6 research outputs found

    Using a Cloud Based Collaboration Technology in a Systems Analysis and Design Course

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    In order to effectively prepare the next generation of IT professionals and systems analysts, it is important to incorporate cloud based online collaboration tools into the coursework for developing the students' cooperative skills as well as for storing and sharing content. For these pedagogical and practical reasons, Google Drive has been used at a medium-sized institution of higher education in New Zealand during the Systems Analysis and Design course. Ongoing and successful use of any learning technology requires gathering meaningful feedback from students, and acting as a mentor during their learning journey. This study has been developed and implemented to help students enjoy the collaborative technology and to help increase their satisfaction and commitment. In order to overcome the obstacles that may prevent students from using Google Drive optimally, an initial survey has been conducted to better understand the influential factors and issues. Furthermore, this study aims at promoting various types of collaboration and sharing: seeing and learning from other students' work, receiving direct suggestions from others, and allowing others to edit documents that belong to them. Following the results of the first quantitative survey, numerous teaching strategies were formulated and implemented. A final qualitative survey was done at the end of the course for students to evaluate their project work. The results of this study also provide original practical and theoretical implications that may be of interest to other researchers, course designers, and teachers


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    ABSTRACTOnline peer feedback has become common in university writing classrooms due to the availability of computer technology. This study aimed to explore EFL learners' experiences engaged in online peer feedback on writing through cloud collaboration. This study was an extension activity of the paragraph writing class for two weeks, in which ten participants voluntarily took part in it and were monitored by two instructors. The peer feedback exchanges, text revisions, and comments from interviews were qualitatively analyzed, and the emerging patterns of interaction were quantified. The results showed that the involvement of the participants in online peer feedback via cloud collaboration facility enabled students to detect and comprehend numerous writing problems, as well as revise and improve their work; both revision and non-revision-oriented feedbacks are part of the overall online textual interaction and communication that can be used to help them develop their second language; and the students also expressed different perspectives about whether they appreciated or disliked their online peer feedback experience. This study also provided some implications and recommendations for further research.ABSTRAKUmpan balik teman sebaya secara online telah menjadi hal yang umum di ruang kelas menulis di universitas sebagai hasil dari ketersediaan teknologi komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman pelajar EFL yang terlibat dalam umpan balik teman sebaya secara online dalam menulis melalui kolaborasi cloud. Penelitian ini merupakan kegiatan perpanjangan dari kelas menulis paragraf selama dua minggu yang diikuti oleh sepuluh peserta secara sukarela, dan dipantau oleh dua orang instruktur. Pertukaran umpan balik dari teman sebaya, revisi teks, dan komentar dari wawancara dianalisis secara kualitatif dan pola interaksi yang muncul dikuantifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan para peserta dalam umpan balik teman sebaya secara online melalui fasilitas kolaborasi cloud memungkinkan siswa untuk mendeteksi dan memahami berbagai masalah dalam menulis, serta merevisi dan memperbaiki pekerjaan mereka; umpan balik yang berorientasi pada revisi dan non-revisi merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan interaksi dan komunikasi tekstual online yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu mereka mengembangkan bahasa kedua mereka; serta perspektif individu yang berbeda mengenai apakah mereka menyukai atau tidak menyukai pengalaman umpan balik teman sebaya secara online. Penelitian ini juga memberikan beberapa implikasi dan rekomendasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut.How to Cite: Kurniawan, D., Jaya, H.P., Wijaya, A. (2023). EFL Learners' Experiences of Peer Feedback in Paragraph Writing Through Cloud Collaboration. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 10(1), 37-62. doi:10.15408/ijee.v10i1.2513

    ICT-Based Learning During Covid-19 Outbreak: Advantages, Opportunities and Challenges

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    ICT-based learning is kind of learning that use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to foster, optimize, enhance and support gaining knowledge. Covid-19 has caused the full transformation to ICT-based learning. This study aimed to investigate the advantages, opportunities and challenges of ICT-BL during the pandemic. Systematic analysis of the qualitative results indicated that possibility of Online learning, saving time and money, communication and motivation tool, usage of social media, sharing and processing the knowledge and improving the quality of education were the highest ranked advantages of the ICT-based learning and remote learning, extra time, adoption of new skills and more technologies and MOOCs in addition to family gathering were the most opportunities while internet accessibility, electricity problems, maintenance of infrastructure, high cost of ICT device and lack of expertise, ability to manage classrooms and plagiarism were the high ranked challenges for both students and lecturers to continue online learning. Developing countries need to develop new strategies and techniques to promote ICT-based learning based on innovation, socio-cultural and socio-economic aspects not only financial support.</p

    A cloud-based collaborative virtual learning environment for the higher education institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.

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    Advances in cloud computing have made it possible for collaborative environments to be developed for educational services. However, some HEIs are still using traditional VLE tools which receive minimal utilisation by users mostly for uploading and downloading course materials. This study focuses on challenges and concerns that limit or even prohibit the use of a cloud-based collaborative virtual learning environment (CBCVLE). More specifically, this study considers the influences of Omani culture upon utilisation of CBCVLEs. A mixed methods research approach is adopted which includes a preliminary study, a questionnaire-based survey, and a set of interviews. The issues are identified by reviewing the related literature and the surveys and grouping them under five headings: (1) ICT infrastructure and services, (2) operational environment, (3) user’s experience and expectations, (4) factors affecting the use and acceptance, and (5) cultural influences. The findings indicate lack of sufficient ICT infrastructure and services, as well as insufficient financial resources in some higher education institutions for establishing their own ICT infrastructures. Moreover, the findings highlight users’ experience as an important influence for utilisation of CBCVLEs. Regarding the operational environment, a wide range of concerns and challenges are identified by participants in the surveys. A number of issues are found to have an effect on the use of VLE tools and collaborative environments. Factors affecting the use and acceptance of a CBCVLE are also identified and classified as motivators or deterrents. Most importantly, cultural influences are found to be critical and vital for the use of CBCVLE. Family, religion, language, customs and traditions and gender can have a critical effect on users’ participation in collaborative projects. The study’s findings contribute to a better understanding and promotion of high utilisation and acceptance of CBCVLEs. A novel framework is proposed which incorporates key elements and their relationships associated with a cloud-based collaborative environment. The framework aims to mitigate issues and factors influencing low utilisation and the acceptance of CBCVLEs

    Using a Cloud Based Collaboration Technology in a Systems Analysis and Design Course

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    In order to effectively prepare the next generation of IT professionals and systems analysts, it is important to incorporate cloud based online collaboration tools into the coursework for developing the students' cooperative skills as well as for storing and sharing content. For these pedagogical and practical reasons, Google Drive has been used at a medium-sized institution of higher education in New Zealand during the Systems Analysis and Design course. Ongoing and successful use of any learning technology requires gathering meaningful feedback from students, and acting as a mentor during their learning journey. This study has been developed and implemented to help students enjoy the collaborative technology and to help increase their satisfaction and commitment. In order to overcome the obstacles that may prevent students from using Google Drive optimally, an initial survey has been conducted to better understand the influential factors and issues. Furthermore, this study aims at promoting various types of collaboration and sharing: seeing and learning from other students' work, receiving direct suggestions from others, and allowing others to edit documents that belong to them. Following the results of the first quantitative survey, numerous teaching strategies were formulated and implemented. A final qualitative survey was done at the end of the course for students to evaluate their project work. The results of this study also provide original practical and theoretical implications that may be of interest to other researchers, course designers, and teachers

    Using a Cloud Based Collaboration Technology in a Systems Analysis and Design Course

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