions. The experiment results show that the larger neighborhood models yield a significant improvement in the accuracy of the prediction of the pixel values of the printed halftone image. The sample function generation black box model (SFG-BBM) is an extension of SD-BBM that adds the printing variation to the mean prediction to improve the prediction by more accurately matching the characteristics of the actual printed image. We also followed a structure similar to that used to develop our series of BBMs to develop a two-stage toner usage predictor for electrophotographic printers. We first obtained on a pixel-by-pixel basis, the predicted absorptance of printed and scanned page with the digital input using BBM. We then form a weighted sum of these predicted pixel values to predict overall toner usage on the printed page. Our two-stage predictor significantly outperforms existing method that is based on a simple pixel counting strategy, in terms of both accuracy and robustness of the prediction

    Visual-Based error diffusion for printers

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    An approach for halftoning is presented that incorporates a printer model and also explicitly uses the human visual model. Conventional methods, such as clustered-dot screening or dispersed-dot screening, do not solve the gray-level distortion of printers and just implicitly use the eye as a lowpass filter. Error diffusion accounts for errors when processing subsequent pixels to minimize the overall mean-square errors. Recently developed model-based halftoning technique eliminates the effect of printer luminance distortion, but this method does not consider the filtering action of the eye, that is, some artifacts of standard error diffusion still exist when the printing resolution and view distance change. Another visual error diffusion method incorporates the human visual filter into error diffusion and results in improved noise characteristics and better resolution for structured image regions, but gray levels are still distorted. Experiments prove that human viewers judge the quality of a halftoning image based mainly on the region which exhibits the worst local error, and low-frequency distortions introduced by the halftoning process are responsible for more visually annoying artifacts in the halftone image than high-frequency distortion. Consequently, we adjust the correction factors of the feedback filter by local characteristics and adjust the dot patterns for some gray levels to minimize the visual blurred local error. Based on the human visual model, we obtain the visual-based error diffusion algorithm, and further we will also incorporate the printer model to correct the printing distortion. The artifacts connected with standard error diffusion are expected to be eliminated or decreased and therefore better print quality should be achieved. In addition to qualitative analysis, we also introduce a subjective evaluation of algorithms. The tests show that the algorithms developed here have improved the performance of error diffusion for printers


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    Digital halftoning is a crucial technique used in digital printers to convert a continuoustone image into a pattern of black and white dots. Halftoning is used since printers have a limited availability of inks and cannot reproduce all the color intensities in a continuous image. Error Diffusion is an algorithm in halftoning that iteratively quantizes pixels in a neighborhood dependent fashion. This thesis focuses on the development and design of a parallel scalable hardware architecture for high performance implementation of a high quality Stacked Error Diffusion algorithm. The algorithm is described in ‘C’ and requires a significant processing time when implemented on a conventional CPU. Thus, a new hardware processor architecture is developed to implement the algorithm and is implemented to and tested on a Xilinx Virtex 5 FPGA chip. There is an extraordinary decrease in the run time of the algorithm when run on the newly proposed parallel architecture implemented to FPGA technology compared to execution on a single CPU. The new parallel architecture is described using the Verilog Hardware Description Language. Post-synthesis and post-implementation, performance based Hardware Description Language (HDL), simulation validation of the new parallel architecture is achieved via use of the ModelSim CAD simulation tool

    Threshold modulation in 1-D error diffusion

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    Error diffusion (ED) is widely used in digital imaging as a binarization process which preserves fine detail and results in pleasant images. The process resembles the human visual system in that it exhibits an intrinsic edge enhancement An additional extrinsic edge enhancement can be controlled by varying the threshold. None of these characteristics has yet been fully explained due to the lack of a suitable mathematical model of the algorithm. The extrinsic sharpening introduced in 1-D error diffusion is the subject of this thesis. An available pulse density modulation(PDM) model generated from a frequency modulation is used to gain a better understanding of variables in ED. As a result, threshold variation fits the model as an additional phase modulation. Equivalent images are obtained by applying ED with threshold modulation or by preprocessing an image with an appropriate convolution mask and subsequently running standard ED

