3 research outputs found

    Пеленгация речевых и специальных сигналов системой технического слуха в интеллектуальной робототехнике

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    Предлагается усовершенствованный метод пеленгации акустического сигнала. Сдвиг фаз и вычисление разности амплитуд определяют на текущем объекте исследования, который выбирается автоматически, основываясь на выводах о квазипериодичности и энергетической завершенности исследуемого фрагмента акустического сигнала.Пропонується удосконалений метод пеленгування акустичного сигналу. Зсув фаз та обчислення різниці амплітуд знаходять на поточному об’єкті дослідження, який вибирається автоматично, базуючись на висновках про квазіперіодичність та енергетичну завершеність досліджуваного фрагмента акустичного сигналу.The improved method of acoustic signal detection is offered. A distinctive feature of the algorithm is automatic detection of current research object borders

    The Design of Audio Mixing Software Displays to Support Critical Listening

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    PhDThe mixing desk metaphor found in Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) is built upon a specialised and technical knowledge of signal flow and audio engineering. However, since their inception the DAW has gained a far wider and less technically specialised user-base. Furthermore, the limited screen space of laptop and tablet computers, combined with potentially limitless tracks in current DAWs has resulted in the need for complex interface navigation during mixing which may inhibit a fluid and intuitive approach to mixing. The research outlined in this thesis explores novel designs for Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for mixing, which acknowledge the changing role of the user, the limited space of tablet and mobile computers screens and the limitations of human perception during cross modal activities (aural and visual). The author designs and conducts several experiments using non-expert participants drawn from several music technology courses, to assess and quantify the extent to which current DAW designs might influence mixing workflow, aiming our research especially at beginner and non-expert users. The results of our studies suggest that GUIs which load visual working memory, or force the user to mentally integrate visual information across the interface, can reduce the ability to hear subtle simultaneous changes to the audio. We use the analysis of these experiments to propose novel GUI designs that are better suited to human cross-modal perceptual limitations and which take into account the specific challenges and opportunities afforded by screen-based audio mixers. By so doing, we aim to support the user in achieving a more fluid and focused interaction while mixing, where the visual feedback supports and enhances the primary goal of attending to and modifying the audio content of the mix. In turn, it is hoped this will facilitate the artistic and creative approaches required by music computer users

    Using Vision to Improve Sound Source Separation

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    We present a method of improving sound source separation using vision. The sound source separation is an essential function to accomplish auditory scene understanding by separating stream of sounds generated from multiple sound sources. By separating a stream of sounds, recognition process, such as speech recognition, can simply work on a single stream, not mixed sound of several speakers. The performance is known to be improved by using stereo/binaural microphone and microphone array which provides spatial information for separation. However, these methods still have more than 20 degree of positional ambiguities. In this paper, we further added visual information to provide more specific and accurate position information. As a result, separation capability was drastically improved. In addition, we found that the use of approximate direction information drastically improve object tracking accuracy of a simple vision system, which in turn improves performance of the auditory system. We ..