2 research outputs found

    Technological advances and teaching innovation applied to health science education

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    [EN]In recent years, computer application development has experienced exponential growth, not only in number but also regarding the fields that have benefitted from its use. In health science training and medicine in particular, the progressive incorporation of technological developments has transformed the teaching and learning process, resulting in true “educational technology”, which this track focuses on given its repercussion and current dissemination. One of the most representative examples within educational technology has been the development of new content visualization systems, more complete and realistic than traditional learning material on paper. These applications are true learning environments aimed toward maximizing the student’s work outside the classroom and the interaction with the contents given, an important support or complement to traditional teaching. The technological application development with teaching purposes in Heath Science is paying increasing attention to mobile phones, smartphones and tablets due to their portability, economic accessibility and Internet access, maximizing the dissemination and availability of developed applications. These changes in health science teaching pose a challenge for teachers and institutions when designing, developing, implementing and evaluating these technological applications, as well as an effort on behalf of students to adapt. Thus, it is fitting to provide a space to gather and reflect upon these practices in an event like the International Conference on Technology Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturalism. Nowadays, a growing number of studies have directed their attention to the effectiveness evaluation of these applications with increasingly sophisticated designs. The results are encouraging and signal a promising future for the development of computer applications in health science. The purpose of this track is twofold: to offer a general vision on the contribution of medical informatics and related fields in health science; and to provide an excellent opportunity to promote and exchange innovative teaching experiences, especially those based on the application of new technologies


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    [EN] The use of technology in education has enabled organizations to seriously bet on the new possibilities they offer. However, not only you have to have the technology, since these can be used in a disorganized way, but they must be established in an advantageous environment that enhances the teaching-learning process. While health eLearning as its name suggests, is applied training in a medical environment, there are many experiences that do not conform to a methodological approach that allows customized instructional and technological environment of these experiences. The main objective of this thesis is to establish a methodological approach for implementing an eLearning technology in a medical environment, using virtual learning platform. The eLearning training done has been supported following the ADDIE instructional design model as a reference, allowing set specifically for each training, a set of steps to follow. ELearning has developed a method, called eRibera, which has established a set of recommendations, facilitating the integration of eLearning technology. The proposed methodology has been evaluated using a set of indicators that examined the use of eLearning resources deployed in virtual learning platform, as well as the opinions of the participants of the training. The results obtained in the application of the methodology in different eLearning experiences allow us to confirm the effectiveness of using virtual learning platforms in this context.[ES] El uso de tecnologías en la educación ha permitido que las organizaciones apuesten seriamente por las nuevas posibilidades que estas ofrecen. De todas formas, no sólo hay que disponer de las tecnologías, puesto que estas se pueden utilizar de manera desorganizada, sino que hay que establecer en ellas un entorno ventajoso que mejore el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Si bien, el eLearning sanitario como su propio nombre indica, es la formación aplicada en un entorno sanitario, existen numerosas experiencias que no se ajustan a una aproximación metodológica que permita personalizar el entorno instructivo y tecnológico de estas experiencias. El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en establecer una aproximación metodológica para implantar una tecnología eLearning en un entorno sanitario, mediante el uso de una plataforma de aprendizaje virtual. La formación eLearning realizada se ha apoyado siguiendo el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE como referencia, permitiendo establecer de forma específica para cada acción formativa, un conjunto de fases a seguir. Se ha formulado un método eLearning, denominado eRibera, que ha permitido establecer un conjunto de recomendaciones, facilitando la incorporación de la tecnología eLearning. La propuesta metodológica ha sido evaluada mediante un conjunto de indicadores que analizaban el uso de los recursos eLearning implementados en la plataforma de aprendizaje virtual, así como, las opiniones de los participantes de la formación recibida. Los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la propuesta metodológica en diferentes experiencias eLearning, permiten afirmar la efectividad del uso de las plataformas de aprendizaje virtual en este contexto.[CA] L'ús de tecnologies en l'educació ha permés que les organitzacions aposten seriosament per les noves possibilitats que estes oferixen. De totes maneres, no sols cal disposar de les tecnologies, ja que estes es poden utilitzar de manera desorganitzada, sinó que cal establir en elles un entorn avantatjós que millore el procés d'ensenyança-aprenentatge. Si bé, l'eLearning sanitari com el seu propi nom indica, és la formació aplicada en un entorn sanitari, hi ha nombroses experiències que no s'ajusten a una aproximació metodològica que permeta personalitzar l'entorn instructiu i tecnològic d'estes experiències. L'objectiu principal d'esta tesi consistix a establir una aproximació metodològica per a implantar una tecnologia eLearning en un entorn sanitari, per mitjà de l'ús d'una plataforma d'aprenentatge virtual. La formació eLearning realitzada s'ha recolzat seguint el model de disseny instruccional ADDIE com a referència, permetent establir de forma específica per a cada acció formativa, un conjunt de fases que s'ha de seguir. S'ha formulat un mètode eLearning, denominat eRibera, que ha permés establir un conjunt de recomanacions, facilitant la incorporació de la tecnologia eLearning. La proposta metodològica ha sigut avaluada per mitjà d'un conjunt d'indicadors que analitzaven l'ús dels recursos eLearning implementats en la plataforma d'aprenentatge virtual, així com, les opinions dels participants de la formació rebuda. Els resultats obtinguts en l'aplicació de la proposta metodològica en diferents experiències eLearning, permeten afirmar l'efectivitat de l'ús de les plataformes d'aprenentatge virtual en este context.Izquierdo Soriano, JV. (2016). APROXIMACIÓN METODOLÓGICA PARA LA IMPLANTACIÓN DE TECNOLOGÍA E-LEARNING EN LA FORMACIÓN SANITARIA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62533TESI