150,798 research outputs found

    Our door is always open : Aligning Literacy LearningPractices in Writing Programs and Residential LearningCommunities

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    Writing studies has considered college students\u27 literacy development as a chronological progression and as influenced by their off-campus connections to various cultural and professional communities. This project considers students\u27 literacy development across disciplines and university activity systems in which they\u27re simultaneously involved to look at the (missed) opportunities for fostering transfer across writing courses and residential learning communities as parallel—but rarely coordinated—high-impact practices. Rather than calling for the development of additional programs, I argue for building/strengthening connections between these existing programs by highlighting shared learning outcomes focused on literacy skills development and learning how to learn

    Developing Second Language Writing through Scaffolding in the ZPD: A Magazine Project for an Authentic Audience

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    In the present study, Vygotsky’s (1978, 1986) sociocultural framework of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and scaffolding writing (Bodrova & Leong, 1995, 1996; Ross, 1976) are used as the theoretical basis to study the development of second language writing. A course project is presented in which advanced English language learners of Spanish acted as authors and editors to create their own professional magazines for an authentic audience. In the project, each student authored four essays which went through four peer- and instructor-edited stages of scaffolding writing techniques. After each stage, ratings were given by the editors who also facilitated feedback debriefing sessions (Lidz, 1991). Statistical analyses revealed significant improvement within the four essays demonstrating writing development of subsequent revisions of a single essay. There was also significant improvement between the four essays revealing a linear, continuous writing development. In all, these results support a notion that scaffolding writing techniques and feedback debriefing sessions within the ZPD effectively develops writing skills in second language learning when contextualized through a writing workshop involving the creation of a professional magazine designed for an authentic audience

    The Promise of Faculty Inquiry for Teaching and Learning Basic Skills

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    Shares insights from the Strengthening Pre-collegiate Education in Community Colleges project on how teachers' systematic and collaborative analyses of new approaches and practices foster innovation and improvement in basic English and math instruction

    Implementation and Effects of LDC and MDC in Kentucky Districts

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    This brief summarizes early evidence on the success of two tools Kentucky districts have used to support their teachers' transition to these more demanding goals: Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC). With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, LDC and MDC tools have been designed and implemented to embody the key shifts in teaching and learning that the new standards demand. By implementing the tools, teachers then engage in new pedagogy and address relevant learning goals of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards

    Reading Next: A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy

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    Outlines fifteen key elements that educators can use to develop an effective adolescent literacy intervention program. Focuses on elements of interventions that are most promising for students that struggle with reading and writing after third grade

    Exploring Current Practice of Using Technology to Support Collaborative Argumentation in Science Classrooms

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how middle school science teachers enact the practice of using technology to support collaborative argumentation in their science classroom. This study employed qualitative case study and drew on data sources of interviews and observations. This study identified two themes. Six teachers regarded scientific argumentation as an important science practice, but five of them integrated this practice into their science class without formally introducing it. All teachers integrated different forms of technology to engage students in scientific argumentation. In this study, the findings suggested there is a need to provide professional development for teachers to learn about scientific argumentation. The findings can be used as a basis for the design and development of professional development training experiences for in-servic

    Reflections on the Practicality of Good Theory

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    Jennifer Kennison noticed something different about the way her high school chemistry students were working together during Complex Instruction rotation. Her attention to the change in her students’ learning caused me to think about how Elizabeth Cohen’s often referenced Kurt Lewin’s comment “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.” As a result, I decided to ask two students who were teaching CI rotations if they would be interested in working together on a conference presentation that looked at their work through the eyes of Lewin’s dictum. They would take on responsibility for documenting and writing about their CI units and I, their advisor, would take on Lewin. Both Jennifer, an experienced teacher and MEd. candidate, and Bethany Brodeur, a senior elementary education major, agreed to this task. The resulting papers formed the core of our presentation at the 2004 conference of the New England Educational Research Organization. Together, they form a short volume that integrates learning about CI with the practical implications of implementation of CI at the elementary and secondary levels. This paper reports my observations of their work confirming Lewin’s dictum and Cohen’s wisdom. C

    An Introduction to STEMTEC and Pathways to Change

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    STEMTEC is the Massachusetts Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation. The first step in preparing future teachers is to have them experience effective teaching in college science and mathematics courses. The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Teacher Education Collaborative (STEMTEC) summer institutes familiarized 150 faculty members with a variety of teaching strategies recommended in the National Science Teaching Standards. These faculty incorporated the techniques into one or more of their courses during subsequent academic years, and many of them reported on their progress during a research conference, Pathways to Change, which STEMTEC sponsored in the summer of 2000. Eleven papers, based on these conference reports, are included in this volume

    Who Learns from Collaborative Digital Projects? Cultivating Critical Consciousness and Metacognition to Democratize Digital Literacy Learning

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    Collaborative group work is common in writing classrooms, especially ones assigning digital projects. While a wealth of scholarship theorizes collaboration and advocates for specific collaborative pedagogies, writing studies has yet to address the ways in which privilege tied to race, gender, class, and other identity characteristics replicates itself within student groups by shaping the responsibilities individual group members assume, thereby affecting students\u27 opportunities for learning. Such concerns about equity are especially pressing where civically and professionally valuable twenty-first century digital literacies are concerned. This article uses theories of cultural capital and the participation gap to (1) analyze role uptake in case studies of diverse student groups and (2) suggest ways to expand writing studies\u27 current use of metacognition to address such inequities

    Using Discussion Board as the Medium to Improve the Skill in Writing a Recount Text

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    This study is aimed to improve the students\u27 skill in writing a recount text through the use of discussion board. The subject consists of twenty seven eighth graders. This study was carried out in one cycle. The cycle consisted of five meetings including the registration process on discussion board, prewriting and drafting in face to face classroom environment, and the process of revising, editing and publishing stage on discussion board. The data of the study were taken from the observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire and the students\u27 final product. The findings of the study revealed that the discussion board was successful in improving the skill in writing a recount text of the eighth graders. The improvement was indicated by the increase of the students\u27 writing scores, the students\u27 participation in writing activities and the students\u27 positive responses after the implementation of discussion board
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