3 research outputs found

    Big Data Analytics National Educational System Monitoring and Decision Making

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    This paper reviews the applications of big data in supporting monitoring and decision making in the National Educational System. It describes different types of monitoring methodologies and explores the opportunities, challenges and benefits of incorporating big data applications in order to study the National Educational System. This approach allows to analyze schools as entities, which included in a local context with specific social, economic, and cultural development features. In addition, the paper attempts to identify the prerequisites that support the implementation of data analysis in the national educational system. This review reveals that there are several opportunities for using big data (structured and unstructured information) in the educational system, in order to improve strategic multidimensional knowledge for decision making and developing educational policies; however, there are still many issues and challenges that need to be addressed so as to achieve a better use of this technology

    Using value network analysis to support data driven decision making in urban planning

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    This article provides a methodology of assessing the (Big)/(Open) Data quality in Data Driven Decision Making with the Value Network Analysis approach discovering the value creation failure point(s) in the network and evaluating the impact of loss of vale of data in DDDM process

    Permodelan pelaksanaan teknologi hijau dalam pengurusan di agensi kerajaan

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    This study is about the implementation of green technology modelling in transportation management in government agencies, It was conducted at the Royal Malaysian Police Department. This study examined the weakness of the existing model and made improvements on the model, This study employed a qualitative approach, phenomenography method, direct interviews, open- ended questions and purposive sampling, It also uses in-depth interview instruments, Transport has been identified as the primary source of carbon emission that is the second highest in Malaysia at 21 per cent. In addition, the Royal Malaysia Police was the department that used vehicles the most compared to other government departments. This research studied the transportation used by the Royal Malaysian Police. The existing model used by the Royal Malaysian Police states what can be achieved but does not state clearly how that goal can be achieved effectively, Research on the model is limited due to the lack of research in the implementation of green technology in transportation management in government agencies, This was seen through the article search in almost all green technology journals related to transportation management in government agencies, Objective of the study is to identify the implementation of green technology practices and achievement of the implementation of green technology in transport management. It also intended to identify the factors that led to the constraints of green technology implementation in transport management, develop institutional model in the implementation of green technology in transportation management at government agencies, and test and evaluate the model. This study contributes to green practices and green technology applications that can produce new ideas from theoretical and practical aspects, Finally, this study has also developed a new, relevant, practical and comprehensive model of the existing model that contributes to the organization