336 research outputs found

    Optimizing Spatial Databases

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    This paper describes the best way to improve the optimization of spatial databases: through spatial indexes. The most commune and utilized spatial indexes are R-tree and Quadtree and they are presented, analyzed and compared in this paper. Also there are given a few examples of queries that run in Oracle Spatial and are being supported by an R-tree spatial index. Spatial databases offer special features that can be very helpful when needing to represent such data. But in terms of storage and time costs, spatial data can require a lot of resources. This is why optimizing the database is one of the most important aspects when working with large volumes of data.Spatial Database, Spatial Index, R-tree, Quadtree, Optimization

    Yellow Tree: A Distributed Main-memory Spatial Index Structure for Moving Objects

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    Mobile devices equipped with wireless technologies to communicate and positioning systems to locate objects of interest are common place today, providing the impetus to develop location-aware applications. At the heart of location-aware applications are moving objects or objects that continuously change location over time, such as cars in transportation networks or pedestrians or postal packages. Location-aware applications tend to support the tracking of very large numbers of such moving objects as well as many users that are interested in finding out about the locations of other moving objects. Such location-aware applications rely on support from database management systems to model, store, and query moving object data. The management of moving object data exposes the limitations of traditional (spatial) database management systems as well as their index structures designed to keep track of objects\u27 locations. Spatial index structures that have been designed for geographic objects in the past primarily assume data are foremost of static nature (e.g., land parcels, road networks, or airport locations), thus requiring a limited amount of index structure updates and reorganization over a period of time. While handling moving objects however, there is an incumbent need for continuous reorganization of spatial index structures to remain up to date with constantly and rapidly changing object locations. This research addresses some of the key issues surrounding the efficient database management of moving objects whose location update rate to the database system varies from 1 to 30 minutes. Furthermore, we address the design of a highly scaleable and efficient spatial index structure to support location tracking and querying of large amounts of moving objects. We explore the possible architectural and the data structure level changes that are required to handle large numbers of moving objects. We focus specifically on the index structures that are needed to process spatial range queries and object-based queries on constantly changing moving object data. We argue for the case of main memory spatial index structures that dynamically adapt to continuously changing moving object data and concurrently answer spatial range queries efficiently. A proof-of concept implementation called the yellow tree, which is a distributed main-memory index structure, and a simulated environment to generate moving objects is demonstrated. Using experiments conducted on simulated moving object data, we conclude that a distributed main-memory based spatial index structure is required to handle dynamic location updates and efficiently answer spatial range queries on moving objects. Future work on enhancing the query processing performance of yellow tree is also discussed

    Gossip-Based Indexing Ring Topology for 2-Dimension Spatial Data in Overlay Networks

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    AbstractOverlay networks are used widely in the Internet, such as retrieval and share of files, multimedia games and so on. However, in distributed system, the retrieval and share of 2-dimension spatial data still have some difficult problems and can not solve the complex retrieval of 2-dimension spatial data efficiently. This article presents a new indexing overlay networks, named 2D-Ring, which is the ring topology based on gossip for 2-dimension spatial data. The peers in our overlay networks exchange the information periodically and update each local view by constructing algorithm. 2-dimension spatial data is divided by quad-tree and mapped into control points, which are hashed into 2D-Ring by SHA-1 hash function. In such way, the problem of 2-dimension spatial data indexing is converted to the problem of searching peers in the 2D-Ring. A large of extensive experiments show that the time complexity of constructing algorithm of 2D-Ring can reach convergence logarithmically as a function of the network size and hold higher hit rate and lower query delay

    Information distribution and recharging dispatch strategy in large wireless networks

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    Large wireless networks are envisioned to play increasingly important roles as more and more mobile wireless devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are put in use. In these networks, it is often the case that some critical information needs to be readily accessible, requiring a careful design of the information distribution technique. In this work, we at first propose PeB, Periodic Broadcast, that takes advantage of periodic broadcast from the information server(s) to leave traces for nodes requesting for the information while maintaining a low overhead. Similar to swarm intelligence, PeB requires each node to keep track of traces, or past records of information flow, through itself toward information servers. We present our extensive investigation of the PeB scheme on cost and network dynamics as compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. When the devices run out of battery, they become static and need to be recharged by the wireless charging vehicles (WCVs). Often times, WCV receives a number of charging requests and form a Hamiltonian cycle and visit these nodes one-by-one. We also propose a heuristic algorithm, termed Quad, that generates a Hamiltonian cycle in a square plane. We then focus on the theoretical study of the length of the Hamiltonian cycles in such networks

    Towards a Scalable Dynamic Spatial Database System

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    With the rise of GPS-enabled smartphones and other similar mobile devices, massive amounts of location data are available. However, no scalable solutions for soft real-time spatial queries on large sets of moving objects have yet emerged. In this paper we explore and measure the limits of actual algorithms and implementations regarding different application scenarios. And finally we propose a novel distributed architecture to solve the scalability issues.Comment: (2012

    Self-stabilizing Overlays for high-dimensional Monotonic Searchability

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    We extend the concept of monotonic searchability for self-stabilizing systems from one to multiple dimensions. A system is self-stabilizing if it can recover to a legitimate state from any initial illegal state. These kind of systems are most often used in distributed applications. Monotonic searchability provides guarantees when searching for nodes while the recovery process is going on. More precisely, if a search request started at some node uu succeeds in reaching its destination vv, then all future search requests from uu to vv succeed as well. Although there already exists a self-stabilizing protocol for a two-dimensional topology and an universal approach for monotonic searchability, it is not clear how both of these concepts fit together effectively. The latter concept even comes with some restrictive assumptions on messages, which is not the case for our protocol. We propose a simple novel protocol for a self-stabilizing two-dimensional quadtree that satisfies monotonic searchability. Our protocol can easily be extended to higher dimensions and offers routing in O(log⁥n)\mathcal O(\log n) hops for any search request
