452 research outputs found

    Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association

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    The evaluative character of a word is called its semantic orientation. Positive semantic orientation indicates praise (e.g., "honest", "intrepid") and negative semantic orientation indicates criticism (e.g., "disturbing", "superfluous"). Semantic orientation varies in both direction (positive or negative) and degree (mild to strong). An automated system for measuring semantic orientation would have application in text classification, text filtering, tracking opinions in online discussions, analysis of survey responses, and automated chat systems (chatbots). This paper introduces a method for inferring the semantic orientation of a word from its statistical association with a set of positive and negative paradigm words. Two instances of this approach are evaluated, based on two different statistical measures of word association: pointwise mutual information (PMI) and latent semantic analysis (LSA). The method is experimentally tested with 3,596 words (including adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs) that have been manually labeled positive (1,614 words) and negative (1,982 words). The method attains an accuracy of 82.8% on the full test set, but the accuracy rises above 95% when the algorithm is allowed to abstain from classifying mild words

    Automatically generating a sentiment lexicon for the Malay language

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    This paper aims to propose an automated sentiment lexicon generation model specifically designed for the Malay language. Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis (SA) models make use of a sentiment lexicon for SA tasks, which is a linguistic resource that comprises a priori information about the sentiment properties of words. A sentiment lexicon is an indispensable resource for SA tasks. This is evident in the emergence of a large volume of research focused on the development of sentiment lexicon generation algorithms. This is not the case for low-resource languages such as Malay, for which there is a lack of research focused on this particular area. This has brought up the motivation to propose a sentiment lexicon generation algorithm for this language. WordNet Bahasa was first mapped onto the English WordNet to construct a multilingual word network. A seed set of prototypical positive and negative terms was then automatically expanded by recursively adding terms linked via WordNet’s synonymy and antonymy semantic relations. The underlying intuition is that the sentiment properties of newly added terms via these relations are preserved. A supervised classifier was employed for the word-polarity tagging task, with textual representations of the expanded seed set as features. Evaluation of the model against the General Inquirer lexicon as a benchmark demonstrates that it performs with reasonable accuracy. This paper aims to provide a foundation for further research for the Malay language in this area

    Comprehensive Review of Opinion Summarization

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    The abundance of opinions on the web has kindled the study of opinion summarization over the last few years. People have introduced various techniques and paradigms to solving this special task. This survey attempts to systematically investigate the different techniques and approaches used in opinion summarization. We provide a multi-perspective classification of the approaches used and highlight some of the key weaknesses of these approaches. This survey also covers evaluation techniques and data sets used in studying the opinion summarization problem. Finally, we provide insights into some of the challenges that are left to be addressed as this will help set the trend for future research in this area.unpublishednot peer reviewe

    Extracting Semantic Orientations of Words using Spin Model

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    We propose a method for extracting semantic orientations of words: desirable or undesirable. Regarding semantic orientations as spins of electrons, we use the mean field approximation to compute the approximate probability function of the system instead of the intractable actual probability function. We also propose a criterion for parameter selection on the basis of magnetization. Given only a small number of seed words, the proposed method extracts semantic orientations with high accuracy in the experiments on English lexicon. The result is comparable to the best value ever reported.

    Opinion mining: Reviewed from word to document level

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    International audienceOpinion mining is one of the most challenging tasks of the field of information retrieval. Research community has been publishing a number of articles on this topic but a significant increase in interest has been observed during the past decade especially after the launch of several online social networks. In this paper, we provide a very detailed overview of the related work of opinion mining. Following features of our review make it stand unique among the works of similar kind: (1) it presents a very different perspective of the opinion mining field by discussing the work on different granularity levels (like word, sentences, and document levels) which is very unique and much required, (2) discussion of the related work in terms of challenges of the field of opinion mining, (3) document level discussion of the related work gives an overview of opinion mining task in blogosphere, one of most popular online social network, and (4) highlights the importance of online social networks for opinion mining task and other related sub-tasks

    Stock market sentiment lexicon acquisition using microblogging data and statistical measures

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    Lexicon acquisition is a key issue for sentiment analysis. This paper presents a novel and fast approach for creating stock market lexicons. The approach is based on statistical measures applied over a vast set of labeled messages from StockTwits, which is a specialized stock market microblog. We compare three adaptations of statistical measures, such as pointwise mutual information (PMI), two new complementary statistics and the use of sentiment scores for affirmative and negated con- texts. Using StockTwits, we show that the new lexicons are competitive for measuring investor sentiment when compared with six popular lexicons. We also applied a lexicon to easily produce Twitter investor sentiment indicators and analyzed their correlation with survey sentiment indexes. The new microblogging indicators have a moderate correlation with popular Investors Intelligence (II) and American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) indicators. Thus, the new microblogging approach can be used alternatively to traditional survey indicators with advantages (e.g., cheaper creation, higher frequencies).This work was supported by FCT - Funda ção para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/201

    Idiom–based features in sentiment analysis: cutting the Gordian knot

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    In this paper we describe an automated approach to enriching sentiment analysis with idiom–based features. Specifically, we automated the development of the supporting lexico–semantic resources, which include (1) a set of rules used to identify idioms in text and (2) their sentiment polarity classifications. Our method demonstrates how idiom dictionaries, which are readily available general pedagogical resources, can be adapted into purpose–specific computational resources automatically. These resources were then used to replace the manually engineered counterparts in an existing system, which originally outperformed the baseline sentiment analysis approaches by 17 percentage points on average, taking the F–measure from 40s into 60s. The new fully automated approach outperformed the baselines by 8 percentage points on average taking the F–measure from 40s into 50s. Although the latter improvement is not as high as the one achieved with the manually engineered features, it has got the advantage of being more general in a sense that it can readily utilize an arbitrary list of idioms without the knowledge acquisition overhead previously associated with this task, thereby fully automating the original approach
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