    A New framework for an electrophotographic printer model

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    Digital halftoning is a printing technology that creates the illusion of continuous tone images for printing devices such as electrophotographic printers that can only produce a limited number of tone levels. Digital halftoning works because the human visual system has limited spatial resolution which blurs the printed dots of the halftone image, creating the gray sensation of a continuous tone image. Because the printing process is imperfect it introduces distortions to the halftone image. The quality of the printed image depends, among other factors, on the complex interactions between the halftone image, the printer characteristics, the colorant, and the printing substrate. Printer models are used to assist in the development of new types of halftone algorithms that are designed to withstand the effects of printer distortions. For example, model-based halftone algorithms optimize the halftone image through an iterative process that integrates a printer model within the algorithm. The two main goals of a printer model are to provide accurate estimates of the tone and of the spatial characteristics of the printed halftone pattern. Various classes of printer models, from simple tone calibrations, to complex mechanistic models, have been reported in the literature. Existing models have one or more of the following limiting factors: they only predict tone reproduction, they depend on the halftone pattern, they require complex calibrations or complex calculations, they are printer specific, they reproduce unrealistic dot structures, and they are unable to adapt responses to new data. The two research objectives of this dissertation are (1) to introduce a new framework for printer modeling and (2) to demonstrate the feasibility of such a framework in building an electrophotographic printer model. The proposed framework introduces the concept of modeling a printer as a texture transformation machine. The basic premise is that modeling the texture differences between the output printed images and the input images encompasses all printing distortions. The feasibility of the framework was tested with a case study modeling a monotone electrophotographic printer. The printer model was implemented as a bank of feed-forward neural networks, each one specialized in modeling a group of textural features of the printed halftone pattern. The textural features were obtained using a parametric representation of texture developed from a multiresolution decomposition proposed by other researchers. The textural properties of halftone patterns were analyzed and the key texture parameters to be modeled by the bank were identified. Guidelines for the multiresolution texture decomposition and the model operational parameters and operational limits were established. A method for the selection of training sets based on the morphological properties of the halftone patterns was also developed. The model is fast and has the capability to continue to learn with additional training. The model can be easily implemented because it only requires a calibrated scanner. The model was tested with halftone patterns representing a range of spatial characteristics found in halftoning. Results show that the model provides accurate predictions for the tone and the spatial characteristics when modeling halftone patterns individually and it provides close approximations when modeling multiple halftone patterns simultaneously. The success of the model justifies continued research of this new printer model framework

    Modeling and Halftoning for Multichannel Printers: A Spectral Approach

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    Printing has been has been the major communication medium for many centuries. In the last twenty years, multichannel printing has brought new opportunities and challenges. Beside of extended colour gamut of the multichannel printer, the opportunity was presented to use a multichannel printer for ‘spectral printing’. The aim of spectral printing is typically the same as for colour printing; that is, to match input signal with printing specific ink combinations. In order to control printers so that the combination or mixture of inks results in specific colour or spectra requires a spectral reflectance printer model that estimates reflectance spectra from nominal dot coverage. The printer models have one of the key roles in accurate communication of colour to the printed media. Accordingly, this has been one of the most active research areas in printing. The research direction was toward improvement of the model accuracy, model simplicity and toward minimal resources used by the model in terms of computational power and usage of material. The contribution of the work included in the thesis is also directed toward improvement of the printer models but for the multichannel printing. The thesis is focused primarily on improving existing spectral printer models and developing a new model. In addition, the aim was to develop and implement a multichannel halftoning method which should provide with high image quality. Therefore, the research goals of the thesis were: maximal accuracy of printer models, optimal resource usage and maximal image quality of halftoning and whole spectral reproduction system. Maximal colour accuracy of a model but with the least resources used is achieved by optimizing printer model calibration process. First, estimation of the physical and optical dot gain is performed with newly proposed method and model. Second, a custom training target is estimated using the proposed new method. These two proposed methods and one proposed model were at the same time the means of optimal resource usage, both in computational time and material. The third goal was satisfied with newly proposed halftoning method for multichannel printing. This method also satisfies the goal of optimal computational time but with maintaining high image quality. When applied in spectral reproduction workflow, this halftoning reduces noise induced in an inversion of the printer model. Finally, a case study was conducted on the practical use of multichannel printers and spectral reproduction workflow. In addition to a gamut comparison in colour space, it is shown that otherwise limited reach of spectral printing could potentially be used to simulate spectra and colour of textile fabrics
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